The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 566 571 Ask for an explanation! 1 more

Chapter 566 571 Ask for an explanation! 1 more

The news that all the eight elders were killed in battle shocked the entire Canglan Starfield.

Losing these eight elders, the strength of the Canglan Sect lost not only half, but more than half.

Ding Ning instantly became the most controversial person, because Ding Ning did something that no one had ever done in history. With the power of one person, he almost wiped out the entire Canglan Sect.

There were only twelve elders in the Canglan Sect, and eight of them were killed this time. In addition to the previous Elder Tuoba, that is to say, nine elders died at the hands of Ding Ning, leaving only three elders in the Canglan Sect. .

Will the Canglan Sect still attack Ding Ning?
What will Canglan Sect do?
People are all very curious.

After all, this is the first time in thousands of years that someone has damaged the Canglan Sect so severely.

Just when people were amazed at Ding Ning's monstrous existence, Canglan Sect didn't respond. Ding Ning's active appearance instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Only Zhang Xiaotian, Zhang Susu, and Xiao Chan were seen walking in front, Ding Ning was in the middle, and Ge Hong followed behind. The group of four unexpectedly appeared at the headquarters of Canglan Sect.

"He went to the Canglan Sect headquarters."


"Who else could it be? Of course it's that monstrous young man."

"The Canglan Sect didn't make any sound. He took the initiative to go to the Canglan Sect. Is this going to destroy the Canglan Sect?"

"I don't know, I must be trying to make a settlement. This guy killed so many elders, and now there are only three elders left in the Canglan Sect. I don't know if he will die with him."

"What's going on, we'll find out after we go and see, let's go!"

After learning that Ding Ning and others had appeared at the headquarters of the Canglan Sect, all the sect forces in the Canglan Starfield dispatched their personnel to find out.

Especially those who missed Ding Ning's fight with the elders of the Canglan Sect before, now they can't wait to grow a pair of wings and appear in the Canglan Sect headquarters immediately.

The headquarters of Canglan Sect is called Canglan Xing.

The life star body is also named after the three characters of Canglan Sect. The whole star body is the territory of Canglan Sect, so it can be said to be the base camp of Canglan Sect.

"Master Ding, this is it." Zhang Xiaotian said, his words were full of respect, and his eyes became more and more pleasing to Ding Ning's eyes. He felt that if his daughter Zhang Susu could become Ding Ning's Taoist partner, Zhang Xiaotian would be able to live in the whole Cang Ning in the future. Lan Xingyu can walk sideways.

Ding Ning nodded, looking at the entire planet of life, he could feel that the planet was surrounded by strong aura, which was much better than the environment of Tianwu Star. No wonder Canglan Sect will keep its headquarters here.

"Susu, you know the most about Canglan Sect, please tell Mr. Ding quickly." Zhang Xiaotian instructed Zhang Susu, while pointing his eyes at Zhang Susu.

Of course Zhang Susu understood what her father meant, her face blushed slightly, and Zhang Susu said: "Young master, the Canglan Star belongs exclusively to the Canglan Sect, and there is no outsider except the Canglan Sect, it has been like this for thousands of years .”

"It is said that the most terrifying thing in the Canglan Sect is the Twelve Elders, but now, almost all the Twelve Elders have been killed by the Young Master, so it is not a concern, but there is one thing, I need to remind the Young Master, I think this A life star is the biggest killing move of the Canglan Sect, and the Canglan Sect has survived on it for many years, and it will definitely be an iron bucket, and we are afraid that it will be difficult for us to enter it."

Speaking of this, Zhang Susu paused for a moment, her expression became serious, and then continued: "And I heard that the headquarters of the Canglan Sect has a large formation that can keep the Canglan Sect alive forever."

Great array...

Ding Ning's expression changed, and Ge Hong behind him took the initiative to say: "My lord, if the Canglan Sect sets up a large formation on the entire star body, we must be careful."

Ge Hong knew the power of the formation, especially from what Zhang Susu said, the formation of the Canglan Sect was not so big, it might be a formation spread over the entire star. In this way, once the formation is activated, it will be very fear.

Even if Ding Ning is in the Nascent Soul Realm, he may not be able to break through.

Ding Ning looked at it for a while, but said without saying anything, "It's okay, let's go."


Seeing that Ding Ning was unmoved and was about to enter the Canglan Planet, Ge Hong, Zhang Susu, and Zhang Xiaotian were stunned. It seemed that Ding Ning didn't take it seriously.

Since Ding Ning has made such a decision, the three of them can only follow.

Now Zhang Xiaotian and Zhang Susu's father and daughter have unconditional trust in Ding Ning. Ding Ning has broken their opinion several times, and the father and daughter have been shocked again and again. Therefore, they will not question Ding Ning's decision. What Ding Ning does, there must be something The reason why Ding Ning did that.

Just as the three of them approached the Canglan Planet quickly, three figures suddenly appeared in front of them, blocking their way.

Ding Ning and his party stopped moving forward, and the two sides looked at each other.

When Zhang Xiaotian, Zhang Susu, and Xiao Chan saw these three people, their hearts trembled a little. This was the instinctive fear of low-level monks facing a strong man. Even if the other party did not release their killing intent, they would still feel restrained.

That is to say, the expressions of Ding Ning and Ge Hong did not change at all, and they were not affected in any way.

Needless to say, the identities of these three people can be guessed. They must be the only three elders left among the twelve elders.

"Your Excellency killed several elders of my sect, and now you come to my Canglan star, are you here to cut grass and roots?" The three elders, headed by the great elder, asked.

"Just asking for an explanation." Ding Ning smiled lightly.

"You killed our sect elder. We didn't go to you to ask for an explanation. Instead, you came to us to ask for an explanation. It's too much." An elder next to the great elder said angrily.

He looked at Ding Ning with a look of anger. It was the elder's confession that he suppressed his killing intent. Otherwise, with Ding Ning's hatred for killing so many elders, this elder could not bear to attack Ding Ning immediately. up.

"Anyway, my Canglan Sect is also the largest sect in the Canglan Star Region, so don't bully me too much." The elder finally spoke up.

In this situation, Zhang Xiaotian and Zhang Susu were not qualified to speak and participate in the conversation. Even Ge Hong kept silent and listened to Ding Ning.

Ding Ning's eyes first fell on the first elder, and finally on the third elder, and said indifferently: "Too much deception? You, a member of the Canglan Sect, forced to marry and marry, and said I was too much to deceive others? I think it is too much to deceive others." It's you, if it wasn't for me, she would be forced to marry your steward Li, who is cheating?"

"That's what Manager Li did, and it doesn't represent my Canglan Sect."

"He Guanshi Li is a member of your Canglan Sect, doesn't it mean that your Canglan Sect also represents me?" Ding Ning shot back.


The Great Elder signaled the two elders beside him to stop talking, he looked at Ding Ning and said, "I, Canglan Sect, admit to this matter, your Excellency has killed so many elders of my sect, even if you are angry in your heart, let it out. Now, Your Excellency came to our sect, what else do you want?"

"Ask for an explanation." Ding Ning said the same thing as before.

"What your Excellency said is that you want me, Canglan Sect, to apologize to you?" the Great Elder said.

"It can be understood that so many elders of your sect attacked me. If I hadn't been strong, I would have died in their hands. Shouldn't I have an explanation for this matter?" Ding Ning asked.

The great elder of the Canglan Sect waited for the three elders to twitch their faces. They have never seen Ding Ning so shameless. It is obvious that he killed someone, but now he is asking for an explanation in reverse. It's right to talk about it.

"What if my Canglan Sect doesn't give you an explanation?" the Great Elder asked.

Ding Ning smiled slowly, showing his white teeth: "That's very simple, your Canglan Sect can disappear from this planet."


The Great Elder and the others all changed their colors.

(End of this chapter)

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