The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 594 599 Hotel Stay! 2 more

Chapter 594 599 Hotel Stay! 2 more

Three nights ago.

The carriage didn't move forward overnight. When passing by a small town, Ding Ning spoke up, planning to spend the night in the town before leaving.

Ge Hong always strictly followed Ding Ning's words, but Fairy Baihua and the others were somewhat puzzled. Before, Ding Ning didn't take a break in the middle of the night, but now that a night's rest is a good thing, everyone is happy to do so.

After entering an inn to stay, Ding Ning sat cross-legged on the bed, remained motionless, and entered into a state of meditation.

Those who came all the way with the carriage also stayed in the inn. In an instant, the inn was full of people, and those who couldn't stay had to go outside to deal with it overnight.

"Hey, this has been going on for several days, and no one has come to trouble this guy. Is there no one in the Northern Wilderness? Or are we all afraid of him?" A young man leaning against the wall, half lying down road.

There were five or six people lying around it. They all had no place to live and could only sleep outside. However, they didn't complain about this, but were disappointed by the quietness along the way.

"Yeah, this guy rejected so many people's invitations, and none of them got angry because of it. These forces are really bullying. Usually, everyone is almost arrogant, but anyone who dares to provoke them wants to kill them all. Now, I’m so deflated that I don’t even fart.”

"What big forces and big families dare to bully the weak like us, and have to bow their heads when facing the strong. Isn't it just such an example right now? , the Mo family and the Fang family turned off the flames, I think they have already made a move, the reason why they didn't do it is because of fear, fear, they can't deal with this Young Master Ding."

"However, I have to say that this Mr. Ding is really a brave man with a high skill. Even the three fairies have been forced to become maids, which is really enviable! If I can also be treated as a maid by the three fairies, be He is willing to die even if he serves you."

"Hehe, depending on you, you will be killed immediately."

The few people chatted enthusiastically, did they not know that there was a divine sense above them, listening to all their words without missing a word.

The master of this divine sense was none other than Ding Ning. He was sitting in the room, and his divine sense had already protruded out of the window, covering the entire town, and even hundreds of miles around the town, and thousands of miles away, were under his spiritual detection.

Ding Ning summed up what these people said about him, and ignored them. However, after a few days of chatting with these people, the [-]-day deadline that the Ghost Organization had originally said reached Ding Ning. , want to deal with him, say to let him wash his neck and wait to avenge the ten masters.

"Time flies really fast." Ding Ning moved his mind, stopped staying and quickly returned to the inn.

The divine sense stopped for a moment outside the room where Baihua Fairy, Qin Lan, and Mo Qing were, but did not go in, but sensed that the three of them were inside, and left Ding Ning's side. The divine sense returned to the body, and Ding Ning opened his eyes. Eyes opened.

Get up, get out of bed, open the window, the cold wind blows in.

There is no moon tonight, and the sky is very dark. It is already night, and without the light of the moon, it looks even darker.

Standing in front of the window, staring at the night sky for a long time, Ding Ning sent a voice transmission to Ge Hong with a thought, and in the next second, he disappeared in the room.

Ge Hong opened his eyes suddenly, and looked out the window.

He had vaguely guessed what Ding Ning was doing after leaving the room.

"Young master is finally about to start."

Thinking about how terrifying Ding Ning would be if he succeeds.

When Ge Hong was slightly lost in thought, Ding Ning turned into a black lightning bolt and was quickly submerged in the darkness.

His speed is very fast, and under galloping at full speed, he has already come to a place thousands of miles away.

After waiting for dozens of breaths, Ding Ning ran wildly from a straight line, suddenly changed direction, and rose to a high altitude, tens of thousands of miles away, even the clouds were trampled under his feet.

It is here.

Ding Ning looked at the surrounding environment, there is a huge distance from the ground.

The land of the Northern Wilderness looks small when viewed from such a height.

Running here in the middle of the night, Ding Ning naturally had his plan, and his purpose was to overcome the catastrophe.

Push the realm of magic way to the realm of Nascent Soul.

Through these years of comprehension, Ding Ning has polished enough to be solid at the peak of the Golden Core Realm of the Devil Dao, and the breakthrough is a matter of course. Before, he thought that he could continue to push, but the sudden blessing to his heart made him have a feeling Unable to stop the breakthrough posture, this made him stop suddenly, resting at night for the first time, pausing on the road.

"Once I break through to the Nascent Soul Realm, I will have two Nascent Souls in my body, one more than other monks. My strength can be said to be twice that of others. Advantages, this gap will widen again, monks in the same realm can completely sweep, and cross-border battles will become extremely possible." Ding Ning's eyes flickered, and he whispered in his mouth.

At the level of the Nascent Soul Realm, if you want to cross the border, it is ten times, a hundred times that of the Golden Core Realm.

After all, the further back the realm, the more difficult it is to break through. Naturally, it becomes exponentially more difficult to fight across the border.

For other monks, this matter is difficult to reach the blue sky, but for Ding Ning, it may be possible to turn the impossible into a possibility.

Ding Ning doesn't know how much his current vision will improve once he enters the Nascent Soul Realm, and he can only understand it now after he really enters this realm.

With a sudden gaze, he looked towards the endless distance, only to hear Ding Ning slowly say: "Then let's start."

After finishing speaking, he restrained the aura of the righteous way, and began to release the aura of the realm of the demonic way, instigating the catastrophe.

In an instant, the nine heavens began to change rapidly.

The catastrophe has come.

On the land of the Northern Wilderness.

At the moment Ding Ning hooked the Heavenly Tribulation, some sensitive strong men looked over their heads, as if they had noticed something.

"Is it my illusion?"

A strong man murmured to himself, then withdrew his mind and continued to concentrate on cultivation.

In the small town, those monks who had already fallen asleep did not realize that thousands of miles away, there was already a turmoil, which was extremely depressing, and a huge catastrophe was about to be born.

It is very quiet here, most of them have already entered a state of rest, only a few hard-working monks are still practicing hard.

Fairy Baihua lay on the bed and couldn't fall asleep. In the end, she got out of the window, stood in front of the window, and looked out the window.

"It always feels like something is going to happen." Fairy Bai Hua muttered to herself.

And Qin Lan and Mo Qing, who were in the same room, also woke up after hearing Fairy Baihua's movements, and persuaded, "Sister Baihua, you must be upset because of being that guy's maid."

Fairy Bai Hua shook her head: "It's nothing." She closed the window again, returned to the bed, and lay down.

Qin Lan and Mo Qing couldn't fall asleep either, and started talking about Ding Ning.

"Sister Baihua, what identity do you think he has, he is obviously about the same age as us, how can he be so strong?"

"I feel that he is rather weird, and the servant beside him, I always have a feeling that they are not from our Northern Wilderness."

"Could they be from other star domains?"

"Looking at the posture all the way to the south, it may also come from the Southern Wilderness."

"Then shall we go to the Southern Wilderness as well? I have never been to the Southern Wilderness since I grew up so big. It is said that there are many strong people there, far stronger than our Northern Wilderness."

"It's not easy to step into the Southern Wilderness. If we follow him, I'm afraid we'll suffer along the way."

Fairy Bai Hua listened to the heated discussion between the two sisters, and slowly closed her eyes, feeling tired.

(End of this chapter)

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