The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 595 600 Wulanga Guardian! 1 more

Chapter 595 600 Wulanga Guardian! 1 more

Demonic Dao Heavenly Tribulation, thunder rolls.

Outside the nine days of the Southern Dipper, there is an extremely astonishing tribulation going on.

A figure galloped continuously in the black divine thunder that filled the sky, fighting against the heavenly tribulation.

Each of the black lightning bolts was comparable to a blow from a peak powerhouse in the late stage of Nascent Soul Realm. There were countless black lightning bolts, and it was foreseeable how terrifying this was.

The orthodox monks, who have gone through the catastrophe, are still close to death, and the demonic monks are even more cruel, almost ten deaths, especially the higher the realm, the harder it is to break through.

Demonic Dao is an existence that is not ashamed by the Dao of Heaven, so there are monks of the righteous way to crusade against the monks of the Demonic Dao. It is precisely because the monks of the Demonic Dao often do things that kill people like hemp and go against the Dao of Heaven, there are a large number of Daoist defenders.

In his last life, Ding Ning had fought against these Taoist priests a lot, and he was most aware of the bitterness of it.

Resurrection, with Ding Ning's talent, he didn't need to cultivate the way of the devil, he could do it alone. From then on, no one would call him the devil, but Ding Ning didn't do that because he firmly believed that the way of the devil is the same as the righteous way. They are equal, even if they are shamed by the Dao of Heaven, the Dao does not allow the existence of the Dao of Demons.

The Dao is above the Dao of Heaven. All living beings pursue the Dao of Longevity. What they pursue is the Dao, not the Dao of Heaven. Tao represents the great rule of Zhou Tian.

Where there is white, there will be black, and where there is light, there will be darkness. Nothing is absolute.

The way of magic is the same as the way of righteousness, there is nothing shameful. The reason why the world misunderstands the way of magic is because some monks of the way of magic are too cruel.

Not all demons are evil people. In his last life, even though he was a demon, he was also a principled demon.

Confronting the demonic catastrophe and resisting the impact of the catastrophe, Ding Ning's mind came up with the picture of the catastrophe in his previous life. The Nascent Soul catastrophe brought him to the brink of death.

"In this life, I won't be so embarrassed." Ding Ning didn't want to be tortured like that by the catastrophe, and he was dying after surviving.

In this life, he possesses black and white profound arts, the two methods of cultivating demons, and the two top two methods of body training. The super physical body he forges together is definitely much stronger than the previous life.

Facing the demonic catastrophe, Ding Ning is fearless, his eyes are full of fighting spirit, since his strength is enough to sweep the Nascent Soul Realm, then next, he will use his strength to continue to sweep the Nascent Soul Tribulation.

As if feeling the provocation of Ding Ning's fighting spirit, the demonic catastrophe became more and more ferocious. There were countless black lightning bolts, but they suddenly became more numerous, and each of these lightning bolts was as thick as a bucket, and was as long as [-] meters. Terrible scary.

The demonic aura was very strong on Ding Ning's body. His eyes turned blood red, and his hair danced in the air, as if he had life.

The appearance of Ding Ning at this time was that of a terrifying demon god, the kind that could make a child stop crying.

Bang bang bang!
Heavenly Tribulation lightning descended from the top of Ding Ning's head, and Ding Ning smashed all these black lightnings with one punch.

I can only see that the black lightning comes quickly and disappears quickly. However, there are many black lightnings, and if one disappears, there will be thousands of them to make up for it, one after another. consume each other.

People in the Northern Wilderness didn't notice the scene of crossing the catastrophe in the nine heavens, because it was too far from the ground. Even if some people heard the movement, they would think it was a natural phenomenon of weather changes.

Unless a powerful person can detect a different kind of change.

Below the crossing robbery where Ding Ning is located, there is an uninhabited area. The size of the Nandou star is four times that of the Canglan star field. This is enough to show that on the Nandou star, the land area is too vast, and the land of the Northern Wilderness belongs to the people of Diguang In rare places, there are some places where there is no one for millions of miles. The location Ding Ning chose to cross the catastrophe is such a place.

After all, Ding Ning didn't want to cross the catastrophe by himself and attract other people's attention.

However, this kind of no-man's land does not mean that there is really no one. It just so happens that there is a strong casual cultivator here, who is cultivating here.

And Ding Ning's aura of crossing the catastrophe finally caught the attention of this ascetic.

"Demonic breath..."

A voice came from the ground to the ground. It was very strange and terrifying in the deserted wilderness.The scariest thing was yet to come, because right after the words were finished, a withered hand suddenly protruded from the ground, as if an ancient corpse had been revived, the withered black palm looked a little creepy.

And just as this murmur echoed in the air, there was a swish.

Two beams of golden light shot from the ground to the ground, following the palm of the hand, not long after, a figure staggered up from the sand, and a bone crackling sound came from his body.

"It's been a long time since I came out for activities. Is there a monk of the Demonic Dao who is crossing the catastrophe?" The figure in the dark night looked at the sky after moving for a while.

If there are other Nascent Soul Realm powerhouses here, they will definitely be surprised by the appearance of this person in front of them.

Because, this person left a deep impression on people in the Northern Wilderness more than 100 years ago. People only know one name for him, Wulanga.

A legendary figure is a strong man who has stood at the peak of the late Nascent Soul Realm for many years. He has not appeared in people's field of vision for hundreds of years, and many people even think that he is dead.

Didn't you know that for a hundred years, Wu Langjia has been doing hard training in this no-man's land, trying to break the shackles of the peak of the late Nascent Soul Realm and enter the Leaving Aperture Realm.

"At the beginning, I was practicing sitting cross-legged under a rock. I didn't expect that many years had passed since I sat down. I don't know exactly how long it had been. If it wasn't for this trace of demonic aura that woke me up, I'm afraid I would continue to practice. .”

Wu Langjia said to himself alone, it has been a hundred years since he woke up after he practiced without moving. If he knew it, he would feel that time flies by.

"It has been so many years since there have been no demon monks in the Northern Wilderness. As a righteous monk, it is my responsibility to eliminate demons and defend the Tao. Since you woke me up, I will kill you, so as not to cause blood and rain to this land in the future." wind."

Wu Langjia whispered for a while, and immediately stepped on his feet, his whole body turned into a starlight, and disappeared in an instant, only a slight flash could be seen, and his person had long since disappeared.

Wu Langjia came to the high altitude, tens of thousands of miles away, but he hadn't seen the monk he wanted to kill.

"I thought I ran to such a high place on purpose, but it's a pity that you will inevitably be discovered by me, so I'll send you on your way." Wu Langa looked to a higher place again, tapped her feet again, and went straight to the sky superior.

(End of this chapter)

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