The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 596 601 Don't pretend to be 13 easily! 2 more

Chapter 596 601 Don't pretend to be 13 easily! 2 more

The black lightning fell into Ding Ning's body, only a slender black line could be seen on the skin, and then slowly disappeared.

Black lightning bolts entered Ding Ning's body one after another. Those who didn't know would think that Ding Ning might not be able to withstand the Heavenly Tribulation, so he could only let the Heavenly Tribulation enter his body and wreak havoc.

But if you can see the scene in Ding Ning's body, you will find that this is not the case at all.

Because the black lightning that entered the body was all absorbed by the black golden core.

They are like a carving knife, each stroke leaves a mark on the golden core, making the round golden core more and more like a human shape.

This is the sculpting of the black lightning, helping Ding Ning undergo a qualitative change in the Jindan realm and move towards the Nascent Soul realm.

Nascent Soul became clearer and clearer, gradually taking the shape of Ding Ning.

Seeing this scene, Ding Ning clearly knew that he had already stepped into the Nascent Soul Realm, and that he had successfully broken through the Demon Dao Realm.

The Heavenly Tribulation is still going on. The last part of the Heavenly Tribulation's power is to temper Ding Ning's body. However, Ding Ning did not use the Thunder Tribulation to temper it, because he felt that he didn't need it at all. When he opened his mouth, the True Yuan Sword jumped out of his belly. When he came out, he wanted to temper the True Essence Sword with the Thunder Tribulation of the Nascent Soul Realm.

The True Essence Sword had always been hidden in his body, and it was a good murderous weapon. Now, the one that has been stored is getting stronger and stronger, but there is still a long way to go before Ding Ning is satisfied.

He doesn't need the power of Heavenly Tribulation now, but he can't waste it. It's not bad to use it to refine the True Essence Sword.

The black lightning began to concentrate on the True Essence Sword, making the True Essence Sword more pure and its power silently increased.

In this way, Ding Ning immersed his mind in the dantian, feeling the changes after breaking through the Nascent Soul Realm from the Demon Dao Realm, and the True Yuan Sword also slowly became stronger beside him.

"finally found you."

Wu Langjia's voice sounded, and he came from the ground to nine days beyond the Southern Dipper, which is also the height of Ding Ning's crossing robbery.


With just one glance, he saw a figure in the distance, standing in the void, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

Seeing this, Wu Langa frowned, and said in his heart, "The promotion was successful?"

The thunder calamity was faintly fading, and the aura on his body was already at the initial stage of Nascent Soul Realm. He knew that Ding Ning must have successfully broken through.

"What a young man, it's a pity that what he stepped into at such a young age is not the righteous way, but the devil's way, and he deserves to die if he is a devil!" Seeing Ding Ning's appearance and feeling the vigorous aura of Ding Ning, Wu Langjia immediately I know, this is a young monk, especially Ding Ning entered the Nascent Soul Realm at a very young age. In Wu Langa's view, this kind of talent is definitely not low.

It's just that the ways are different and they don't conspire with each other.

Ding Ning, a monk who has just stepped into the Nascent Soul Realm, will not make Wu Langa afraid. He has been at the peak of the late Nascent Soul Realm for many years. It is not difficult to kill Ding Ning, a monk who has just stepped into the Nascent Soul Realm, so Wu Langjia didn't intend to sneak attack either.

According to his guess, Ding Ning must be recovering now, even though Ding Ning didn't seem to have any injuries on the surface, but Wu Langa didn't think that Ding Ning would have no injuries at all.

The young monk who has just broken through and entered the initial stage of Nascent Soul Realm, and is still trying to recover his strength, no matter what point, in Wu Langjia's view, he can easily deal with it.

So, Wu Langjia came forward like this, preparing his way of exorcism and defense.

When Wu Langjia approached slowly and was about to come to Ding Ning, Ding Ning opened his eyes and stared at the guy who suddenly appeared in front of him.

Those who are kind do not come, those who come are not good.

Ding Ning could feel the killing intent emanating from his bones when the other party looked at him.

"Come to kill me?" Ding Ning chuckled.

Wu Langjia was not in a hurry to kill Ding Ning, and said lightly: "Since I chose the magic way, I should have expected such a day. Your talent is good, and you have stepped into the Nascent Soul Realm at such a young age. If I didn't happen to Below you crossing the catastrophe, I can feel a breath of your body, and if you give you a few more years, I may not be able to kill you."

"A Taoist priest?" Ding Ning continued to maintain a smile on his face. Since he left the earth, no matter whether it was in the Canglan star field or the Southern Star, he had never exposed the magic way. Yes, only the servant Ge Hong.

If it weren't for the fact that the demonic realm was going to cross the catastrophe this time, as long as he Ding Ning didn't use the power of the demonic realm, this person would not be aware of him.

Of course, if you notice it, you will be aware of it. He Ding Ning doesn't mind too much. At worst, he will kill him.

Wu Langjia himself didn't know the thoughts in Ding Ning's mind and his contempt for Wu Langjia. When he heard Ding Ning mention the word "guardian", Wu Langjia said: "Since you know it well, I think you must know that you are about to die. Come on, you don’t need to make futile resistance, with your strength just stepped into the Nascent Soul Realm, you can’t stop me from killing you at all, the only thing you can do is to accept death.”

"Oh? You really have the confidence that you can kill me?" Ding Ning smiled, and Wu Langjia was a little puzzled. In his opinion, this young man is really a little crazy. Facing such a strong man like him, how can he still kill me? To be able to say such a thing, is the aura he displayed not scary enough?

That being the case... Wu Langjia suddenly released the peak aura of the late Nascent Soul Realm. He wanted to see if Ding Ning dared to speak to him in the same tone as before. He wanted to see Ding Ning's fearful expression.

However, soon, Wu Langjia was disappointed, Ding Ning didn't even move his brows, it was still the same as before, as if he didn't see him release his breath.

"He really is a guy who doesn't know how to live or die." Seeing Ding Ning's fearful expression, Wu Langjia decided to make Ding Ning fearful. A small Nascent Soul Stage early stage, he can play around for a while, and he can kill him at the end. not too late.

Out of this thought, Wu Langjia hooked his fingers at Ding Ning, and said, "I want to kill you, but I can give you a chance to do it first, let's do it."

Ding Ning's eyes flashed, and he chuckled, "Okay."

He didn't say much, this Taoist guard who came out of nowhere seemed to be convinced of himself, Ding Ning decided to impress the other party with a deep understanding.

It's okay, don't pretend to be 13 easily!

Wu Langjia just stretched out a hand, waiting for Ding Ning to make a move, and Ding Ning said, "I'm coming!"

After half an hour.

Wu Langjia put her head in her hands, didn't even dare to lift her head, and squatted there according to Ding Ning's order.

"Little brother, actually, I think the two ways of righteousness and evil can coexist."

"Aren't you a guardian?"

"Fucking daoist, I hate those people who don't treat people equally, what's wrong with the monks, existence is reasonable"

Seeing Ding Ning nodding slightly, Wu Langa tentatively said, "Little brother, look, can I stand up now?"

Ding Ning glanced at Wu Langa, "Squat down!"

(End of this chapter)

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