The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 584 589 Get off! 1 more

Chapter 584 589 Get off! 1 more

The old man was knocked into the air and disappeared without a trace, which surprised Baihua Fairy and the other three.

As for the strength of the old man, they all knew that the old man was an existence in the late stage of the Nascent Soul Realm, and he would be knocked so far away by the other party at once.

How strong is Ge Hong?

Regarding Ge Hong's strength, many people are rather vague. They only heard that Ge Hong is very strong, but no one knows how strong he is. Now seeing that even the old man was knocked into the air by a single blow, it makes everyone wonder. a more intuitive understanding.

There was silence in the air for a while, until the old man's angry voice roared down from the sky, breaking the silence.

The old man who was knocked out was like a star, rushing down at a terrifying speed, and the traces left by him because of his excessive speed could be seen from a distance.

The air is all white.

The old man came roaring and fell from the sky. This scene made everyone around him tense up. They felt nervous instinctively, as if they were coming towards him.

In fact, this is just an illusion, because the power of the old man is too terrifying, which caused this phenomenon.

Huge pressure rolled from the air. Facing the overwhelming pressure, Ge Hong stepped on the air before the pressure was approaching, rushed upwards, and rushed straight to the sky.

The two collided again like two cannonballs.

This time the collision was much more intense than the previous one, because the old man had already exerted his full strength under the anger, which can be said to be a full-strength attack. Naturally, Ge Hong would not underestimate carelessness, and also unfolded his strongest strength.

There was only a bang in everyone's ears.

Then, I couldn't help closing my eyes, because the sudden burst of light in the sky was so dazzling that it could blind people's eyes.

After a while, the light dissipated, and people looked at the sky again.

In the sky, Ge Hong's figure stood horizontally in the sky, while the old man was grabbed by Ge Hong with one hand and held in his hand, everyone who watched was stunned.


Ge Hong returned to the ground again, threw the old man in his hand on the ground, and said to Ding Ning in the carriage: "Young Master, this person has been captured, and he is waiting for you."

"You can see for yourself." Ding Ning's voice came from inside the car.

The life and death of the old man was left to Ge Hong himself.

Ge Hong nodded, stood in front of the old man, and said condescendingly: "Since the young master asked me to deal with you at will, I will give you death because of your offending young master just now."

With that said, Ge Hong was about to make a move.


Fairy Baihua opened her mouth, wanting to prevent Ge Hong from killing the old man, but Ge Hong would not give Fairy Baihua any face. He ignored Fairy Baihua's words, and with a movement of his arm, he directly destroyed the old man's dantian, and then punched him again. The old man's soul was broken, but at this moment, a rope was wrapped around the old man's body, and the moment Ge Hong's arm was about to fall, the old man was swept away by the rope.

Ge Hong turned his gaze, and then saw Fairy Baihua who rescued the old man.

Fairy Bai Hua's face was ugly. Although she was rescued, she was also disabled. Her dantian was destroyed, and all her abilities disappeared, and she became an ordinary person from then on.

"Fairy don't have to be sad for me. It's much better if I lose my strength and my life in the headquarters. I can't defeat that guy. I'm incompetent. I don't blame you, Fairy." The old man said weakly. He is no longer a powerful Nascent Soul Realm expert.

Fairy Bai Hua put a force into the old man's body, then looked in the direction of the carriage, and said, "Your Excellency is going too far."

"Is it too much?" Inside the car, Ding Ning chuckled, "Why didn't you say it was too much when he hit me?"

"Even if he attacked you, he didn't intend to kill you. He just wanted to force you to show up. And you, you indulged your servant to be so cruel." Fairy Baihua said angrily.

"Whether he wants to kill me or not, how do you know? If I was killed by him, would you still say that?" Ding Ning sneered: "Since you have shot me, you have to bear the consequences. I don't care what he has in mind." Thoughts, you should have the awareness of being killed if you make a move, but you, don’t you think it’s ridiculous to come here to reason with me?”

"You..." Fairy Baihua didn't expect Ding Ning to have such an eloquent mouth, her face turned purple with anger, and she said coldly, "If you continue to be so arrogant, before the ghost organization kills you, you will die in the in the hands of others."

"Are you threatening me?" Ding Ning's tone was cool.

"I'm just stating the facts. Don't think that if you have a powerful servant, you can ignore anyone else. It may be difficult to get here based on your own strength alone."

"Hehe..." Ding Ning smiled, "It seems like you know me very well."

"You're just a young master who doesn't know where you came from. If it wasn't for the strong guards around you, what would you have to be proud of?" Fairy Baihua sneered.

"I don't like to attack women, so I can forgive you for what you just said, Fairy Baihua is nothing more than that, Ge Hong, let's go." Ding Ning didn't want to argue with a woman, since he also met Fairy Baihua, there is nothing special Yes, Ding Ning is too lazy to stay here, wasting time.

If outsiders knew what Ding Ning thought of Baihua Fairy, they would definitely be speechless. No matter how bad Baihua Fairy was, she still had a beautiful face. Unfortunately, Ding Ning didn't pay much attention to this aspect. He had never seen a beauty of any level, so , From the beginning to the end, his attention was not on Fairy Baihua's face.

Ge Hong is a loyal practitioner of Ding Ning's words. Since Ding Ning is leaving, Ge Hong will naturally drive the carriage as soon as possible.

Bai Hua Fairy's figure flashed, and stood in front of the carriage, not wanting the carriage to leave.

She was still angry at the fact that the old man's cultivation had been destroyed. If Ding Ning were allowed to leave like this, her reputation as a Baihua fairy would also be damaged.

Therefore, Ding Ning must not be easily let go.

"The person who hurt me just wants to leave like this?" Fairy Bai Hua said.

"What do you want?"

"Don't say that you don't like to fight with women. I think you are just making excuses. You must be very weak, so you have made yourself so mysterious that you dare not even get off the carriage. In my opinion, it was rumored that you killed In my opinion, [-]% of the top ten leaders of the ghost organization were not killed by you, but by the person next to you. You are just a weak person hiding behind others. You want to use the name of the ghost organization to become famous. "

Baihua Fairy said slowly with a tone that saw through Ding Ning, and threw out her own analysis.

"Are you forcing me to do it myself?"

"So what? Do you dare?" Fairy Baihua replied.

Ding Ning in the carriage didn't speak any more and became silent.

Fairy Bai Hua sneered, "What? Are you scared? I told you right, you are simply using your servant's strength to pretend to be a tiger."


Inside the car, Ding Ning's voice sounded again, but it was just a sigh.

Afterwards, Yoyo said: "Since you want to see me make a move so much, I will satisfy you!"

next second.

A figure suddenly jumped out of the carriage.

Fairy Baihua's expression flashed.

(End of this chapter)

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