The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 565 570 The sky is about to change! 3 more

Chapter 565 570 The sky is about to change! 3 more

It's not dead...

Is he really the one who just survived the thunder disaster?
The remaining five elders of the Canglan Sect really couldn't connect the weakness with Ding Ning. How could this guy have a period of weakness?

Ding Ning's aura is in the early stage of the Nascent Soul Realm, but he has just entered the Nascent Soul Realm, and he can still fight several Nascent Soul Realm opponents at the same time, even if the opponent is an elder of the Canglan Sect.

The experience of the previous life can enable him to exert strength beyond his own realm, which he could do in the Jindan realm before, let alone now.

Now that the Righteous Dao Realm has stepped into the Nascent Soul Realm, and the distance from the peak strength of the past is getting closer and closer, how can Ding Ning pay attention to the Nascent Soul Realm in front of him.

Just now, the five opponents blew up their natal magic weapon, and Ding Ning just pushed the Nine-turn Glazed Body and easily blocked it.

With the strength of the Nascent Soul Realm, one can directly cultivate the nine-turn glazed body to the level of the sixth turn.

As the top body-refining method in the cultivation world, after practicing the ninth-turn glazed body at the sixth turn, the physical body will be improved by another level compared to the Golden Core Realm. After practicing the nine-turn colored glaze body training method, it is natural to continue to improve on the basis of raising a level.

It was precisely because of this that Ding Ningfang was able to survive unscathed under the detonation of several natal instruments.

And this was no small blow to the five of them.

The magic weapon of life, one is only one for one person, but all these methods are used, and a monk who has just stepped into the Nascent Soul Realm can't be killed. One can imagine how big a blow it is to the five people.

"The natal magic weapon has been used up, what other means do you have? I'm afraid you are going to escape." Ding Ning's voice resounded all over the land of Tianwu Star, and his words entered everyone's ears verbatim.

Let everyone on Tianwu Star hear it. Elder Tang Yuan's five complexions turned black. They knew that Ding Ning said this on purpose, in order to let everyone hear it, in order to prevent them from escaping. Totally lost.

For thousands of years, the majesty of the Canglan Sect will also be fatally destroyed.

"Even if we die here in battle, we won't run away." Elder Tang Yuan said, wanting to fight Ding Ning to the end, but this time, after he spoke, no elder echoed him, and the other elders didn't speak, as if another There are other ways, and I don't intend to fight with Ding Ning.

"Second Elder, maybe we should think about it in the long run."

"That's right, his strength is weird, I'm afraid we won't be his opponent even if we join forces, don't be reckless."

Two elders spoke, and the meaning in their words was obvious. They had already retreated, and they didn't want to fight with Ding Ning anymore. To be more precise, they were afraid of death.

Ding Ning had killed several of their elders at the Golden Core level before, but now that Ding Ning has become a real Nascent Soul level, it is even more impossible for them to kill Ding Ning. On the contrary, they may all be the ones who died.

"If you want to retreat, you can retreat. I, Tang Yuan, will not stop you. As long as you are not afraid of being laughed at, you can turn around and leave." Elder Tang Yuan was furious. He did not expect that at this time, Ding Ning would kill his own side. .

Hearing the words, the remaining four elders flickered and hesitated. If they continued to fight Ding Ning, they might lose their lives. But if they left here, how would they go back to the Canglan Sect and how would the people of the Canglan Starfield think of them.

"If the second elder doesn't leave, how can we leave? It doesn't matter if we fight this person to the death." An elder immediately expressed his attitude.

"We are the elders of the Canglan Sect, so what's the matter if we run away in battle, we will fight him to the end."

"Yes, it's up to you, we can't lose the name of the Canglan Sect."

The five elders rekindled their fighting spirit and wanted to fight Ding Ning to the end.

Ding Ning didn't take it seriously, and said indifferently: "Have you finished talking? When you're done, I'll send you on your way."

"You should be on the road."


"Take your dog's life and avenge the other elders."

The five elders came to kill again, Ding Ning immediately went up to meet them, since the other party didn't run away, it would be better to kill them.

Facing the five people, Ding Ning's speed was several times faster than before, and he disappeared from the sight of the five people in an instant. When he reappeared, his attack landed on one of them.

He was like a slippery loach, he didn't give the opponent a chance to besiege at all, instead he directly countered like a hunter.

With one palm, one of the opponent's arms was blown away. Seeing this, several other elders immediately came to rescue him. Ding Ning smiled coldly. When the remaining four were about to approach, he slapped the opponent's dantian again. First, this palm directly destroyed the dantian and seriously injured the Yuanyingjing elder.

"Eighth Elder!" The other elders shouted loudly when they saw this, and Ding Ning slapped the Eighth Elder on the head again, causing the Eighth Elder to die completely.

The whole process seemed like three palms, but in fact it was just a moment. Those weak people didn't understand what happened at all. After seeing clearly, they realized that another elder was beheaded by Ding Ning.

"I'll fight with you." The remaining four elders were all red-eyed, and they attacked crazily. The power in their bodies was activated like money, turning into a terrifying attack, and they all blasted towards Ding Ning.

But when they bombarded for a long time, they realized that Ding Ning had already dodged to the side, completely playing them like monkeys.

The four elders continued to join forces to bombard the past, Ding Ning kept dodging, no matter how hard the four elders of the Canglan Sect exerted their strength, they couldn't catch Ding Ning's clothes.

Ding Ning's speed was too fast, so fast that even monks of the same realm could not detect his traces.

How did the four elders of the Canglan Sect know that Ding Ning's urging of the nine-turn glazed body not only increased the strength of the physical body, but also increased the speed several times. Before the golden core state, it was not very prominent. Now everyone is standing in one Realm, there is not such a big gap, the gap began to show in an instant.

After playing with them for a while, Ding Ning felt dull for a while. During this period, he had raised his strength in the early stage of the Nascent Soul Realm to the mid-stage, so that he could turn the opponent around.

"It's time to end."

Ding Ning didn't want to waste any more time, his eyes became sharp in an instant, and then Ding Ning started to kill.

Counter-kill the four elders.

Formidable strength, coupled with unpredictable speed, the outcome of the four elders of the Canglan Sect can be imagined.

In an instant, Ding Ning killed three of the four elders, leaving only the strongest second elder, Tang Yuan.

Ding Ning, the strongest Nascent Soul Realm elder, stayed at the end.

He looked at Elder Tang Yuan, and said slowly: "They are all dead, it's your turn."

Elder Tang Yuan didn't say anything, even though he knew he was no match for Ding Ning, he didn't run away, and was finally beheaded by Ding Ning, kneeling down and dying.

The eight elders were wiped out.

The other monks of the Canglan Sect who came here were all stunned, and the eyes of the other people around them were wide-eyed, and they kept muttering, the sky is going to change, the sky is going to change!

(End of this chapter)

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