The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 567 572 Canglan is about to perish! 2 more

Chapter 567 572 Canglan is about to perish! 2 more

Deceiving too much!

Ding Ning wanted to wipe out the Canglan Sect, what a big tone.

"Young man, stay a line, so we can see each other in the future. My Canglan Sect has already given you enough face. Don't think that we are really afraid of you." cold.

"Apologize, I can let you go." Ding Ning said lightly.

"Great Elder, I have nothing to say to him." The two elders other than the Great Elder said at the same time. At this time, they couldn't hold back any longer and didn't want to bear it any longer. suffered such humiliation.

The Great Elder was expressionless, and the chill on his face had turned into frost. Although he didn't show any killing intent, the surrounding temperature dropped a lot.

At this moment, a lot of figures have gathered near the Canglan Star. These people have come from all directions of the Canglan Starfield, and new people appear every moment. million people.

Tens of thousands of people are watching here, to witness what will happen next.

At the same time, Ding Ning's words just now were spoken out in public without any shyness, causing countless heated discussions at once.

Ding Ning went to the Canglan Sect to ask the teacher for his guilt, killed several of their elders, and instead came to question him, demanding that the Canglan Sect make an apology to Ding Ning. Everyone who heard Ding Ning's words was shocked and shocked.

There is no other person in the entire Canglan Starfield who is so bold. It is conceivable how much influence Ding Ning said at this time.

In fact, ever since Ding Ning became an enemy of the Canglan Sect and beheaded Li Guanshi, he has been breaking the people's perception of Ding Ning in the Canglan Star Region.

At first, people thought that if Ding Ning killed Guanshi Li, he would be quickly suppressed by the Canglan Sect. As a result, Elder Tuoba came and was killed instead, making things worse. Ding Ning should surely die. However, no one thought that Ding Ning With Jindan Realm, he actually killed Elder Tuoba who was in Nascent Soul Realm across the border, and his jaw dropped in shock. Afterwards, more than half of the elders of Canglan Sect came to him. At this level, Ding Ning must have died. Blinding everyone's eyes again, Ding Ning came up with a more ruthless counterattack.

So far, no one has questioned Ding Ning's qualifications to fight Canglan Sect on his own, because he has proved by facts that Ding Ning has this qualification.

One person fights one case. For thousands of years, others could not do it, but he Ding Ning did it.

Now I went to the headquarters of the Canglan Sect to ask for an explanation, so who can say anything.

Everyone is waiting for the answer from the Great Elder, because the Canglan Sect has always been dominated by the Great Elder.

"I, Canglan Sect, have never lowered my head. I won't do it today, and I won't in the future. You want my Canglan Sect to apologize to you, young man, then we will not stop dying." The elder replied, no I will apologize to Ding Ning.

"Ge Hong."

Ding Ning said suddenly.

"My lord." Ge Hong took a step forward.

"Take them aside so that the blood won't splash on them." Ding Ning said, and glanced at Zhang Susu, Xiao Chan, and Zhang Xiaotian.

Ge Hong immediately understood, knowing that Ding Ning asked him to protect the three people, he agreed, and then he couldn't help the three people to take them aside, leaving this space for Ding Ning and the three elders of the Canglan Sect .

Ge Hong took the people away from here, so Ding Ning let go, and said to the three elders in front of him: "Since you don't intend to make an apology, it seems that I can only fulfill my previous promise. do as promised."

After speaking, Ding Ning's figure disappeared in place.

The Great Elder shouted, "Be careful."

The hearts of the other two elders froze, and their eyes widened suddenly. They didn't expect Ding Ning's speed to be so fast. His fist had already reached his chest, and they hadn't reacted yet.

How can it be!

After the two elders were alarmed, they immediately resisted, but their reaction was still a little slow, but luckily they still blocked Ding Ning's attack, but they were still blown away.


The two attacks hit two people at the same time, only to see the two elders being knocked into the air by Ding Ning's fist, making everyone who saw this scene shocked.

"Shooting two Nascent Soul Realm elders into the air at the same time, his strength is too terrifying."

"Before he fought against several other elders, I was there. Why did I feel that he seemed to have become stronger again, and it didn't take too much effort to attack two strong people at the same time."

"It seems to be true. I saw that when he fought against the eight elders, he defeated them one by one. This time, he seems to be able to face several of them at the same time, without falling into a disadvantage."

People were surprised to find that Ding Ning became stronger than before, how did this guy do it.

The elder who was knocked into the air stabilized his body. When the two of them looked at Ding Ning, their eyes were full of disbelief, because they felt Ding Ning's power more clearly than others.

How can this be the strength of the early stage of the Nascent Soul Realm? It is obviously the middle stage of the Nascent Soul Realm. Has he really just passed through the thunder tribulation?This kind of progress must be too fast.

Only by fighting with Ding Ning can you feel the true power of Ding Ning. The two of them didn't feel wrong. Ding Ning's realm has indeed entered the middle stage of the Nascent Soul Realm. Even if Ding Ning is willing to enter the late stage of the Nascent Soul Realm, it is just a thought. thing.

The accumulation of the previous life can make him do this easily, as long as the aura is enough, it is not difficult.

"You two cooperate with me." The Great Elder said, and his figure came in front of the two of them. The Canglan Sect didn't have many Nascent Soul Realm. If these two elders were beheaded by Ding Ning again, it would be impossible He was really the only commander left.

Therefore, the first elder was going to deal with Ding Ning in front, and the other two elders cooperated.

"Okay, the two of us attack him from the side." The two elders knew that Ding Ning should not be underestimated, and they didn't feel that there was any shame in the three of them joining forces to deal with Ding Ning. As long as they could kill Ding Ning, they didn't care about these false names.

"At the beginning, the eight elders couldn't kill me together, and neither can the three of you." Ding Ning was unmoved. Now that he has stepped into the Nascent Soul Realm, he completely looks down on opponents in the same realm. valued by him.

Unless it is the out-of-body state above the Yuanying state, it will make him feel afraid.

However, from its point of view, this Canglan Sect probably does not have a strong person in the state of leaving the body, and there are not many such existences, let alone here, even in the realm of comprehension.

Ding Ning chuckled, and took the initiative to kill again, but there was no trace of his attack.

The three Nascent Soul Realm elders face each other, and their realms are not low. Two of them are in the late stage, and one is at the peak of the late stage. Even so, they still failed to take advantage of Ding Ning in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul Realm, and were injured by Ding Ning several times .

Fortunately, the first elder was the strongest, most experienced, and difficult to deal with, but the other two elders were not so good, and they left a lot of injuries on their bodies within a few breaths.

The three fought again, and after more than ten breaths passed, the two elders finally fell under Ding Ning's fierce attack.

Only the last strong man of the Great Elder remained.

The Canglan Sect was about to be destroyed.

For a moment, the people in the Canglan Starfield who saw this scene were all in a daze, and would not believe anything if it hadn't happened before their eyes.

The Canglan Sect is really in danger. The former largest sect is now in a precarious situation. The Great Elder is the last ray of hope. Once it goes out, the Canglan Sect will completely become history.

"You are the last one." Ding Ning said slowly, looking at the Great Elder in the air.

(End of this chapter)

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