The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 547 The 552 people are here! 3 more

Chapter 547 The 552 people are here! 3 more

The elder brother's words made Zhang Susu's bad mood even worse.

It's fine if Zongmen doesn't help her, but at this moment, he still has nothing to do with her.

Zhang Susu was very disappointed, because his heart towards Zongmen was ashamed.

"Susu, he did this in Qingyun Pavilion because he didn't want to be involved with us, so he immediately drew a clear line. Since the other party is so ruthless, don't be sad." Zhang Qingtian comforted.

Zhang Susu suppressed the feeling of being abandoned by the sect. Since the sect severed ties with her, Qingyun Pavilion is no longer her home. What her father said was right, her Zhang family offended the Canglan sect How could it be possible for Qingyun Pavilion to be an enemy of Canglan Sect because of her alone, keeping a distance from her, and breaking the relationship is the best way to protect itself.

She didn't blame the sect, but she felt that it was a little heartless.

Ding Ning was still resting his eyes with his eyes closed. The arrival of the white-clothed men in Qingyun Pavilion did not make him open his eyes, nor did he express any opinion on this matter.

Soon, Zhang Susu calmed down. Right now, surviving the disaster of the Canglan Sect is the most important thing, and everything else can be put aside.

Zhang Susu glanced at Ding Ning, and she knew that whether she could survive it was mainly on Ding Ning, but she, Zhang Susu, was not a person who relied entirely on others, even if her strength was weak and her realm was low, she would not give up on herself.

She also has to do her part, even if she can't help, she must keep herself in the best condition.

Zhang's mansion fell into silence again, and several Qingyun Pavilion children who had left from Zhang's mansion reappeared in the eyes of everyone.

The leading man raised a hand, causing the people behind him to stop.

He looked at the people around him and said loudly: "From now on, my Qingyun Pavilion does not have Zhang Susu as a disciple, and anything Zhang Susu does has nothing to do with my Qingyun Pavilion."

After all, the man disappeared from everyone's eyes with the one behind him.

After they left, the discussion started again.

"Qingyun Pavilion has severed ties with Zhang Susu."

"This relationship is too fast, it's a bit unreasonable."

"If I were the head of Qingyun Pavilion, I would do the same thing. How could I become an enemy of a behemoth like Canglan Sect just because of a disciple?"

"It's just that this piece of Susu is pitiful enough. She was abandoned by the sect, and now she has to face the Canglan sect."

The discussion continued, and more and more people gathered.

Ge Hong and another elder from Liuyun Sect came here quietly and squeezed into the crowd.

Both of them are in the Nascent Soul Realm, but they did not release the aura of the Nascent Soul Realm, they were all hidden, making it undetectable. , has long been hiding far away.

Nascent Soul Realm is considered the top combat power in the Canglan Starfield, and it is also highly respected.

Ge Hong didn't expect this. He thought that with his strength, once he entered the cultivation world, he would become a low-level figure. He didn't expect that in places other than the fairy world, the realm reached Nascent Soul, and he was also a master.

He can continue to enjoy the treatment of a master and attract much attention.

However, this time, when he came to Tianwu Star, as a spectator, he had to keep a low profile, so the aura of the Nascent Soul Realm must not be easily revealed.

"Elder Ge, this is the mansion. The steward of Wuxing died in this mansion. It seems that the people from the Canglan Sect have not arrived yet." The old man beside Ge Hong said to Ge Hong. Hong explained.

"I heard from the head that killing a Jindan cultivator is like chopping melons and vegetables. This person's strength is probably the same as ours, so he should be in the Nascent Soul realm." Ge Hong said.

The elder beside him nodded: "It is very likely that this will be the case, and only us in the Nascent Soul Realm can easily do this kind of thing. If you are also a monk in the Golden Core Realm, it is difficult to face so many people at once. A master of the same realm is undefeated."

"Oh? It may also be an existence that sweeps across the same realm, or even across realms." Ge Hong raised a possibility.

The elder chuckled and said seriously: "Elder Ge, there are only a handful of monks in the entire Canglan Starfield who can sweep across the same realm, and that requires extremely high talent and combat experience. As for you The existence of crossing the realm, hehe...then it is even rarer, like a phoenix feather and water chestnut, and this kind of monstrous genius can only be cultivated by the Canglan Sect, but it is also extremely rare."

"Really?" Ge Hong rolled his eyes around, and continued: "Could it be impossible for such an existence to exist in other places besides the Canglan Sect?"

The old man thought for a long while and said: "Not all of them, but at least it is like this in the Canglan Starfield. As for the other places you mentioned, I think they are other starfields that are extremely far away from the Canglan Starfield. Anyway, this kind of person , it is impossible to appear in a small place, only an extremely powerful sect can give birth to such a character."

Ge Hong didn't speak anymore, but in his heart, he didn't agree with the elder's words.

Because he knew such a person, who came from a small place, could fight across borders, and even won.

That person is naturally Ding Ning.

Having personally experienced Ding Ning's strength, Ge Hong has a good understanding of Ding Ning. If Ding Ning's strength is displayed in the Canglan Starfield, everyone will be dumbfounded.

Is he still alive?
where is he?

One after another, questions arose from Ge Hong's mind again.

"Maybe, he is dead, I just don't know." Ge Hong said to himself.Thinking of this, he heaved a sigh of relief, if this is the case, he can continue his life forever, and there is no shortage of good things.

Just as Ge Hong was feeling emotional, suddenly, his soul was hot.

Ge Hong was startled suddenly, and the Nascent Soul in his dantian opened his eyes.

At this time, Ge Hong's expression froze, and the elders of Liuyunzong who were beside him didn't notice anything wrong with Ge Hong.

The reason for this is naturally because Ge Hong felt a wave in his soul.

He is very familiar with this fluctuation, because it is the bridge between him and Ding Ning.

After surviving from the cosmic sea, this fluctuation never appeared again. He thought that he had lost contact with Ding Ning, and even if Ding Ning did not die, he would not be able to contact him.

But just now, this connection reappeared.

what does this mean?
Ge Hong was clear in his heart.

Sure enough, in the next second, a voice appeared in Ge Hong's mind.

It's Ding Ning.

When Ge Hong's mind sank into his soul, three figures descended from the sky and appeared in everyone's field of vision.

With the appearance of these three people, especially the one wearing the clothes with the special logo of the Canglan Sect, they immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

People from the Canglan Sect are here!

(End of this chapter)

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