The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 551 556 This son is a bit strong! 1 more

Chapter 551 556 This son is a bit strong! 1 more

Since Ge Hong appeared on Tianwu Star, Ding Ning has noticed Ge Hong's existence, but before he could contact Ge Hong, Ge Hong took the initiative to come around the Zhang residence.

As a result, Ding Ning's voice sounded in Ge Hong's mind, and the new life that Ge Hong had just started returned to the past in an instant.

Without Ding Ning, Ge Hong would not have taken the initiative to become an enemy of Canglan Sect. These days in Liuyunzong, he had a detailed understanding of the major forces in the Canglan Starfield.

From his understanding, he discovered that the Canglan Sect had the greatest power and strength, and there were hundreds of monks at the Jindan stage alone, not counting those who stood at the peak of the late stage of the foundation stage.

In addition to the many accidents of Jindan monks, there are also a few people at the Nascent Soul level, known as the Twelve Elders.

At that time, Ge Hong's thinking was that he must not easily provoke such a force, otherwise with his strength, he would have to spill blood.

But the plan didn't change quickly. How could Ge Hong have thought that Ding Ning killed Guanshi Li and offended the Canglan Sect to the end, and it happened that he came to Ding Ning on his own initiative. Make a move, even the opponent's Canglan Sect.

There was no way, his life was in Ding Ning's hands.

Had he known this would happen, Ge Hong would not have taken the initiative to come to Tianwu Star even if he was killed.

But Ding Ning sensed him, and he couldn't escape, so he could only follow Ding Ning's orders.

Therefore, when Elder Tuoba made a move, he stood up.

Ge Hong couldn't change the fact that he was Ding Ning's servant, but he didn't expect that because of his words, countless people guessed Ding Ning's identity.

The Canglan Sect couldn't do such a luxurious thing as a servant of a strong Nascent Soul Realm.

Therefore, Ding Ning's status should be unusual.

Immediately, even Elder Tuoba became a bit wary.

"I see. No wonder he dared to say that Elder Tuoba is not qualified to fight him. The reason is here." Someone pointed out that the reason for Ding Ning's arrogant words was the existence of Ge Hong, a Nascent Soul-level servant.

Many people have suddenly realized that this is indeed the truth.

Only a few people are still angry in their hearts.

For example, when the two Jindan monks who came with Elder Tuoba saw Ge Hong, who was in the Nascent Soul Realm, admitted that he was Ding Ning's servant, they were shocked, and their hearts were a little sour. The strong in the baby state are servants.

"If there was no such person, he might have been killed by Elder Tuoba, but he was just a coward hiding behind others. In my opinion, the person who killed Guanshi Li may not be him, it should be this Nascent Soul Realm. "

"That's right, he is a young man, how could he do that, it must have been done by this person."

The two were envious in their hearts, but they would not admit it, and belittled Ding Ning in a low voice.

On Elder Tuoba's side, after a short thought, Elder Tuoba knew that no matter what status Ding Ning had, he could not lose the face of the Canglan Sect. Everyone must be deeply aware that the Canglan Sect is sacred and inviolable. .

Therefore, even if Ge Hong helped Ding Ning, Elder Tuoba would get rid of Ding Ning.

But to get rid of Ding Ning, Ge Hong must be killed first if he wants to play the role of killing chickens and monkeys.

After thinking up to this point, Elder Tuoba has nothing to say, so let's kill Ge Hong first.

Elder Tuoba was murderous again, Ge Hong was not to be outdone, the same Nascent Soul Realm power surged out, and in an instant, the two Nascent Soul Realm powerhouses began to fight on the battlefield.

Seeing the two Nascent Soul masters duel, learning the lesson just now, all the people watching the battle immediately retreated, not daring to get too close to the battlefield, otherwise, they will be affected again, and it is not impossible to lose their lives. .

Zhang Xiaotian, Zhang Susu, and Xiaochan were also retreating, staying away from the battlefield. For a moment, they could only see the center of the battlefield. Besides the two who were fighting, Ding Ning was the only one.

Ding Ning didn't care about the aftermath of the fight, his strength was not enough to be hurt by the aftermath of the Nascent Soul Realm battle.

Sands and stones were flying everywhere, the light suddenly appeared, and the roar pierced their ears. What everyone saw was just a formation, and none of them could clearly see the details of the fight.

I just feel that this confrontation must be very fierce and dangerous.

Ding Ning stood in the middle of the field, motionless, staring at the front, he saw clearly the fight between Ge Hong and Elder Tuoba.

Ding Ning knew Ge Hong's strength. After all, this was the first Nascent Soul cultivator he had defeated since his rebirth. In terms of strength, Ge Hong was not weak.

However, compared with Elder Tuoba, Ge Hong is inferior.

There is no other reason. Elder Tuoba grew up in the vast environment of the entire Canglan Starfield. He has fought many opponents and many strong ones.

On the other hand, Ge Hong stayed in the fairy world. After entering the Nascent Soul Realm, he had no opponents and went into seclusion for a long time. In comparison, Elder Tuoba was naturally stronger.

Elder Tuoba has an advantage in himself, and Ge Hong is a person who has just passed through the universe sea. His own strength has not yet returned to its peak, and his physical body is not as strong as before.

Elder Tuoba smiled. Although Ge Hong's strength was the same as his, at the late stage of Nascent Soul Realm, Ge Hong's combat experience was not as good as him, and Ge Hong's method was not as good as him.

After he killed Ge Hong, he went to kill Ding Ning. As for Ding Ning's identity, he didn't think about it. He focused on defending the might of the Canglan Sect, and he must kill those who dared to challenge his majesty.

go with!
Elder Tuoba suddenly threw out a magic weapon, which zoomed in quickly in the air, and suddenly blasted towards Ge Hong.

Ge Hong's heart trembled, and he resisted with both fists, but this magic weapon was so powerful that it blasted him into the ground.


Elder Tuoba knew that it was time to take advantage of this blow to end Ge Hong's life.

He urged the magic weapon and smashed it down again.


Ge Hong, who had just crawled out of the ground, saw the magic weapon coming with a heavy aura.

He yelled badly in his heart.

It’s over.

The crisis of life and death enveloped him, and Ge Hong felt that the god of death was coming.

At this moment, a figure appeared beside him. This person was none other than Ding Ning.

"My lord..." Ge Hong stared at Ding Ning, never thought that he, a servant, would need Ding Ning's rescue.

The smashed magic weapon failed to fall, so Ding Ning caught it with one hand and threw it out.

After finishing this action, Ding Ning said calmly: "It's all right."

Ge Hong stood up in shame, lowered his head, "Master, I have let you down."

Ding Ning didn't blame Ge Hong, and said bluntly: "You are not weaker than him. After I find more natural treasures and strengthen your body, he may not be your opponent."

Ge Hong was moved and never thought about it, Ding Ning didn't blame him at all.

At this moment, the gap between Ding Ning and Ding Ning in the bottom of my heart gradually began to disappear.

This pair of masters and servants, one of them didn't change their expressions, and the other was grateful. They didn't know that the people around them all looked like they had seen a ghost at this moment.

What did they see?
Ding Ning rescued Ge Hong, is there any reason!
A strong Nascent Soul Realm was unexpectedly rescued by Ding Ning.

(End of this chapter)

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