The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 576 581 Master! 2 more

Chapter 576 581 Ten masters! 2 more

Ding Ning and Ge Hong didn't leave, they just stayed where they were, waiting for the bandit to bring other bandits to take revenge.

Sure enough, Ding Ning released those people, and these people still wanted to get revenge.

In less than three hours, he brought more companions and appeared in front of Ding Ning again.

This time, unlike before, there were only a few flying ships, but dozens of them. There were many people standing on each flying ship, with skull flags flying on them, representing their logo.

If anyone else is here, they will recognize the name of this skull flag.

ghost organization.

The most notorious organization in the Southern Dipper Starfield, the Ghost Organization, has been doing robbery. In the Southern Dipper Starfield, many people have suffered from it, but many people have no choice but to use this organization. First, they have a large number of people. There are many people, and there are many masters. Secondly, they are cruel and have a wide range of branches. It can be said that there are shadows of ghost organizations around the Nandou star field. Even some big sects and powerful forces do not want to offend ghost organizations.

Ghost organizations are notoriously difficult to deal with. Once they are targeted by him, most of them will not have a good time.

Dozens of flying ships from the ghost organization appeared in this star field, naturally they came for Ding Ning and Ge Hong.

"Qi Ba, are these the two people you mentioned?"

On a flying boat in the middle, a man dressed in black slowly stepped out of the cabin, stood at the bow, and stared at Ding Ning and Ge Hong opposite.

Qi Ba was treated badly by Ding Ning before, and now seeing Ding Ning again, he was still a little timid, but now that so many companions are courageous, he is not too afraid, pointing to Ding Ning in the distance: "Yes, it is him, ten Head of the family, you have to be the master for my brother."

The person known as the top ten is the tenth person in the ghost organization, ranking last, and his strength is at the peak of the late Jindan stage, and he is one step short of entering the Nascent Soul stage.

The reason why he found the top ten masters, Qi Ba thought, with the strength of the ten masters, it should be enough to deal with Ding Ning and Ge Hong. In Qi Ba's view, Ge Hong's strength should be around the late stage of the Golden Core Realm, and he was a little uncertain. , I just feel that Ge Hong is very strong, much higher than him, but it should not exceed the Nascent Soul Realm. If it is the Nascent Soul Realm, it will not be so low-key. A line above.

With the arrival of the ten masters and the cooperation of other people, it is enough to deal with Ding Ning and Ge Hong.

With Qi Ba's identification, the ten masters said to Ding Ning and Ge Hong: "You two people who moved my ghost organization and robbed their things, really don't take my ghost organization seriously."

"So what if you don't take it seriously? We've been waiting for you for a long time." Ding Ning said lightly.

The Ten Leaders were taken aback, they didn't expect Ding Ning to be so arrogant, and his feelings meant that he deliberately stayed here, waiting for them to come.

"Don't you dare to take my ghost organization seriously. There are not many in the Southern Dipper Starfield. I'm afraid your Excellency doesn't know how to write the word dead." Ten Master sneered.

Ding Ning remained expressionless, and slowly said: "There used to be someone like you who talked to me like this, and the grass on his grave is more than two meters high now."

Ten Master frowned, he must have been too arrogant.

Even the subordinates around him couldn't stand it, and shouted: "Master Shi, this kid is too good at pretending to be 13, we will take him down for you and avenge Qi Ba."

"Yeah, if you dare to talk to our Ten Leaders like that, it's because he doesn't know that he is an enemy of the Ten Leaders. The grass on his grave is ten meters high."

Master Ten waved his hands to signal his subordinates to calm down, and said calmly, "You are not his opponents, so let me do it myself."

"Ten masters, do you want to do it yourself? The aura of these two people is only at the foundation establishment level. Do you value them too much?"

Ten masters shook their heads, Qi Ba told him about the strength of Ding Ning and Ge Hong, and that they could make Qi Ba lose his temper. rival it.

"Master Ten, let's come."

"Yes, we will definitely teach them a lesson for you."

Quite a few people are still voluntarily asking for help, but none of the ten masters agreed and insisted on doing it themselves.

Standing on the bow of the flying boat, the cloak behind Master Ten moved with the majestic breath, as if the wind was blowing.

"No one can change the ten master's decision. We haven't seen the ten master's move for a while. Today is considered a blessing. I can be lucky enough to see the ten master's skill with my own eyes."

"Ten masters, we will wave the flag and cheer for you."

"Brothers, cheer for the top ten."

"Ten masters make a move, and they are invincible in the world."

"Ten masters make a move, and the enemy can only kneel down and submit."

Everyone on the flying boat chanted slogans in unison, quite powerful, and it really looked like that.

Master Ten shouted softly: "Wait and see, I made these two people kneel and bow their heads."


Ten masters jumped off the flying boat and went straight to Ding Ning and Ge Hong.

Ding Ning and Ge Hong looked at each other, this man was really arrogant, he wanted them both to kneel and bow their heads.

"My lord, let me come." Ge Hong said.

"You know how to do it?" Ding Ning raised his eyebrows.

Ge Hong nodded: "I will definitely satisfy him and make him kneel and bow his head."

"You go." Ding Ning chuckled, then brushed his arm, then retracted his arm, crossed the other arm, and carried it behind his back.

Seeing Ge Hong coming alone, Ding Ning didn't intend to do anything, and didn't mind. He laughed loudly: "Well, I'll knock you down first, and then I'll deal with him."

Ding Ning's arrogance made him very uncomfortable. For a guy who didn't even know his ghost organization, he had to let the other party understand that the ghost organization was terrible.

Ten masters are full of self-confidence in their hearts. After cleaning up Ding Ning and Ge Hong, he can also get a favor from the third masters. Qi Ba is the younger brother of the third masters. friendship.

Ten masters thought very well, it can be said that the ideal is very full, but he immediately tasted the skinny feeling of reality.

Ever since Ge Hong condensed his physical body with the treasures of heaven and earth, he was worried that no one would practice his hands. Now he is fine. Although the master of ten is weak, he can still play with him.

In the first attack of Ten Masters, Ge Hong didn't even resist, and just let it fall on him. At first, Ten Masters thought that Ge Hong couldn't stop him, but when he saw Ge Hong grinning at him, he felt a chill all over his body.

Immediately afterwards, in the eyes of the members of the ghost organization who came here, they saw that the ten masters were being abused by Ge Hong as if they were dogs, and the ten masters were abused by the inhuman form.

That was miserable, those slogans that were still in unison before gradually disappeared, and the air began to become quiet.

Their boss was about to be kicked out.

(End of this chapter)

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