The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 582 587 Flower Fairy! 2 more

Chapter 582 Fairy Hundred Flowers! 587 more

Can't see me, can't see me, can't see me!

Fang Ji and the others silently recited these words countless times in their hearts, hoping that they would not be recognized by others.

At this moment, there was a voice that broke several hearts.

"Why do these people look like Young Master Fang and Young Master Meng to me? Come and have a look."

As soon as this sentence came out, a lot of people who were standing not far away rushed in and looked in the direction of the carriage.

"It's really like, it can't really be those young masters."

"Let's take a closer look, maybe we have identified the wrong person."

"Okay, if you look closely, you'll know if you've made a mistake."

As these people approached the carriage 20 meters away, they finally made sure of one thing. They were not mistaken. These people who were pushing the carriage forward were Fang Ji, Meng Lang and the young masters.

"How did they become cart drivers?"

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it even if I was killed. What's the situation? Who is in the car? It's too violent to let these young masters push the cart outside."

All the people who saw this scene with their own eyes were stunned by this scene, and they didn't know what was going on. After all, in their hearts, these young masters couldn't even offend the family behind them.

It’s over.

was recognized.

Fang Ji, Meng Lang and the others had hot faces, as if they couldn't go out to meet people.

This will teach them how to mess around in the Northern Wilderness in the future, and I am afraid it will become a stain that cannot be washed away for a lifetime.

Shame grew in the hearts of the few, and they all hated Ding Ning to death. If it wasn't for Ding Ning, how could they be so ashamed, and before long, most of the Northern Wilderness would know about it.

Several people looked at each other and made up their minds that they must take revenge in the future.

Just as the resentment of several people increased, Ding Ning's voice suddenly sounded in their minds.

"Do you hate me? If I was not as strong as you at that time, I would be the one who was humiliated at this time. You have become like this, you asked for it yourself. I didn't kill you, it was considered kind."

Hearing this, how dare Fang Ji, Meng Lang and others dare to resent. Ding Ning has already seen through their intentions. Ding Ning is right. If he wants them to die, no one will be able to stop them.

Ge Hong can do it alone.

"Don't dare." Fang Ji pointed at the carriageway.Several other people also spoke one after another, saying that they would not hate Ding Ning.

The carriage was very quiet, and Ding Ning's voice did not sound again.

After being warned by Ding Ning, Fang Ji and others did not dare to have other ideas. Before the family members came, they should be honest.

Maybe after the family members arrive, they can all be rescued, and it won't be too late to settle accounts with Ding Ning.

A few people wanted revenge against a gentleman, and it was not too late for ten years, and then they pushed the carriage forward willingly.

If you are recognized by others, you can recognize it. Anyway, it is already a fact. If you want to change something, but you can't do it now, then accept it.

After changing their state of mind, Fang Ji and the others stopped bowing their heads and hid their faces, not daring to show it to others, since it was embarrassing anyway, so they should be generous.

Otherwise, it will only attract more people to ridicule.

The carriage kept moving forward, neither fast nor slow. Fang Ji and Meng Lang stepped on the snow and kept moving forward.

As we move forward, more and more people recognize Fang Ji and others. In fact, everyone around has already known about Fang Ji and others pushing carts. The speed of this incident is faster than imagined. Much faster, many people appeared nearby to witness this meter with their own eyes, and some of them had enemies with Fang Ji and others.

Fang Ji and the others ignored these guys, and kept comforting themselves in their hearts, to be calm, to be calm, to learn not to see, otherwise they would only make themselves more angry, but it was useless.

However, they underestimate those who want to see their jokes.

Among them, a young man who was at odds with Fang Ji and the others appeared near the carriage, and laughed at Fang Ji and Meng Lang loudly: "Yo Yo, Young Master Fang, Young Master Meng, I didn't expect you to have today, tsk tsk ...Aren't you very arrogant? Why have you fallen to the point where people push carts now? Is the family declining? Your father and mother must be very disappointed when they see this scene. Now I can only push carts for people, so I really have a bright future.”

"Young Master Fang, don't pay attention to him, just ignore him, he seems to irritate you, let's see our joke."

Meng Lang and others beside Fang Ji advised Fang Ji to calm down and not get angry.

"When the family members come, we will be free, and it will not be too late to settle accounts with this guy."

To be honest, Meng Lang and the others were also in a very upset mood and kept scolding their mothers, but now that they were under the eaves, they had to bow their heads and could only bear with it.

None of Fang Ji and the others replied and fought back, which made this young man named Guo Cheng feel a little disappointed. However, he didn't intend to stop the humiliation just now. Opportunities like today don't come often, and he won't waste them in vain. .

So Guo Cheng began to chatter and laugh endlessly, in a rhythm that would grind people's ears out of cocoons.

Finally, before Fang Ji and others couldn't take it anymore, Ding Ning spoke up.

Ge Hong shot directly, caught Guo Cheng in the air, put Guo Cheng among Fang Ji and the others, let him push the cart together, and sealed his mouth so that he could not say a word.

Fang Ji and the others laughed out loud, feeling quite relieved. For the first time, they felt that Ding Ning and Ge Hong were not bad, and they could be regarded as venting their anger for them.

With Guo Cheng as an example, those who wanted to laugh at Fang Ji and others did not dare to open their mouths, for fear that they would end up with Guo Cheng and join the trolley team.

For a while, the surrounding area was quite quiet.

After traveling for three hours, the carriage stopped, and Ge Hong said, "Master, we are here."

"Is that Baihua Fairy here?" Ding Ning's voice came from the car.

Fang Ji walked to the car window and said, "Young Master Ding, this is the residence of Fairy Baihua, we came from here before, Fairy Baihua should be here."

The reason why he came to Fairy Baihua was not because of Fang Ji and the others, but because Ding Ning also wanted to meet Fairy Baihua.

I refused her invitation, which attracted Fang Ji and others. This Fairy Baihua takes Ding Ning quite seriously.

Ding Ning can satisfy such a woman who has never met before and wants to meet him.

Anyway, it's on the way.

The carriage stopped in front of Fairy Baihua's residence, and naturally this news reached Fairy Baihua's ears immediately.

Inside the main hall, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, and it looks like a midsummer season, which is in sharp contrast with the snowy and cold weather outside, like two worlds.

Fairy Baihua, who was swinging on the swing, stopped after listening to the report from her subordinates, got off the swing, and said to the two sisters around: "You two sisters, how about going to meet this Mr. Ding with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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