The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 564 569 Sweep! 2 more

Chapter 564 569 Sweep! 2 more

It worked!
Seeing this scene, Ge Hong's face was shocked at first, and then disappeared immediately, returning to normal.

He knew that Ding Ning would succeed, and sure enough, Ding Ning really stepped into the Nascent Soul Realm.

"This is just a breakthrough in the righteous way, young master. You can cultivate not only the righteous way, but also the devil way. Presumably if you are willing, the devil way can also enter the Nascent Soul Realm in one fell swoop." Thinking of this, Ge Hong couldn't help but doubled Looking forward to it, if that is the case, the second and third elders of the Canglan Sect are not enough to look at, and they will all have to be beaten down by Ding Ning.

Zhang Susu and Zhang Xiaotian were also stunned by Ding Ning's sudden entry into the Nascent Soul Realm. They only heard Zhang Xiaotian say, "Susu, do you know if Young Master Ding has a wife? If not, that would be great."

Hearing this, Zhang Susu's face turned red, how could she not understand what her father meant, and said a little angrily: "Father, what are you talking about, whether or not Mr. Ding marries a wife, has nothing to do with us."

Zhang qingyang laughed: "Okay, after Mr. Ding's fight is over, I'll ask in person, if such an outstanding young man can become my son-in-law, I, Zhang qingyang, will be completely elated."

People several miles around the battlefield were also shocked by Ding Ning's stepping into the Nascent Soul Realm. They never thought that Ding Ning could survive the thunder disaster of the Nascent Soul Realm while fighting.

Those who thought that Ding Ning could not succeed were suddenly speechless, and were severely slapped in the face by reality.

Just when everyone was in shock, they saw the six elders of Canglan Sect immediately attack.

At this time, the six elders knew that they could not give Ding Ning a chance to breathe. In the Golden Core Realm, Ding Ning could fight the six of them alone. This was a chance for Ding Ning to recover his strength. Wouldn't it be possible for Ding Ning to sweep them away after stepping into the Nascent Soul Realm? .

Therefore, Ding Ning must be beheaded as soon as possible.

Six powerful auras spread across the surface, blocking Ding Ning's surroundings, just like before, not giving Ding Ning any room to escape.


When they came in front of Ding Ning, the six of them didn't stop for a moment, and each of them took out the most powerful attack, even using the magic weapon, and blasted at Ding Ning with all their brains.

Ding Ning, who was suspended in mid-air, opened his eyes suddenly, and two golden lights swept towards the six elders. The elders who looked at them were quite dazzling.

However, their attacks did not stop, and they were all blasted down.

In an instant, a bright ray of light exploded, shooting out countless lines and scattering in all directions.

The six elders of the Canglan Sect stared at the front, only seeing the front, which was empty.

Ding Ning was blown to pieces, not even scum left?
Just when this idea had just risen from the hearts of several people, Ding Ning's voice suddenly sounded.

"You couldn't kill me before, but now that I've entered the Nascent Soul Realm, you can kill me?"

The voice came from behind the crowd.


The six turned their heads and saw Ding Ning standing not far away, staring at them.

Such a fast speed, when did he escape from their eyes, you must know that just now, they all saw that Ding Ning's surroundings were blocked.

How did they know that Ding Ning just casually took out the Nascent Soul-level method from his previous life, and then disappeared from their eyes, how could he be completely blocked.

Ding Ning's method surprised several people, but now is not the time to think about it. Their goal is to kill Ding Ning. As long as Ding Ning is killed, everything can be ignored.


Elder Tang Yuan spoke again and gave a soft drink, and in an instant, six people surrounded and suppressed him again.

The corner of Ding Ning's mouth raised, and he said calmly: "You guys killed me before, now it's time for me to kill you." After speaking, he took the initiative to rush forward.


With a dodge, Ding Ning escaped from the encirclement of the six people in an instant, and appeared behind one of the elders. He patted the elder's shoulder, and the elder just reacted.

Before he could make a move, Ding Ning immediately punched him.

After one punch, although the elder was not dead, his entire face was collapsed.

Elder Tang Yuan shouted loudly and asked the others to help immediately.

"Want to save him?" Ding Ning sneered, and immediately threw out his second punch, the light condensed on the fist, only to hear Ding Ning say two words slowly: "It's late."

The elder who hadn't recovered yet, covering his face with his hands, this time, his hands and head were instantly blown away by Ding Ning.

In an instant, it became a brainless corpse with no hands and no head.

Even though the Nascent Soul in his dantian was still there, it lost its vitality, dimmed instantly, closed its eyes, and turned into a stone.

Another death.

There were as many as eight elders from the Canglan Sect at the beginning, but now there are only five left.

With a light flick of his finger on the headless corpse, the elder fell down. With one step, Ding Ning stepped over the corpse, looked at the remaining five elders, showed a row of white teeth, and said with a smile : "It will be your turn soon."

At this moment, Ding Ning and the five Canglan Sect elders couldn't help trembling in their hearts.

Just after the tribulation, how could they not feel that Ding Ning was in the slightest period of weakness? This is obviously a very good state.

You know, they just wanted to kill Ding Ning while Ding Ning was weak, but now, Ding Ning's strength is in a mess, a Nascent Soul Realm strong man was easily killed by Ding Ning just like that.

"Don't panic, we can't be deceived by his appearance, he must be in a bad state, he is just pretending, continue to kill this person, and can't stop." Elder Tang Yuan's voice sounded again, encouraging the remaining few people .

"That's right, we can't be fooled by him, kill!" An elder agreed, and although the other elders were afraid, they wouldn't be so frightened that they turned around and ran away, not to mention there are so many people watching It's on.


The five elders all sacrificed their natal magic weapons. At this time, there is no room for carelessness, and they must go all out, otherwise they may be the next to die.

Five rays of light shot out from the five instruments, trying to annihilate Ding Ning.

However, Ding Ning was unscathed under the light of the magic weapon. Seeing this scene, Elder Tang Yuan was the first to detonate the magic weapon.

The other elders followed suit and detonated their natal instruments one after another, intending to blow up Ding Ning to death.

Boom boom boom...

After a series of roaring sounds, Ding Ning disappeared again.

There was a trace of blood on the corners of the mouths of the five elders. The explosion of their natal magic weapon had a great impact on them, but as long as they could kill Ding Ning, it would be worth it.

The five elders have been staring ahead, wanting to see clearly the result of giving up the magic weapon this time in exchange for it.

Ding Ning was not found.

He is really dead this time!
But before the joy filled his face, he saw a figure walking out of the lingering smoke.

If it's not Ding Ning, who is it!
Ding Ning did not die, including Elder Tang Yuan, all five elders felt a chill in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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