The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 575 580 Tragedy Bandit! 1 more

Chapter 575 580 Tragedy Bandit! 1 more

Pirates on the earth specialize in robbing passing ships, whether it is money or gold, silver and jewelry, are their goals, and sometimes they even kidnap people and use them for blackmail.

In the world of comprehension, there are also people who do the same job, but the things they rob have become magic tools, medicine pills, magic gates and so on.

In the last life, Ding Ning also encountered robbers, but those robbers saw that he was all honest, so how dare they rob him.

Ge Hong was very curious about these robbers, after all, it was the first time he saw them.

Surrounded by more than ten robbers, Ding Ning and Ge Hong were all very calm, without a trace of fear. In the eyes of the robbers, this hurt their self-esteem. Anyway, there are so many of them, at least you all showed a little panic.

"Aren't you afraid of us? It seems that we really don't know how powerful we are. Brothers, we are despised by others. Shouldn't we let others know how powerful we are?"

"Give them some color and see."

The bandits who surrounded them all took out a triangular fork, which was a standard magic weapon, exactly the same. In the hands of the pirates, they sacrificed all of them in an instant, forming a flow of magic weapons, rushing towards Ding Ning without using any fists or feet.

There are so many of them, there are no fewer than six or seven of them in the foundation-building stage alone, so why do they all need to take action against two monks in the foundation-building stage? Ding Ning and Ge Hong can be easily dealt with with just using magical weapons.

This idea, is what most robbers think and take for granted.

But soon, they didn't think so.

And each eye was wide open, as if seeing an incredible scene.

Those triangular prongs that formed the torrent of magic weapons were like toys in front of the two of them. With a touch, they all turned into several pieces. What kind of torrent of magic weapons was completely vulnerable.

"How is this possible? This is a magic weapon refined by Golden Core cultivators for us. Even if they are in the Foundation Establishment Realm, they can't do it so easily."

"They must have powerful instruments in their hands, but we haven't seen them. Everyone should attack at close quarters. Pay attention to their hands."

The magic weapon turned into broken copper and rotten iron, all of which were smashed into pieces. They felt very distressed for these robbers. They sent more anger on Ding Ning and the two of them. Since the magic weapon didn't work, let's fight with fists and kicks. Bar.

However, when they tried to fight in close quarters and crush Ding Ning and Ding Ning with the advantage of a large number of people, they suddenly discovered how wrong this decision was.

The first person to rush up, the other party just flicked lightly, not even a fist, just two fingers, with a swish, the robber was shot thousands of meters away.

At the beginning, no one was slowed down, but as more and more people got older, there were only two left in an instant, and none of them dared to step forward, their legs were weak, and their eyes were full of panic.

Only then did they realize that these two people were not weak, they were weak in front of them.

Playing these foundation-building and god-gathering realms like they are playing, how could it be the foundation-building realm, at least the existence of the Golden Core level.

They were blinded by the aura of Ding Ning and Ge Hong. Both Ding Ning and Ge Hong were strong.

If you don't understand this point at this time, these robbers will be in vain.

I thought it was bronze, but I didn't expect it to be two kings. It's really not an ordinary excitement.

"Isn't it over yet?" On the flying ship, the voice of the previous bandit leader came. After he handed over the matter to his subordinates, he returned to the ship and ignored it.

After a while, I thought it should be over.

"Big... big brother..."

"Not good... not good..."

The two terrified robbers didn't go forward any more, they immediately retreated back to the airship, intending to report this matter to their boss.

"Not good?" The bandit leader walked out of the flying boat, just in time to see the two men whose legs were weak.

"what happened?"

"Brother, they are not in the Foundation Establishment Realm at all."

"Did I get it wrong too?" The bandit leader realized that all those younger brothers had been blown away, and his divine sense was swept away, and he was blown away at least a thousand meters away.


He looked at Ding Ning and Ge Hong, and found that the Qi on their bodies was still at the foundation-building stage. It is impossible to achieve this level with the foundation-building stage alone. It seems that he was really careless. These two are probably at the Jindan stage. Strong.

With this in mind, the bandit leader immediately clasped his fists and said, "You two, it's because of my poor eyesight that I didn't see that you two are masters. Please forgive me. I apologize to you for my previous behavior. I hope you don't mind."

If Ding Ning and Ge Hong in front of him were really at the Golden Core level, he really couldn't deal with it alone. In this case, it would be better to turn the fight into a treasure.

The bandit leader changed his previous attitude and was very polite, hoping not to anger Ding Ning and Ge Hong. At this time, Ding Ning replied, his voice came slowly.

"Are you done apologizing?"

"What do you mean?"

"Hand over everything on your body."

The bandit leader was taken aback, was Ding Ning going to snatch them back?
A moment later, the gang of bandit leaders crouched on the flying boat with their heads in their hands.

They looked a little miserable. Those who attacked Ding Ning before were better. At most, they were thrown thousands of meters away. As for the disobedient bandit leader, it was even more miserable. Ding Ning punched out the panda's eyes, so he was completely honest. down.

The magic tools, magic gates, pills and other things on their bodies were all piled up on the board of the boat. Ding Ning glanced at them, showing disdain, and there was nothing worthy of his attention.


Ding Ning kicked away all the belongings of these robbers. In his eyes, these things were no different from garbage and were of no use to him.

The hearts of several robbers were bleeding, and that was all the harvest in the past half a month, but they were kicked by Ding Ning and turned into dust.

However, no matter how distressed they are, it is useless. Facing Ding Ning, they dare not have the slightest desire to resist. This young man has a master as his servant. If any of them dare to resist, resistance means death.

"My lord, what are you going to do with these people, have you killed them?" Ge Hong asked.

Hearing this, the robbers were so frightened that they trembled all over, and suddenly shouted: "Please forgive me."

Ding Ning glanced at the several robbers, and immediately closed their mouths one by one, not daring to speak again.

He didn't answer Ge Hong's words, but walked slowly to the side of the bandit leader. The bandit leader was trembling with cold sweat on his forehead. He didn't know what Ding Ning was going to do when he approached, was he going to kill him?
"My lord, spare my life, my lord, spare my life, the little one has eyes and doesn't know Mount Tai, if I hope the adults let the little one go, I'll treat the little one as a fart, so let me go." The robber has a strong desire to survive, and in order to survive, he humbly gave up his dignity , all under the hood.

Ding Ning snorted softly and stretched out a hand slowly. Seeing this scene, the bandit leader almost cried.

Palms drop.

The bandit leader didn't die, but his expression froze for a moment, and then his eyes became dull. It wasn't until Ding Ning withdrew his hand that the bandit leader regained his clarity.

"Take your men and get lost." Ding Ning said to the bandit leader.

"Thank you for not killing me, my lord." The bandit leader escaped from death, hurriedly thanked him, and left quickly with his men, not daring to stay.

"My lord, why did you let them go?" Ge Hong didn't understand Ding Ning's actions. Letting them go would easily cause trouble, so it would be better to kill them all.

Ding Ning chuckled lightly: "If you don't let them go, why would a bigger fish come? This guy has limited information in his mind. I need the stronger one of them to appear. This is very important for me to understand this star field. Big help."

Only then did Ge Hong know that Ding Ning had just searched for the soul of the bandit leader, and the reason why he let him go was because he wanted the bandit leader as an introduction to attract stronger bandits.

(End of this chapter)

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