The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 546 551 Cut off! 2 more

Chapter 546 551 Cut off! 2 more

"Elder Ge, there is something that needs you to go, just so Elder Ge can get acquainted with the entire Canglan Starfield."

Xie Nantian called Ge Hong and told him that he wanted Ge Hong and another sect elder to go to Tianwuxing.

Of course, this is purely to watch the excitement.

Ge Hong didn't refuse. He knew that the Canglan star field was very big, and there were many planets with life forms. It was far from the Milky Way star universe. How long is the earth only.

Only a large star field like the Canglan Star Field is suitable for monks.

He just wanted to take a look at the other life stars in this star field, and moreover, he also wanted to see the strength of the Canglan Sect.

It is heard that the Canglan Sect is powerful and spread almost throughout the entire Canglan Starfield, and there may be many strong ones among them.

It doesn't matter if you go out for a walk, he's a little bored after staying in Liuyun Sect all day, since he came to this new world, he hasn't gone out to see it properly.

So, Ge Hong and another elder of Liuyunzong set off together, with the goal of Tianwuxing.


Although the death of Guanshi Li did not cause a shock in the entire Canglan Sect, someone dared to kill Guanshi Li. This was a provocation to the Canglan Sect. The head of the Canglan Sect handed over the matter to an elder. deal with.

Elder Tuoba, one of the twelve great elders in the Canglan Sect.

The head of the sect entrusted this matter to him. Elder Tuoba naturally wanted to handle this matter well and let everyone know that the power of the Canglan Sect cannot be provoked.

"My Canglan Sect has not made a move for many years, and it is time to let the world know that our Canglan Sect is terrible, lest some people think they can challenge my Canglan Sect's status."

Elder Tuoba didn't take Ding Ning to heart, he just thought it was someone who wanted to challenge the authority of the Canglan Sect. After all, the Canglan Sect had dominated the Canglan Starfield for too many years, it's normal for some restless masters to live.

There is not a huge team, densely packed personnel, Elder Tuoba only brought two subordinates, and quickly came to Tianwu Star.

Tianwu star has never been gathered by masters from various stars like it is today.

Because the news of Li Guanshi's killing spread throughout the Canglan Starfield, many forces or people from other sects gathered here, just to see who had such courage, and at the same time I also want to see the attitude of the Canglan Sect, the Canglan Sect will handle this matter in this way.

A large number of strong men appeared on Tianwu Star, which made many new faces here for a while. Many people who saw it were very surprised, because many of them had never seen so many strong men in their entire lives.

It was like a grand meeting was held on Tianwu Star, attracting all the powerful people in the world.

Facing so many strong men, none of the local masters of Tianwu Star dared to act presumptuously, and they all behaved honestly, because today's Tianwu Star is full of master monks.

In front of the gate of the Zhang Mansion, the largest number of people gathered, but all the monks from other places basically gathered here.

Although the strength of these people is not weak, they did not rely on their strength to directly enter the Zhang residence.

First, this is a matter between the Zhang family and the Canglan Sect, which will be resolved by the Canglan Sect. If other people intervene for no reason, they will definitely be blamed by the Canglan Sect.

Second, as many people entered Tianwu Star, these foreign masters also knew one thing, the young master who killed Guanshi Li was very powerful, easily killing ten Jindan Realm, this terrifying strength , It is dreadful, even though many people want to see Ding Ning himself, but based on this, they still dare not enter rashly.

If it was as strong as the Zhang family and was hated by Ding Ning, it would be courting death.

Although there are many monks in the Canglan Starfield, the monks who have reached the golden core state are not yet able to walk everywhere. If there are ten or twenty monks on each life star, that is too many.

So don't look at Ding Ning's easy killing of a dozen or so Gold Core Realm, it looks very easy, it's nothing, but for the vast majority of people in the Canglan Starfield, this record is still very scary.

Not everyone can reach the Golden Core Realm. After thousands of years, some sects have accumulated a few Golden Core Realms. One can imagine how many people will be shocked when they learn that Ding Ning can easily kill more than a dozen Golden Core Realms. Treat each other with caution.

Anyway, they are all here to watch the fun, and there will be people from the Canglan Sect to deal with it, so why should they take the limelight.

There are many people based on this kind of thinking, so you can see that around the Zhang Mansion, no matter you are in the Gathering God Realm, the Foundation Establishment Realm, or even the Golden Core Realm, you are all staying outside and have no intention of entering the Zhang Mansion.

However, there was a group of people who did not choose to do so. Their appearance attracted everyone's attention.

"Qingyun Pavilion." Someone told the sect of this pedestrian.

Seeing the people from Qingyun Pavilion stepping into the door of the head of the sect, it immediately aroused heated discussions among many people.

"The people from the Qingyun Pavilion dare to intervene in this matter. Could it be that they want to challenge the majesty of the Canglan Sect?"

"I don't think so. I remember that Zhang Qingtian's daughter is from the Qingyun Pavilion. I'm afraid it is because of this, the Qingyun Pavilion will enter it."

"Oh? This is also possible, but Qingyun Pavilion enters the Zhang residence, and I don't know what opinions it will convey. Is it going to persuade the Zhang residence or stand by the Zhang residence and jointly deal with the Canglan sect."

"Hehe, Qingyun Pavilion is not stupid, they would not do such a risky thing, they probably persuaded the Zhang family."

Originally, he was waiting in the mansion for the people from Canglan Sect to come, but he never thought that the people from Qingyun Pavilion would be the first to come.

"Senior brother." Zhang Susu showed a surprised look, looking at the familiar faces in front of her, all of them were senior brothers in her sect.

"Brother, please sit still."

Zhang Susu made a petition, but the senior brothers in white didn't intend to sit down, they just listened to the elder brother say: "No need, Susu, the elder brother came here on the order of the master, and the master asked me to persuade you, sister." , don’t be an enemy of the Canglan Sect, just bow your head if you should, as long as you bow your head, the sect master will come to the door to intercede for you, junior sister, and save your life.”

Zhang Susu's expression was complicated, he never expected that the sect would make him bow down even more to the Canglan sect.

"Brother, I..."

The elder brother didn't let Zhang Susu continue, and continued: "Susu, you don't need to explain, I just want to hear a word from you, will you obey the order of the master?"

Zhang Susu lowered her head, remained silent, and did not answer immediately.

She really didn't want to disobey the order of the head, but Zhang Susu also knew that Guanshi Li was killed in her Zhang residence, even if the head interceded with the Canglan sect for her and saved her life, what about her father and Ding Ning?

This is the end of the matter, and there is no turning back for her.

Thinking of this, Zhang Susu raised her head, and said seriously: "Senior brother, there is no turning back when you shoot the bow. Thank you for your concern for Susu, and let the senior brothers make this trip."

Hearing this, the expressions of the white-clothed men present changed, especially the senior brother. He looked at Zhang Susu and said, "Zhang Susu, are you planning to persevere to the end?"

Zhang Susu nodded.

"Okay." The elder brother continued with a very serious expression, "Since you have made such a choice, I will represent the head of the sect today. From now on, you, Zhang Susu, have nothing to do with Qingyun Pavilion."


Zhang Susu raised her head suddenly, her eyes were full of complex expressions, is Qingyun Pavilion drawing a clear line with her?
"Zhang Susu, from now on, you are no longer a child of my Qingyun Pavilion, you can do it yourself." The senior brother took a deep look at Zhang Susu, then glanced at Ding Ning behind him, and then waved his big sleeves, leading The person turned around and left the Zhang residence.

(End of this chapter)

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