The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 568 573 Apology! 3 more

Chapter 568 573 Apology! 3 more

"Great Elder, we are here to help you!"

When Ding Ning and the Great Elder looked at each other, thousands of figures flew over from the Canglan Star.

Most of these figures are in the Foundation Establishment Realm, the God Gathering Realm, and a few are in the Golden Core Realm. Seeing these people flying out of Canglan Star, the Great Elder's expression changed, and he immediately shouted: "Who allows you to come out?" of."

"Great Elder, we can't just watch you get killed here too."

"If you want to die together, I, Canglan Sect, have no cowards."

"Yes, we will live and die with you, Great Elder."

These people are none other than the core disciples of the Canglan Sect. It can be said that they are the backup force of the Canglan Sect. Without them, the Canglan Sect would not be a big sect.

After thousands of years of development, the Canglan Sect has just accumulated these strong children.

"Nonsense." The Great Elder scolded angrily, even several elders died in Ding Ning's hands, so how could these children be Ding Ning's opponents.

"Give it all back to me."

The Great Elder yelled at everyone, but no one moved. They all stood up with the determination to die.

"Elder, if you don't leave, we won't leave."

"We fight against the enemy together with the Great Elder, even at the cost of our lives, to defend Canglan Sect to the death."

Many disciples of the Canglan Sect made up their minds, and people saw their attitude. This courage moved many people.

The Great Elder saw that these disciples showed resolute looks, and it seemed useless to try to persuade them.

His gaze scanned many faces, stared at them for a while, and finally said: "Okay, let's defend Canglan Sect together."

After the Great Elder said this, the disciples of the Canglan Sect released their auras one by one, stood behind the Great Elder, and wanted to help the Great Elder to kill Ding Ning.

These disciples of the Canglan Sect mostly practiced the same method, and soon, their aura merged together.

When the aura of hundreds or thousands of people are integrated into one body, led by a Nascent Soul Realm expert, such strength is not necessarily inferior to the strength of a few more Nascent Soul Realm experts.

Too many ants sometimes kill elephants.


The Great Elder mobilized his own power to form a huge wave of light, which was magnified several times in an instant with the blessing of the power of many disciples behind him, and then spread out directly in the direction where Ding Ning was.

It was like a sharp knife cutting across.

People were shocked by this huge attack, only the Canglan Sect in the entire Canglan Starfield could make such a battle, because only the Canglan Sect has so many masters and powerhouses.

Soon, people saw that wherever the light wave passed, everything was cut in half, whether it was air or lifeless stars suspended in mid-air, they were all cut into two.

Guangbo was getting closer and closer to Ding Ning, and Ding Ning could feel this sharp aura from a distance.

However, this sharp breath only caused Ding Ning's eyes to flicker for a moment, and then he lost any expression.

Facing the light wave, Ding Ning punched, like a stone hitting the water surface, ripples immediately formed, these ripples touched the light wave first, and were cut off by the light wave.

The light wave didn't disappear, and kept approaching Ding Ning until it came to a distance of half a meter from Ding Ning. Ding Ning's palm clamped the light with two fingers, and the light wave could no longer penetrate an inch.

With two fingers pinched, the light wave shattered and turned into nothingness.

Seeing this, the Great Elder continued to strike a second time, still gathering the strength of the entire sect's disciples, this time turning into a monstrous hand, trying to blow Ding Ning to pieces.

The huge fist is comparable to a star, and when such a move is urged, it is like using a star as a weapon, carrying an extremely terrifying momentum, and blasting again.

Those people who watched the battle from a distance couldn't help but retreat subconsciously when they saw this terrible attack. They only felt that the distance was very dangerous.

The mighty fist pierced through the void, and it reached Ding Ning in the blink of an eye. Ding Ning didn't dodge, he also wanted to test his strength.

The palm of the hand turned into a fist and waved forward.

Ding Ning also punched, but his fist was not as big as the punch of the elder and the disciple of the sect. Compared with it, it was so small that it could be ignored.


The huge fist slammed in front of Ding Ning, very close to Ding Ning, it seemed that as long as he moved forward a little, it would completely land on Ding Ning.

As for why he didn't land, it was probably because Ding Ning's fist blocked the monstrous punch.

Two breaths after Ding Ning's fist collided with the fist urged by the Great Elder, the huge fist exploded with a bang and disappeared.

The two consecutive blows were blocked by Ding Ning, the face of the great elder was not looking good, as for those disciples of the sect, beads of sweat could not help but condensed on their faces at this time, some of them were weak and could not stand still , was hit twice in a row, and almost exhausted his strength.


The Great Elder urged the third attack again. This time the attack was obviously not as powerful as the previous two, and was obviously much weaker. This time, Ding Ning did not use any attack. more than ten steps.

When the fourth attack, Ding Ning's body regretted six steps.

During the fifth attack, Ding Ning only took two steps back.

When the sixth attack, Ding Ning did not move.

During the seventh attack, Ding Ning directly ignored the attack, and the distance between him and the Great Elder got closer and closer.

Behind the Great Elder, there were not many monks who could stand, and most of them were spread out on the ground, because the attack just now had exhausted their strength, and they didn't even have the strength to stand up.

It was the first time that the Great Elder frowned so deeply. He glanced at the many disciples of the Canglan Sect behind him, and then at Ding Ning who kept approaching, feeling entangled in his heart.

Ding Ning is here.

Standing five meters away from the Great Elder, this distance is equivalent to nothing for people of their level.

"I killed all the elders of your Canglan Sect, and soon there will be no disciples left behind you." Ding Ning said lightly.

Regarding Ding Ning's words, the Great Elder would not have any doubts. These disciples of the Canglan Sect were all at their weakest, how could they be Ding Ning's opponents, even if they were all in peak condition, facing Ding Ning would be death.

"Don't kill them." The Great Elder said.

"If you tell me not to kill, will I not kill? Before, Canglan Sect killed me if you wanted to. Have you ever asked me how I feel?" Ding Ning sneered.

The Great Elder took a deep breath, then stared into Ding Ning's eyes, and said seriously: "I can offer you an apology, and I, the Canglan Sect, can bow to you, and just ask you to let the Canglan Sect go."

Ding Ning did not expect that the Great Elder would choose to bow his head at this time. He looked at the disciples of the Canglan Sect and knew in his heart that the Great Elder did not want these people to die in Ding Ning's hands.

In order to preserve the Canglan Sect, an apology is nothing.

"What did you say?" Ding Ning pretended not to hear clearly, and asked again, and deliberately raised his voice, as if speaking for everyone to hear.

The Great Elder knew what Ding Ning meant, and immediately said loudly: "I, Canglan Sect, apologize to Your Excellency, and hope that Your Excellency will be merciful."

The Great Elder's voice resounded around, making those who came here hear clearly.

Canglan Sect is going to apologize to Ding Ning.

This news is both surprising and reasonable.

Facing the terrifying Ding Ning, the Canglan Sect seemed to have no choice.

(End of this chapter)

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