The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 548 553 show up! 1 more

Chapter 548 553 show up! 1 more


The Canglan Sect's people appeared and immediately became the focus.

The reason why everyone is waiting here is to see how the Canglan Sect will solve this matter, and what kind of experts will be sent here.

Only three people?

Seeing that there were only three figures, many people felt that the formation was a bit small. With the strength of the Canglan Sect, if someone dared to provoke, it should be due to the presence of a large number of masters.

However, it is not.

There are only these three people in front of him, and two of them are just the breath of Jindan monks, only the old man in the middle is hard to see through.

"The Canglan Sect really doesn't pay much attention to this matter."

"Yeah, why are there so few people here?"

Some people don't understand that the Canglan Sect's countermeasures are too small, and it doesn't conform to the momentum of such a powerful sect as the Canglan Sect.

However, someone immediately said: "If you don't know, don't talk nonsense. Do you know what kind of character one of these three people is?"

Some people who didn't know the old man in the middle turned their eyes over one after another, and heard the man continue: "There are twelve elders in the Canglan Sect, you should know it well."

"The Twelve Elders?"

Someone nodded, but he had heard about it before, "It is said that each of the Twelve Elders is a superpower in the Nascent Soul Realm. You mentioned the Twelve Elders, could it be..."

Only then did people understand the true meaning of what this person said.

"Is he one of the twelve elders?"

Needless to say, people realized that the old man in the middle should be one of the twelve great elders.

One of the twelve elders came here, isn't it enough to show that Canglan Sect attaches great importance to this matter?
"He is Elder Tuoba!"

Some people who were lucky enough to meet Elder Tuoba revealed the name of this elder, Elder Tuoba!
"I didn't expect Elder Tuoba to come here in person. The person who killed Guanshi Li today will undoubtedly die."

"With Elder Tuoba, why do you need other people, one person is enough."

"This time, Zhang's house seems to be more ominous than good."

Many people are still discussing that the appearance of Elder Tuoba made people realize that Canglan Sect still attaches great importance to this matter, otherwise it would be impossible to send an elder.

Even if it is only one, it is enough to show an attitude.

You know, the twelve elders of the Canglan Sect rarely show their faces. It has been hundreds of years, and none of the elders has shown their faces.

Behind the crowd, there were a few figures standing out of everyone's field of vision. They were the disciples of Qingyun Pavilion who had left before. They didn't really leave, but returned.

Seeing the appearance of Elder Tuoba, a great master of Nascent Soul Realm, and several disciples of Qingyun Pavilion, all heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, they broke off the relationship with Zhang Susu in time, otherwise, if Elder Tuoba transferred his anger to He Qingyun Pavilion, Qingyun Pavilion can't bear it either.

"The headmaster's decision is really wise, otherwise, our Qingyun Pavilion will really be harmed by Zhang Susu." A student of Qingyun Pavilion said.

"She, Zhang Susu, is also really lucky. It is her blessing to be favored by Guanshi Li's son. Why should she refuse? Otherwise, how could Elder Tuoba be provoked?"

"Okay, don't talk about it, how about her Zhang Susu, it has nothing to do with our Qingyun Pavilion now, we are just spectators now, I want to see what the person who helped her Zhang's mansion kill Li Guanshi, what is it?" To face Elder Tuoba's anger by means." The elder brother of Qingyun Pavilion spoke.

The juniors around laughed and said, "We are looking forward to it too."

Elder Tuoba and the three stopped at a distance of more than [-] meters in front of the gate of the Zhang residence, and did not enter the interior of the Zhang residence.

Everyone was puzzled, at this moment, the two Golden Core cultivators standing beside Elder Tuoba simultaneously shot out a force, aiming at the entire Zhang residence.

They wanted to destroy Zhang's mansion and let the people in it come out on their own initiative instead of them going in.

Just kidding, how could Elder Tuoba, one of the twelve great elders of the Canglan Sect, go to meet him in person? Only others have always taken the initiative to see him, even if they came to get rid of those who dared to provoke him. And still.

The peak of the late Jindan Realm!
As for the aura displayed by the two Golden Core Realm monks beside Elder Tuoba, people instantly understood the realm of strength, and they were all existences that were only one step away from entering the Nascent Soul.

Two powerful Golden Core Realm forces shot towards Zhang's mansion, exuding an aura of destroying everything.

Even if the Zhang Mansion is made of copper and iron walls, it will certainly not be able to resist this terrifying force.

Ding Ning, Zhang Qingtian, Zhang Susu and others who were inside Zhang's mansion naturally felt this move.

Both Zhang Susu and Zhang qingyang showed a hint of panic. The aura of the Jindan realm was overwhelming, and the two of them, father and daughter, could not resist it.

His eyes for help fell on Ding Ning immediately.

Ding Ning's eyes shot out two sharp lights, he snorted softly, and then moved his hands, and in an instant, two giant hands formed in the air. Outside the Zhang Mansion, people saw the two forces that destroyed everything, and they were about to It fell, but in an instant, two big hands appeared, holding the two forces in their hands, and disappeared like that without a sound.

Seeing this, the expressions of the two Golden Core cultivators changed, and they were taken aback.

At this scene, the people around were also shocked. The scene in front of them was like a big house with two arms, easily defusing the attacks of the two Jindan peaks. , It should be the fierce man who killed Guanshi Li.

all right?
Zhang qingyang and zhang susu were a little shocked, and were about to say something to thank Ding Ning, when a faint voice came.

"Good skill, the person who killed Manager Li must be you. If that's the case, please show up and see."

This is Elder Tuoba's voice.

"Master Ding, us?" Zhang Qingtian and Zhang Susu naturally depended on Ding Ning's attitude.

Ding Ning got up, stood up from the chair, and said slowly: "Since this person opened his mouth, it's okay if we go and meet him, let's go!"

Zhang Susu was the first to follow, Xiao Chan followed closely behind, and finally Zhang Xiaotian also followed.

Outside the gate of Zhang Mansion.

After Elder Tuoba finished speaking, even though there were many people standing around, they were all quiet, and they all did not speak in a tacit understanding. Everyone's eyes were fixed on the gate of the Zhang Mansion, and they wanted to take a look at the person who killed Guanshi Li , What does it look like? Does it have three heads and six arms, and dares to do such crazy things as offending the Canglan Sect.


The door opened automatically, and the face of a young man entered everyone's field of vision.

Delicate, with a bookish face.

Is he the one who just shot?
Ding Ning walked in front of Zhang Xiaotian and Zhang Susu, and was the first to leave the Zhang residence, standing in everyone's sight.

At this moment, Ding Ning's appearance was exposed to the eyes of everyone on Tianwu Star for the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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