The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 552 557 Straight man! 2 more

Chapter 552 557 Straight man! 2 more

A magic weapon of a Nascent Soul Realm powerhouse was caught just like that, and then thrown out, no trace could be seen at all.

This move really shocked everyone.

Especially Zhang Qingtian, Zhang Susu and Xiao Chan.

They had heard from Ding Ning before that Ding Ning's Golden Core Realm, but what's going on now, the Golden Core Realm took over the Nascent Soul Realm's Magical Artifact, it's too ridiculous.

Is there such a strong Jindan realm?

Not to mention that Zhang Xiaotian, Zhang Susu's father and daughter had never met, most of the people present had never seen each other.

There is an essential difference between the Golden Core Realm and the Nascent Soul Realm. How could it be almost the same? In that case, why are they divided into two realms.

But the aura that Ding Ning is displaying right now is clearly at the Jindan stage, how did he do it?
If it were any other Jindan monks, they would have to be knocked away by the magic weapon when they touched Elder Tuoba's magic weapon, instead of catching it and throwing the magic weapon out.

"What kind of strength is he?"

"I don't understand, it's clearly the aura of Jindan realm, but it has the strength of Nascent Soul realm, it's unbelievable."

"I think that maybe his physical body is too strong, so he can do what he did just now. In theory, when the physical body is strong enough, the gap between realms will not be too obvious."

"That is to say, his physical body is already comparable to that of the Nascent Soul Realm? Otherwise, it would be impossible to catch the Magical Artifact of the Nascent Soul Realm."

"This should be."

The emergence of this guess shocked everyone again, how abnormal it is for a cultivator at the Golden Core Realm to have a physical body at the Nascent Soul Realm.

Some people have never heard of this kind of thing, but they have witnessed it with their own eyes.

"Where did Zhang Susu find such a terrifying person?" Outside the crowd, the disciples of Qingyun Pavilion discussed.

I thought Elder Tuoba took action, Ding Ning was killed, and the Zhang Mansion was destroyed. It was a foregone conclusion, but I never expected that things would twist and turn. Ge Hong in Yuanyingjing is Ding Ning's servant. Now, Ding Ning himself also has the strength to compete with Yuanyingjing, which is really abnormal.

Hearing this, the elder brother of Qingyun Pavilion frowned, which he did not expect. Although he also believed in his heart that he would not win if he was an enemy of Canglan Sect, but in this situation right now , the Zhang Mansion might not have a chance.


A golden light flashed, and the magic weapon returned to the palm of Elder Tuoba. It was a round ball tied with an iron chain. To deal with the enemy, it only needed to be smashed. I never thought that this magic weapon of his would be destroyed one day. A Jindan cultivator caught it and threw it hundreds of miles away.

"Crossing the border..." Elder Tuoba muttered, the attack that was supposed to kill Ge Hong was blocked by Ding Ning. This move made Elder Tuoba realize that Ding Ning still has the ability to cross the border.

This kind of talent is a bit too much against the sky, and the future achievements are limitless.

Even looking at the entire Canglan Starfield, people who can fight across borders are extremely rare.

As far as Elder Tuoba knew, the head of the Canglan Sect was a genius who could fight across borders when he was young. After that, although there were also geniuses in the Canglan Sect who could fight across the border, most of them used some special means , such as the blessing of the magic weapon and the blessing of the special method, on the other hand, Ding Ning relied purely on himself without any external objects, which is more terrifying.

This is only because Ding Ning is a monk in the Golden Core Realm. If Ding Ning steps into the Nascent Soul Realm, doesn't it mean that he can sweep away the Nascent Soul cultivators?

Elder Tuoba couldn't imagine it. He realized Ding Ning's terrifying potential for growth. If such a person could not be a friend but an enemy, he would definitely become the biggest threat.

"Aren't you from my Canglan Starfield? Where are you from? If you are a friend from another starfield, I can let it go." Elder Tuoba suddenly changed his words. He knew that with Ding Ning's strength, it was absolutely impossible for him to do it out of thin air. The one who jumped out must have a terrible background. Previously, a strong Nascent Soul like Ge Hong was a servant, which explained this very well. Therefore, Elder Tuoba felt that it was necessary for him to ask another question.

Of course, the reason why he said this is also Elder Tuoba's own thoughts. If Ding Ning is really a strong child from another star field, he can be the master of the sect for a while. In this way, he can defend Canglan Zong's majesty can also turn an enemy into a friend. For a genius like Ding Ning, it is best not to be an enemy, and he can definitely kill two birds with one stone.

Furthermore, if Guanshi Li dies, Guanshi Wang, Guanshi Zhao, etc. can be replaced. This will not affect the Canglan Sect. On the contrary, if Ding Ning is facing each other, if Ding Ning really has some monstrous background, it will be a big problem for him. For the Canglan Sect, it would be bad instead. It is very likely that a powerful enemy will be provoked, and it will be the Canglan Sect who will suffer.

Elder Tuoba thought well here, and his consideration was considered complete, but he didn't expect Ding Ning's words to make all his thoughts come to nothing.

"I am a certain person who has no background and no affiliation. As for where he came from, you don't need to know that."


Elder Tuoba was stunned for a moment, and said, he has given you a step down, even if you just make up a background.

Ge Hong knew that what Ding Ning said was true, that there was indeed no sect and no strong background, but he didn't expect Ding Ning to say that, wouldn't it be good to create a strong background with a mysterious identity?Why did you just tell the truth? If it were someone else, you would want to exaggerate your background to death. It would be great to be here with Ding Ning, but I have no background.

Do you want to be so straightforward!

When the people around heard this, they also felt that Ding Ning was too honest, even a little stupid. You must know that this is an opportunity to resolve the current situation.

After all, Elder Tuoba asked that.

Ding Ning didn't know what Elder Tuoba meant, but he Ding Ning didn't bother to do that, he would fight if he wanted to, he was not afraid.

In his bones, Ding Ning is actually a bit straight.

Elder Tuoba's complexion became ugly again. Since Ding Ning was given a chance, Ding Ning didn't cherish it. It seems that he could only choose the last path and kill Ding Ning.

If you can't be friends, then you can't stay.

So as not to cause serious trouble in the future.

"In this way, I have no choice but to kill you." Elder Tuoba said coldly. Anyway, Ding Ning himself said that he has no family or sect, so he doesn't need to worry about it. As long as he kills Ding Ning, he will have nothing to worry about. exist.

Ge Hong was no match for Elder Tuoba, so Ding Ning could only do it himself.

Facing Elder Tuoba who was even stronger than Ge Hong, Ding Ning's eyes flashed with fighting intent, and the corner of his mouth softly uttered a sentence: "I haven't killed the Nascent Soul Realm in this life, and you will be the first."

After finishing speaking, a faint smile appeared on Ding Ning's face.

(End of this chapter)

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