The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 544 549 Wait! 3 more

Chapter 544 549 Wait! 3 more


Li Guanshi died on Tianwu Star and was killed, along with his son Li Fan.

This matter quickly spread throughout the Tianwu Star, and everyone on the Tianwu Star was dumbfounded when they heard the news.

Whoever Li Guanshi is represents the Canglan Sect, whoever kills him will be tantamount to offending the Canglan Sect itself.

Although Li Guanshi is only a small steward in the great power of the Canglan Sect, this does not mean that other people can kill Li Guanshi at will.

Otherwise, how could there be so many Jindan monks willing to follow Li Guanshi.

This is all for the face of Cang Lanzong.

Now that Guanshi Li is dead, the Canglan Sect will definitely not sit idly by.

"Who killed Guanshi Li?"

"A mysterious young man with terrifying strength, killing Jindan is as easy as pie."

"Could it be the children who are second only to the great power of the Canglan Sect? They are the only ones who dare to do this."

"If it's that kind of genius, Guanshi Li should be able to recognize him. I don't think Li Guanshi knew that person at the time. He doesn't seem to have a sect."

"What? If you dare to kill someone from the Canglan Sect without a sect, isn't that courting death?"

"I don't think this person is simple. His methods are so fierce that people can't see the depth. Since he dared to kill Guanshi Li, he must have some methods that have not yet been used."

On Tianwu Star, discussions abounded, all discussing the killing of Guanshi Li.

After all, Guanshi Li is like an emperor on Tianwu Star, no one dares to offend easily, let alone kill Guanshi, it is purely because the old birthday star eats arsenic and has a long life.

Zhang House.

At this time, all the people brought by Li Guanshi were beheaded by Ding Ning, none of them were left behind, and Zhang Qingtian didn't even have a chance to stop them.

The house was quiet.

There were not many people, and now it is even more silent.

"Master Ding, it's not suitable to stay here for long, let's go quickly." Zhang qingyang said seriously.

After Ding Ning killed Guanshi Li, he didn't need to think about it to know that the Canglan Sect would send someone over soon. If he didn't leave here during this period, there would really be no way out.

Although if you leave now, you may not be able to live under the anger of the Canglan Sect, but it's better if the other party comes to your door and face the strong man of the Canglan Sect in person.

Since Guanshi Li's death constituted a fact, Zhang Qingtian couldn't blame Ding Ning anymore, they should work together even more now.

Ding Ning didn't speak, Zhang Susu took the lead and said, "Father, do you think we can escape?"

Zhang qingyang's face was serious, "If you can't escape, you have to escape. If you stay, you will only wait for death."

"This star field is full of people from the Canglan Sect. Before we can escape, we will definitely be stopped by the people from the Canglan Sect." Zhang Susu said. As a monk, he has been in the sect for many years. Know how terrifying the Canglan Sect is.

Zhang qingyang was silent, how could he not know this, but even so, he still wanted to do this, even if he couldn't escape, it was worth it if his daughter could escape.

"Master Ding, what do you say?"

Seeing that his daughter Zhang Susu didn't want to run away, Zhang Qingtian set his eyes on Ding Ning again.

Ding Ning looked calm and relaxed. He walked to a wooden chair, walked down slowly, and said, "Why do you want to run away? Let's sit here and wait for his Canglan Sect to arrive. I, Ding Since a person dares to kill, he dares to bear the consequences of killing."

On Earth, Ding Ning seldom kills, because some people are not qualified to be killed by him.

Ding Ning would only kill him if he was enraged and did something he couldn't stand.

And on this Tianwu star, Ding Ning's mentality has returned to the time when he was a devil in his previous life.


All along, only others fear him, fear him, fear him, why is he afraid of others.

If he Ding Ning couldn't even solve the sects in the star field in this remote area of ​​the cultivation world, how would he take revenge.

The person who framed him back then was many times stronger than the Canglan Sect.

From the soul memory of the skinny old man, he saw a familiar figure. That figure was only his subordinate in the previous life, but in this life, Ding Ning found that that person has become a very powerful person.

He Ding Ning faced Canglan Sect's revenge, if he still had to escape, he wouldn't need to return to the realm of comprehension, it would be nice to stay on Earth.

"Mr. Ding, this is not a joke. If the Canglan Sect makes a move, it will not only be as simple as the Golden Core Realm, but they are above the Golden Core Realm and at the Nascent Soul level." Zhang Xiaotian said very seriously .

Nascent Soul, that is an existence that is countless times stronger than Jindan. There is not a Nascent Soul Realm on the entire Tianwu Star, but in the Canglan Sect, there is more than one strong Nascent Soul Realm. Yingjing was terrified.

He felt that Ding Ning could win against the Golden Core Realm and was invincible in the same realm, but if it appeared at the Nascent Soul Realm, would Ding Ning still be an opponent?

"Mr. Ding, can you beat Nascent Soul Realm cultivators?" Xiao Chan was straightforward enough to get to the point, and asked the question that Zhang Qingtian and Zhang Susu wanted to know the most.

Ding Ning pondered for a while, Zhang Xiaotian, Zhang Susu, and Xiao Chan just looked at Ding Ning quietly, waiting for his answer.

"Ha ha……"

Ding Ning chuckled lightly, making the three of them puzzled.

Immediately, the three of them heard Ding Ning say, "The Nascent Soul Realm is only enough for me to be my servant."

Nascent Soul Realm as a servant?

The three of them looked at each other in blank dismay, and Xiao Chan even dug her ears, feeling that she heard right.

Nascent Soul Realm, in their view, is comparable to the existence of gods. How come you can only be reduced to a servant.

"Young Master Ding, are you kidding me?" Zhang Susu also felt that these words were unreliable and exaggerated. Even if you, Ding Ning, could sweep away monks at the Golden Core Realm, you couldn't boast that you were at the Nascent Soul Realm as your servant.

"A joke?" Ding Ning shook his head. He knew that the three of them didn't believe it, but he didn't bother to explain. If Ge Hong appeared here, the three of them would not be confused, because what Ding Ning said was indeed true.

"Believe it or not, you will find out when he comes to the Yuanying Realm from the Canglan Sect."

After speaking, Ding Ning sat on the wooden chair and began to close his eyes to rest his mind.


Zhang Susu, Zhang qingyang, and Xiaochan looked at each other, but they didn't know what to say.

Is Ding Ning boasting?Or is there really something going on?
"Master, miss, I think we can trust Mr. Ding once. You see, Mr. Ding said before that he could solve Guanshi. In fact, Mr. Ding did, didn't he?" Xiaochan said.

Zhang Xiaotian and Zhang Susu nodded. Ding Ning's strength was indeed unexpected.

After his expression changed for a while, Zhang Xiaotian took a deep breath, made a decision, and said, "Okay, then I'll stay with Mr. Ding and wait for Canglan Sect to arrive, and I won't leave."

Zhang qingyang sat on the wooden chair, and Zhang Susu sat beside him.

Outside the gate of Zhang's mansion, many people gathered here. They were a little surprised. Zhang qingyang didn't even think about running away, and he didn't come out. It's really surprising.

Could it be that under Ding Ning's calmness, Zhang qingyang and his daughter were all ready to risk their lives to accompany the gentleman.

Just waiting for the arrival of Canglan Sect.

(End of this chapter)

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