The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 553 558 Fight Nascent Soul again! 3 more

Chapter 553 558 Fight Nascent Soul again! 3 more

Ding Ning and Elder Tuoba fought together, and the whole earth trembled.

In an instant, the battlefield became even more chaotic than before. Zhang's mansion was the closest to the battlefield, and was the first to suffer from an attack. It was instantly wiped out and nothing remained.

Then, the surrounding buildings were all affected by the energy of the two fighting and turned into pieces of ruins.

The people who thought they were hiding in a safe zone were preparing to watch the battle, but seeing the terrible aftermath of the battle, they all fled in all directions, away from the battlefield.

Ge Hong took Zhang Susu, Xiao Chan, and Zhang Xiaotian aside as quickly as possible, and protected them with his own energy.

Having failed to help Ding Ning defeat Elder Tuoba, Ge Hong felt that he was a bit useless, and if he couldn't handle the matter Ding Ning explained, he would feel even more incompetent.

"Master Ding, he..."

Zhang Susu, Xiao Chan, and Zhang Xiaotian, who were protected by Ge Hong's energy, did not need to be like the others, they could watch the battle at close range. As a Nascent Soul cultivator, Ge Hong could not beat Elder Tuoba, but he could still withstand the aftermath of the attack with ease. did it.

Hearing Zhang Susu and Xiaochan's worries, Ge Hong said: "You just need to trust the young master, the young master will not be defeated."

Zhang Susu was puzzled by the servant of Ding Ning in front of him, who was also a great master of Nascent Soul Realm, how could such a powerful person be his servant until Ding Ning blocked Elder Tuoba's attack for Ge Hong Only then did Zhang Susu realize that although Ding Ning was in the Golden Core Realm, he could fight against the Nascent Soul Realm.

Ge Hong believed in Ding Ning so much, Zhang Susu felt that the worries of himself and others seemed a little superfluous.

She turned her eyes, looked at the sky from the ground, looked at the figure in the sky, and thought in her heart, maybe that man can really do it.

The battlefield moved from the ground to the sky, and those people who were far away from the battlefield stopped one after another and did not move forward.

All eyes were involuntarily focused on the sky.

The scene in front of me is still unbelievable. It would be unbelievable if it hadn't happened in front of your eyes for a young Jindan monk and a strong Nascent Soul realm.

"Which of them will win?"

"Is it Elder Tuoba? Or him?"

The question of who can stand at the end has become the focus of people's discussion at the moment. In fact, neither of these two people is weak. One is one of the famous twelve elders of the Canglan Sect. Although Ding Ning is not famous and unknown, after today Everyone would know that Ding Ning definitely became famous in the first battle, and his influence was greater than that of killing Guanshi Li.

Although Ding Ning said that he has no family and sect and no background, some people think otherwise. They think that Ding Ning didn't tell the truth and just deliberately didn't talk about his sect, which doesn't mean that Ding Ning really has no background.

Moreover, Ding Ning's background must be extraordinary, otherwise he would be so powerful. You must know that at Ding Ning's age, except for those big forces, some small sects could not be cultivated at all.

Therefore, Ding Ning must have an amazing background identity, but he just doesn't want to reveal it.

"I think Elder Tuoba is more likely to win. First of all, Elder Tuoba has been in the Nascent Soul Realm for many years and is one of the twelve elders of the Canglan Sect. This is enough to prove the strength of Elder Tuoba. Secondly, I heard that Tuoba When the elder was young, he was also a genius. Although he did not reach the level of fighting across the border, he was also extremely talented. Among the people of the same age as Elder Tuoba, only Elder Tuoba entered the Nascent Soul Realm. A battle came up."

"On the other hand, this person is young, although his strength is not bad, but compared with Elder Tuoba, after all, he is still a big gap. It is okay to fight for a short time. Once he falls into a tug-of-war, he will undoubtedly lose. Besides, , he is a young monk, no matter how rich his combat experience is, he can’t compare to Elder Tuoba, there is a saying that Jiang is old and hot, he is still too young.”

Many people nodded one after another, thinking that it made sense. Most of the people present also believed that Elder Tuoba would be the final winner. Although Ding Ning was an evil genius, it was just a flash in the pan. How could Elder Tuoba be defeated by a What about young people, let alone a Jindan stage monk who is one level below himself.

No matter how heated the discussion on the ground is, it doesn't matter to the two people in the sky.

The two moved from the ground to the sky, and the battlefield changed several times, and they could finally fight with their hands free, without worrying about hurting innocent people.

"I admit that in the Golden Core Realm, you can sweep everything, but do you think you can beat me?" said Elder Tuoba.

"What's so difficult about defeating you? I said before that you will become the first Nascent Soul Realm to kill me, and you will be honored." Ding Ning said.

Elder Tuoba smiled: "Hehe... I don't know where your confidence comes from. Although you are highly talented, you can fight me in the Golden Core Realm, but the Golden Core Realm is the Golden Core Realm. After all, there is a gap between you and me." A moat."

"So what, it's not like I haven't defeated Nascent Soul Realm." Ding Ning said disapprovingly, he was able to defeat Ge Hong back then, and today he can defeat Elder Tuoba.

"It seems that we have nothing to say, so let's see the real trick." Elder Tuoba stopped talking, and immediately used a set of top methods.

Immediately, a huge golden body appeared behind him, following Elder Tuoba, he shouted "Come out."

This golden body passed Elder Tuoba himself and rushed towards Ding Ning.

Ding Ning didn't use any methods to deal with these attacks, he just swung his fist and it was a blow.

boom! boom! boom!
After Ding Ning counted punches, the golden body was broken, Elder Tuoba continued to use other methods, and Ding Ning has always used one move, that is fist.

No matter what kind of attack Elder Tuoba made, Ding Ning would always hit it with one punch. If one punch can't solve it, then two punches, three punches...

Gradually, people discovered that Elder Tuoba used more than a dozen techniques, but none of them could hurt Ding Ning, all of them were broken by Ding Ning.

Even so, Elder Tuoba continued to bombard, and his subordinates did not stop.

Gradually, Ding Ning found out that the other party was trying to quarrel with him on purpose. Elder Tuoba knew that Ding Ning's body was too tyrannical, so he was not in a hurry to kill him with one move, and started a war of attrition. Anyway, Elder Tuoba was the real Nascent Soul To maintain such a strong physical body, Ding Ning must consume a lot of strength. It is okay if the time is short, but if the time is too long, it will inevitably cause a lot of load.

"Did you find out?" Elder Tuoba sneered, "But it's nothing if you found out, you can't help me, and I can't break through your defense for a while, so let's see who can afford it, anyway, I There is a lot of power in the body."

Ding Ning frowned.

Ge Hong on the ground saw all the fights in the sky, and knew that Ding Ning would fall into a war of attrition.

He was wondering if he should make a move and join forces with Ding Ning to deal with Elder Tuoba.

Immediately, Ge Hong made a decision to help Ding Ning. If Ding Ning was killed by Elder Tuoba, he would not be able to escape the end of death if he signed a soul contract with Ding Ning.

However, before Ge Hong left, Ding Ning's voice rang in his mind, making him stop all actions.

(End of this chapter)

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