The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 583 5883 Fairy! 3 more

Chapter 583 588 Three Fairies! 3 more

Hundred Flowers Palace.

Famous for Baihua Fairy, seeing the carriage parked in front of Baihua Palace at this time, those who followed the carriage also stopped.

"The carriage is parked here, is the owner of the carriage here for Fairy Baihua?"

"I remember that Fang Ji, Meng Lang and the others showed their courtesy in front of Baihua Fairy a lot before. It's really embarrassing to appear in this posture at this time."

"It's also because they are too confident and dare to trouble this Mr. Ding. This Mr. Ding dares to kill even the top ten leaders of the ghost organization. How can he be afraid of them, young masters? He deserves what he has become like this."

"I think Fairy Baihua must have invited Young Master Ding, but was rejected by Young Master Ding. Fang Ji and Meng Lang wanted to vent their anger on Fairy Baihua, so they did it. It's just that they underestimated Young Master Ding."

The identity of the owner in the carriage and the people who followed have already figured out that it was Ding Ning who responded positively to the ghost organization before. After learning this news, why did Fang Ji, Meng Lang and others become cart pushers? I can figure it out.

At this time, the carriage stopped here, and people speculated that Ding Ning should have come to settle accounts with Fairy Baihua. After all, Fang Ji and the others were looking for trouble because of Fairy Baihua. Although they did not cause any trouble to Ding Ning, it was inevitable that Ding Ning would So angry.

"I don't know how Mr. Ding will treat Fairy Baihua. I really look forward to it."

"With Fairy Baihua's beauty, even if Mr. Ding wanted to make a move, he wouldn't be able to bear it."

"Look, Fairy Baihua has appeared, and we will know the answer soon."

Those people who came to Baihua Palace with the carriage were standing far behind at this time, not too close, they all followed to watch the excitement, it is best to keep a proper distance.

As soon as Baihua Fairy appeared, the surrounding cold and snowy land instantly melted, the soil was exposed on the ground, and flowers quickly formed, blooming in this northern wilderness.

The fragrance of flowers is wafting, refreshing.


Ding Ning noticed that the blooming flowers appeared because the Hundred Flower Fairy covered the surrounding space with her own strength, and stimulated the power to make living vegetation grow in the soil.

Of course, to Ding Ning, this is just a small trick, and it looks good, but it is actually useless.

"In addition to Baihua Fairy, there are two other fairy-level figures."

"Zizi, I'm lucky today, I was able to meet the three great fairies of the Northern Wilderness at one time, so it's not in vain to follow me all the way!"

Those who saw Fairy Baihua appeared in their field of vision suddenly found that there were two beauties standing beside Fairy Baihua. The appearance and temperament of these two beauties made everyone's eyes brighten.

Not for other reasons, because the reputation of these two fairy-level women is no less than that of Fairy Baihua.

"It's Fairy Qin Lan and Fairy Mo Qing!"

"The three most beautiful fairies in the Northern Wilderness are here. Fang Ji and the others are really ashamed." Some people feel sorry for Fang Ji, Meng Lang and others, because they, the people most admired by young and old, are here Here, it's all right now, it's really embarrassing to be ashamed in front of the three fairies all of a sudden.

When Fang Ji, Meng Lang and the others saw that besides Fairy Baihua, there were two other beauties at the fairy level, the embarrassing feeling came to their hearts again, and they all squeezed behind the carriage one by one, not wanting to be caught by the three fairies. See.

Fairy Baihua didn't look behind the carriage, which made Fang Ji and the others heave a sigh of relief, they were just glad they didn't see it.

Baihua Fairy's attention was all behind the curtain of the carriage, with a pair of watery eyes, she wanted to see through the curtain and see the people inside the carriage.

"Sister Baihua, this person came to your territory and refused to even get out of the carriage, what a shame." It was Fairy Qin Lan who spoke, her voice was as melodious as a lark.

"That's right, they don't even show what they look like." Fairy Mo Qing answered.

Fairy Baihua blinked her eyes, like water waves rippling, she looked at the carriage and said: "Since your Excellency has come to my Baihua Palace, why don't you get out of the carriage and have a look."

Speaking of what Ding Ning looked like, in fact, everyone present was very curious, including Fang Ji and Meng Lang, because they had never seen Ding Ning from the beginning to the end, and it was Ge Hong who made the move before, forcing them to be pushers. Car people, for Ding Ning, they only heard the voice, but never saw him.

"Are you going to get off the carriage when you arrive at Baihua Palace?" Ding Ning's voice came from inside the carriage.

It has to be said that Ding Ning's tone of voice is very unpleasant, giving the impression of being very arrogant, with a completely contemptuous attitude towards others.

Hearing this, Fairy Baihua immediately frowned.

"Fairy, this man is very conceited and arrogant. I invited him before, but he refused to get off the carriage. I think he came here uninvited to trouble the fairy. I will overturn his carriage. He doesn't show up." The old man standing beside Fairy Baihua spoke at the right time, and had a big opinion on Ding Ning, this person was the old man who was rejected by Ding Ning before.

The old man didn't do anything before because Fairy Baihua had ordered him not to do anything, but this time, he had a reason to do so, because Ding Ning was too arrogant, even if he dared to challenge the ghost organization, he would be too arrogant.

Bai Hua Fairy didn't open her mouth to stop her, she just acquiesced to the old man's words. Sure enough, when the old man noticed that Bai Hua Fairy didn't mean to stop her, she immediately swooped and jumped up, intending to step on the carriage directly under her feet.

This sudden scene surprised the people who were paying close attention to this place all the time. Unexpectedly, there would be conflicts as soon as it came up.

The old man is like a big eagle, his hands turned into sharp claws, and the sharp aura from his hands can be felt from a distance.

With this kind of strength, not to mention a carriage, even a magic weapon can be torn to pieces.

The old man volleyed in the air, the horse neighed, and he felt a terrible breath in the sky.

Ding Ning, who was sitting in the carriage, did not move, still as calm as a mountain, because someone would take action for him to stop the old man.

"You want to be presumptuous in front of the young master!"

Ge Hong's voice suddenly exploded, like thunder, resounding across the land thousands of miles away, this opening really shocked everyone.

Even the figure of the old man who made the shot was stunned in the air.

But his movements did not stop because of this, but he increased his strength, because he knew that Ge Hong wanted to stop himself.

"Break it for me."

The old man swiped his hands fiercely, turning into two streaks of white power, trying to tear the carriage apart.


These two forces went away quickly and disappeared quickly, leaving only the sound of oil splashing in the hot pan in the air.

Immediately, people could clearly see that the carriage was still intact, because there was a person who blocked the blow just now.

It's Ge Hong!
Everyone also saw that it was the master next to Ding Ning.

At this time, Ge Hong was hovering above the carriage, staring at the old man. He didn't say anything, because he spoke with movements. The next second, people saw Ge Hong's figure disappear suddenly, and then, the man who wanted to destroy The old man in the carriage was slammed by Ge Hong's body, only to see the old man disappear with an astonishing speed.

You can't even see the shadow, what a distance you have to fly, and it's still high in the air.

(End of this chapter)

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