The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 587 592 Crusade against the Alliance! 1 more

Chapter 587 592 Crusade against the Alliance! 1 more

Inside the carriage, the corners of Ding Ning's mouth slightly raised.

Forcing Fairy Baihua and the other three to be his maids, he just deliberately taught them a lesson. If the three girls hadn't threatened him, he would have left long ago.

This kind of woman who thinks that everyone in the world has to give way should let them suffer.

Of course, letting these three girls become maids will inevitably cause other troubles. Ding Ning has also considered this point, but he is not the kind of person who will be restrained because of the consequences of too much trouble.

If there are forces behind the three women, let them come. Anyway, he has already offended the ghost organization. One more is not too much, and one less is not too much.

Ding Ning wasn't too worried. After thinking for a while, he put all his thoughts behind him and began to close his eyes and meditate.

And as the carriage moved forward, the news that the three Baihua fairies became other people's maids spread to more people's ears.

When many people heard the news, their first feeling was that they didn't believe it. What a joke, which monk dared to be so bold as to let the three fairies be maids, it was absolutely impossible.

But as the story got bigger and bigger, those who didn't believe it had to believe it, because many people were talking about it, and what they said had their noses and eyes.

For this reason, many people waited for the carriage that Ding Ning was sitting to pass by.

Some people even chased Ding Ning's carriage in person in order to verify the truth, just to see the truth.

There are also some people who complain about the three fairies. These people are the admirers of the three fairies. When they hear that their goddess is serving as a maid for others, they are naturally the first to disagree and want to save the three goddesses from the sea of ​​suffering.

"Brothers, this Mr. Ding is simply the great devil in our Northern Wilderness. We can't let him continue to be lawless."

"That's right, it's not like he has the final say on the Northern Wilderness. He dared to force the three fairies to be his maids, or acted like a hooligan. This kind of person should be punished. We want to rescue the three fairies and return the three fairies. A freedom."

"Count me in. This kind of person is too arrogant. He must let him know how powerful our Northern Wilderness is, otherwise, he really thinks that there is no one in our Northern Wilderness."

The admirers of these three fairies immediately formed an alliance, ready to act together to rescue the three fairies.

These people went to chase Ding Ning's carriage in a mighty way. Some people who watched the excitement followed immediately, thinking that there was a good show to watch.

The three fairies have captured the hearts of many young men in the Northern Wilderness, and of course there will be many who are willing to be angry with the crown.

The formation of a crusade alliance is also inevitable.

It didn't take long for those who wanted to rescue the three fairies from the sea of ​​suffering to find Ding Ning's carriage.

Because the two carriages were too conspicuous, there were Fang Ji, Meng Lang and others as cart drivers, and Fairy Baihua, Prophet Qin Lan, and Fairy Mo Qing as maids. He couldn't keep a low profile even if he wanted to, and he didn't allow it with his strength.

The people in the crusade against the alliance saw that the three fairies were really acting as maids by themselves, walking on both sides of the carriage, and they were all very angry.

Someone from far away immediately shouted: "Three fairies, we will rescue you from here."

Hu la la a group of people blocked the way of the carriage, Ge Hong put away his long whip, and the horse stopped.

The Alliance Crusaders came to the front of the carriage, their eyes were full of anger, they couldn't stand the scene of their goddess serving as someone else's maid, so they immediately sent their anger to Ding Ning in the carriage.

"Surnamed Ding, you are so brave to force three fairies to be your maids. Do you know how despicable and shameless your behavior is?"

"That's right, even if the three fairies agree to your shameless behavior now, we don't agree. Let the three fairies go quickly, otherwise, you will be an enemy of my entire Northern Wilderness."

"Release them immediately and apologize to the three fairies, you have a way to survive, otherwise, don't blame us for being rude to you."

Among these people, there were many young masters who were at the same level as Fang Ji and Meng Lang, and they were so numerous that they thought that there was nothing invincible against Ding Ning.

At the same time, these people also ridiculed Fang Ji and the others, saying that they had become Ding Ning's servants, and it was a disgrace to their family.

Fang Ji, Meng Lang and the others were angry, but they couldn't refute, so they could only stare. However, the crusade against the alliance did not come because of Fang Ji and others. They came to rescue the three fairies, and the focus was naturally on Baihua On the three fairies.

Now the crusade against the alliance warns Ding Ning to let go, otherwise he will be shot by all of them.

In this regard, Ge Hong asked if he should knock all these people to the ground.

Ding Ning said: "You don't need to take action on this matter. Since my three maids caused the trouble, let them handle it."

Immediately, Ding Ning sent a voice transmission to the three women and said, "They came because of you three, then, it's up to you three to solve it."

In order to prevent the three of them from not doing their best, Ding Ning also deliberately warned the three of them, warning them with the way he did before.

"You are smart people, so I don't need to say more." After Ding Ning said the last sentence, he stopped talking and left the three women to deal with it.

The people on the opposite side of the carriage, seeing the uncertain faces of the three girls, couldn't help shouting: "Three fairies, don't worry, we'll get you out right away."

Afterwards, they continued to urge Ding Ning to let them go. After Ding Ning had no intention of letting them go, these people rushed forward.

But before they rushed to the carriage, they were stopped by a sudden scene.

"Three fairies, who are you?"

Those who crusade against the alliance were puzzled, they were clearly here to rescue the three fairies, why did the three fairies stand in front of them.

"Fairy Baihua, Fairy Qin Lan, Fairy Mo Qing, we are here to help you, what are you..."

The three girls had their own difficulties. They knew that these people were here to help her, but the three girls had to do so, because if they didn't do so, Ding Ning would continue his previous behavior, and they didn't want to continue being a In front of the public, he was spanked by Ding Ning.

It was precisely because of this that the three women had to stand in their way.

"Let's go, we don't need you to rescue us." Fairy Baihua said, not wanting to fight these people.

All those who crusade against the alliance are now embarrassed. They are here to save people, but the rescued people become obstacles in the way. What should they do?

Naturally, they would not fight with the three girls. In the end, they had no choice but to back away and let the carriage move on.

In this regard, those who crusade against the alliance agreed that Ding Ning was too despicable and hateful, and Ding Ning must have threatened the three girls to do so.

Thinking of this, those who crusade against the alliance hated Ding Ning even more.

The carriage continued on the road, and the people who crusaded the alliance did not leave, but followed behind. They wanted to keep an eye on Ding Ning, and they must not let Ding Ning do any harm to the three women.

In this way, the carriage walked in the front, followed by a large number of people, mighty and mighty, those who didn't know thought they were all escorted by the owner of the carriage.

And just after the carriage drove for two hours, it was stopped again.

But this time, the people standing in front were unusual, and the expressions of the three fairies also changed one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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