The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 586 591 Behavior of durian mang! 3 more

Chapter 586 591 Behavior of durian mang! 3 more

Are the three great fairies of the Northern Wilderness acting as maids?
As soon as these words came out, everyone was astonished. This kind of thing, let alone others dare not do it, even if they dare not even think about it.

Ding Ning is too crazy, wanting to make the three fairies a maid, crazy, must be crazy.

One sentence stirred up thousands of waves. To the people around, this incident was like a thunderstorm, which made everyone unable to calm down.

"It's crazy. How could the three fairies be someone's maid? Even if they were willing, the forces behind them would not agree."

"If he really dares to do this, it will be difficult for him to move an inch in the Northern Wilderness. Offending a ghost organization is enough for him. Now that he has three fairies as maids all of a sudden, and four forces are targeting him together, he will definitely die. "

People were shocked by Ding Ning's decision, and Fang Ji, Meng Lang, Guo Cheng and others were even more surprised by Ding Ning's actions.

But after they came back to their senses, they felt that Ding Ning really dared to do this. After all, they were all forced by Ding Ning to become cart pullers, so there was nothing Ding Ning dared to do.

Fairy Bai Hua, Fairy Qin Lan, Fairy Mo Qing, the three of them also stared at Ding Ning's words, and then they all shouted: "You want me to be a maid, you are dreaming."

"You are looking for death by doing this. No one can save you."

The three fairies are really angry. No matter where they appear in the northern wilderness, they are treated like stars, and there is no one to talk to them loudly. Now someone makes them three Maid, this is a shame and a shame.

"Ding, do you know how much trouble you will cause yourself if you do this?"

The three fairies asked one after another, how could they be willing to be maids for others? With their honorable status, there is no reason to serve others.

Facing the warning from the three women, Ding Ning didn't care at all, looked at the three of them with a smile and said, "I am not afraid of trouble, since I asked the three of you to be my maids, you have to do it honestly, if not... "

"We don't do it, what do you think?"

"That is, even if you kill us, we will not agree."

Fairy Qin Lan and Fairy Mo Qing are very stubborn, even if they die, they will not be servants for others.

"You will agree." Ding Ning smiled mysteriously, and then looked at the three women seriously: "I will ask you one last time, are you really not going to be my maid?"

"In this world, no one is qualified to let us be his maid. No matter how many times you ask, we will not agree." Fairy Qin Lan and Fairy Mo Qing were still stubborn.

Only Fairy Baihua felt that Ding Ning's smile was full of malicious intentions. What does this guy want to do?
"Okay, since that's the case, I can only find a way to get you to agree." As he said, Ding Ning stretched out a palm, grabbed it slightly, and then formed a palm made of spiritual energy in the air. Everyone didn't know why, but Ding Ning What to do, just when many people were wondering, the palm made of spiritual energy quickly fell.

Only three popping sounds were heard, and immediately after that, everyone stayed on the spot.

What did they just see?
Ding Ning slapped the three fairies on the buttocks with a palm made of spiritual energy. This scene was not ordinary.

Molesting three fairies at once?

Ding Ning's jaw dropped in shock. No one would have thought that he would do this, slapping the private parts of the three fairies in public.

This kind of behavior is too aggressive!
Fang Ji, Meng Lang and the others were all stunned by Ding Ning's actions. How could Nima have such an operation?

The three fairies were still immersed in a state of trance, and being slapped on the buttocks in public made it difficult for the three of them to recover for a while.

However, this absence only lasted for a moment, and within a few breaths, the three fairies all regained their senses, looked at Ding Ning, and gritted their teeth one by one, wishing to tear Ding Ning into pieces.

"You Dumang, dare to go too far, I, Qin Lan, will definitely make life worse than death."

"Shameless, I, Mo Qing, swear, you will pay for this."

Both Qin Lan and Mo Qing were extremely angry at Ding Ning's behavior. Ding Ning's behavior was too much. It was a great humiliation to humiliate them in front of other people.

Fairy Baihua realized that she had really underestimated Ding Ning's lawlessness. Is there anything else he dared not do?

Facing the anger of the three women, although Ding Ning felt a little embarrassed, he didn't show it. On the contrary, he showed a cynical look, giving people the feeling of an arrogant son, and said again: "I chose to be my brother. Maid, should I fight again?"

The threat of red fruit!

If the three daughters disagreed to be maids, Ding Ning would continue the shameful behavior just now. For the three daughters, it would be more uncomfortable than killing them.

"If you don't speak, I'll take it as if you disagree. In that case, I have no choice but to..." As he spoke, the palm that had stopped in the air fell down again.

clap clap clap!
There were three more crisp sounds, and the palm hit the skin, making the three fairies ashamed.

"I am going to kill you!"

"We're fighting with you!"

The three fairies were so angry that they wanted to die with Ding Ning, but the bondage Ding Ning left on them was like a chain, they couldn't move at all, they could only let Ding Ning manipulate them.

"Hehe, are you still angry? It's okay, I have plenty of time, so let's continue." Ding Ning was moved, and the palm fell again, hitting the third woman's buttocks for the third time, making the third woman's face pale. It's all hard to see the extreme.

When the slap was about to fall for the fourth time, Fairy Baihua was the first to compromise.

"We agreed, can you stop your mangling?"

"Oh? Are the two of them thinking the same as you?" Ding Ning was the first to bow her head when she saw Baihua Fairy, but Qin Lan and Mo Qing still looked like life and death enemies.

"We'll be your maids." Qin Lan and Mo Qing were silent for a while, and then said this sentence expressionlessly, and it can be seen how reluctant they were in their hearts.

Hearing this answer, the palm dissipated in the air, and Ding Ning said with a smile: "It's not shameful to be my maid. After all, you will be grateful for today's decision."

None of the three girls accepted Ding Ning's words. They only agreed because of Ding Ning's shameless behavior, not willingly.

Ding Ning warned the three of them that since he agreed to be a maid, he must have the consciousness of being a maid, and then let the three of them go.

Fairy Baihua and the other three stood around the carriage with cold faces. Fang Ji, Meng Lang and the others couldn't hide this time even if they wanted to. One became Ding Ning's cart driver and the other became a maid. How could they hide.

Neither of the two parties spoke, and they all became Ding Ning's servants, and Baihua Fairy and three of them became Ding Ning's maids. , Meng Lang and the others became even more exciting as coachmen.

The three fairy-level characters in the Northern Wilderness have all become one's maids. It is foreseeable that once more people know about it, there will be shocking waves.

"Let's get on the road." Ding Ning returned to the carriage, and Ge Hong continued to drive, only to see Fairy Baihua standing on the side of the carriage, Fang Ji, Meng Lang and others continued to push the carriage, slowly driving out of the Baihua Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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