The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 581 586 Cart! 1 more

Chapter 581 586 Cart! 1 more

It was Dibo who fell to the ground!

Fang Ji never thought that with Di Bo's strength, he would lose to others. Didn't he mean that the other party was also a Nascent Soul Realm monk?How could he be invincible? Di Bo was called an invincible existence by his father.

The young people around were also a little dumbfounded. They knew about Uncle Di's reputation, and they had no idea how many people died at Uncle Di's hands. When Fang's family became famous in the Northern Wilderness, Uncle Di had a lot of credit for it.

I don't know how many people envy the Fang family. With such a loyal and powerful existence like Dibo, even among the young families present, there are not many strong men who can compare with Dibo.

However, it was such a strong man with the title of invincible in the same realm who was defeated by someone in the same realm.

The opponent must be too strong.

Uncle Di was not killed, but was seriously injured. Fang Ji had already arrived in front of Uncle Di and helped Uncle Di up.

"Uncle Di, are you okay?" Fang Ji didn't want anything to happen to Uncle Di. If his father found out that Uncle Di was seriously injured because of his relationship, his father would skin him. Father sent Uncle Di to protect him. , not to help him pick up girls.

Di Bo shook his head, and kept staring at Ge Hong who was not far away. He never thought that he would meet a strong man of the same realm as Ge Hong. His title of invincible in the same realm was broken by someone. So strong, defeating him is just a matter of time.

If Di Bo knew that the physical body of Ding Ning behind Ge Hong was even more terrifying than Ge Hong, he would probably be shocked again.

"Master, let's not get involved in this matter." Di Bo didn't want to fight Ge Hong again, because it wouldn't do him any good if the fight continued, so he might as well quit and not provoke him.

Although Fang Ji is the young master of the Fang family, he is usually cynical, but he is not a ignorant person. Now that Uncle Di has said so, and he saw Uncle Di being beaten out with his own eyes, it is obvious that the other party is not good. Provoking, I already know that it is a strong enemy, so it is better to provoke less.

"Okay, Uncle Di, let's go now." Fang Ji made a decision in an instant, and was ready to retreat. He couldn't risk his life just because he won the favor of Fairy Baihua.

Fang Ji and several young people who came together greeted him, he was not going to show off the limelight anymore, he could pass it on to others.

"Come on, Young Master Fang has quit, so I'll quit too." Someone followed Fang Ji closely.

"The same is true for Baihua Fairy. If you can't get invited, you won't get invited. Let's not push ourselves over this matter." Someone forced a smile and found a way for himself, and then said: "I also quit."

The people present are not stupid people. If you know that there are tigers in the mountains, if you prefer to go to the mountains, you are looking for death.

They reached an agreement in an instant, and they all left without provoking Ding Ning.

Several people were about to leave, but Ge Hong's figure blocked them.

"Young master didn't speak, none of you can leave."

Ge Hong's tone and expression made Fang Ji and others very nervous. Fang Ji boldly said: "We have offended you before, please forgive me, Your Excellency and Mr. Ding, we really have no malicious intentions, just want to say hello That's all, it's not against Young Master Ding and Your Excellency."

"If you want to explain, go and explain to the young master. If the young master wants to let you go, I will not stop you just now." Ge Hong said.

"Okay, then let's go talk to Mr. Ding." Fang Ji looked at the other people, then walked towards the carriage, and when he came to the front of the carriage, Fang Ji repeated what he had just said.

It was really not a glorious thing to be arrogant when he appeared on the stage before, but now he lowered his head and explained, but as long as he can leave, it is nothing to say a few nice words in a low voice.

"The way you greet is to let monks in the Nascent Soul Realm attack me, right? It's really a unique way of greeting." Ding Ning's voice came out through the curtain and fell into the ears of Fang Ji and the others. It was a little embarrassing. They would not have come if they had known that Di Bo could not beat Ge Hong.

Several people stood in front of the car, waiting for Ding Ning to allow them to leave, so that Ge Hong would not stop them.

At this time, only Ding Ning's faint smile came from inside the car.

"It's the so-called courteous reciprocity. Since you all greeted me friendly, wouldn't it be too impolite if I didn't wave my hand?"

Fang Ji and the others didn't know what Ding Ning meant, so they only heard Ding Ning change the subject: "You guys have come from a long way, since you're here, don't leave, now it's snowing outside, once the snow is heavy, the speed of my carriage will It will be greatly weakened, you might as well stay and help me push the cart."


What's the meaning?Is this a courtesy?Let them stay and do something like servants?
Could it be that Ding Ning wanted to force them to become servants?
"Mr. Ding, do we have some misunderstanding? You see, we really have no malicious intentions..." Fang Ji wanted to explain again, but Ding Ning said: "Ge Hong, it's really impossible, let's kill these people."

"Good sir." Ge Hong responded, and then walked towards several people.

Fang Ji and the others all changed their faces all of a sudden, even with Dibo here, they couldn't feel safe.

"Mr. Ding, Mr. Ding, we do it, we do it, isn't it just pushing carts, what we are best at is pushing carts." Fang Ji hurriedly said, for fear that it would be too late, and his life would be lost.

Only then did Ge Hong stop rolling up his sleeves to kill someone.

The wind is getting colder and the snow is getting bigger and bigger.

On the vast land of the Northern Wilderness, a layer of silver clothes has already been covered, and the ground is plainly wrapped, turning into a gorgeous coat.

The ruts left on the snow are very long, and you can see hundreds of meters at a glance.

The horse walked tirelessly with its long hooves, and Ge Hong continued to transform into a coachman, sitting on the cart and driving the cart.

But this time, the carriage has changed a lot from before.

At this time, around the carriage, several figures were following behind, pushing the carriage hard one by one.

These figures were none other than Fang Ji and the others.

As a well-known young man in the Northern Wilderness, Fang Ji and others have never suffered such a crime, but now they dare not refuse to do so. If they don't push the cart, Mr. Ding in the cart will open his mouth again and let Ge Hong kill him.

push it!

Fang Ji and the others gritted their teeth and pushed the carriage. In order to survive, embarrassment is nothing.

The few people could only comfort themselves in this way, and then continued to push the carriage forward slowly.

The world is vast, as if entering a world in a fairy tale.

The light on the earth, less and less, entered the night.

After resting overnight, on the second day, Fang Ji and others continued to push the cart, but this time, as they moved forward, they passed some family sites.

The appearance of the carriage has attracted the attention of many people.

At the same time, a pair of eyes sized up the carriage, and when they looked at Fang Ji and the others, they all showed curiosity, as if they had seen these people somewhere before.

As for Fang Ji and the others, they wished they could stick their heads into the snow, what a shame!
(End of this chapter)

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