The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 602 607 You Da Master Takes Action! 2 more

Chapter 602 607 You Da Master Takes Action! 2 more

Four Nascent Soul Realm peak masters confront each other, such a scene has not happened for hundreds of years.

Usually, it is difficult to even meet a Nascent Soul Realm expert, not to mention the strongest among the Nascent Soul Realm, I am afraid that many people have never seen it several times in their lives.

Liu Sidangjia and Cui Wudangjia cooperated very well, and their methods also echoed each other from a distance, so that when the two joined forces, they could explode with a strength far beyond the two.

As for Ge Hong and Wu Langjia, the tacit understanding between the two is rather weak, and Wu Langjia has been making shots for a long time, and his strength is already insufficient. Facing the opponent's attack, it is basically Ge Hong who is on the side. Carried in front.

Liu Sidangjia and Cui Wudangjia focused their attack on Wu Langjia. The two of them wanted to solve Wu Langjia first, and then work together to deal with Ge Hong.

Ge Hong and Wu Langjia also discovered this. Ge Hong stood in front and withstood most of the attacks for Wu Langjia.

"You don't need to help me, I can block it, they still can't kill me." Wu Langa didn't want to owe Ge Hong too much favor.

Except for Ding Ning, Ge Hong's opponents all had the same attitude, and said blankly: "If the young master didn't order me to act, do you think I would stand up and help you? You don't owe me anything, I just do things according to the young master's orders."

After finishing speaking, Ge Hong rushed out, not wanting to continue to be passive, he wanted to take the initiative to attack.

Ge Hong fought against Liu Sidang and Cui Wudang alone, but Wu Langjia became an outsider instead.

Because, Ge Hong alone entangled the two heads of the family, and did not give them a chance to attack Wu Langjia. This scene made Wu Langjia feel complicated.

He had to admit that in terms of strength, Ge Hong was stronger than him. He, Wu Langa, faced the two masters alone, and at most he was in an even situation. Bravery is in a mess, one person fights against two people, not to mention being at a disadvantage, but gaining the upper hand.

Among them, the gap is high and the judgment is made.

Ge Hong's bravery was beyond the expectations of Liu Sidang and Cui Wudang. They did not expect that they were in the same realm, and they were all at the peak level in the late stage of Nascent Soul Realm. However, Ge Hong's strength was obviously higher than theirs. Against the two of them.

This is definitely not something that ordinary Nascent Soul Realm experts can do.

"His physical body is terrifyingly strong!"

After punching Ge Hong, part of his chest collapsed, but Ge Hong didn't even react at all. Liu Sidang had to admit that the physical gap between the two of them was the reason why they came to such a conclusion. emotion.

"I don't believe that the joint attack of the two of us can't hurt him alone." Cui Wudang's family had also experienced Ge Hong's strong physical body just now, but this instead aroused Cui Wudang's fighting spirit.

Walking on the path of cultivation, no one will be easily convinced, unless the gap is too large, they will bow their heads.

As the leaders of the Ghost Organization, the two of them will not easily admit defeat. Even if Ge Hongqiang is in a mess, they will fight Ge Hong hard.

This kind of ruthlessness, for the ghost organization, everyone has it.

"Okay, then we'll tear off a piece of flesh from this person, and make him die in agony." Liu Si master replied, and after that, the two of them launched a joint killing move again.

Ge Hong has great confidence in himself, as long as he is not facing Ding Ning, and his self-confidence is at the same level, no one is his opponent.

His physical body was condensed from the natural materials and earthly treasures accumulated by the entire Canglan Sect over the years, and tempered by Ding Ning's method, his physical body was so strong that even he, Ge Hong, didn't know where the limit was.

Therefore, in the face of two opponents such as Liu Sidangjia and Cui Wudangjia, Ge Hong also prefers to fight against such masters.

Wu Lanjia became a spectator, and Ge Hong fought against the two masters alone.

On the ground, everyone was staring intently, and everyone had a clearer understanding of Ge Hong's strength.

"His physical body is really not so tyrannical." The head of Hundred Flowers Sect couldn't help sighing, "In this respect, I am not as good as him."

Hearing this, the patriarchs of the Qin family, Mo family and other families around him were all shocked. The head of the Hundred Flowers Sect is also known for his physical strength. Unexpectedly, he would admit that he is inferior to others, which shows how powerful Ge Hong's physical body is. Terrible, of course, this is also admitted by others, after all, the facts are in front of them.

"If this person is here, I really have nothing to do with that young man." The head of the Hundred Flowers Sect said, if Ge Hong had never seen Ge Hong make a move before, the head of the Hundred Flowers Sect felt that it would not be difficult to deal with Ding Ning, even if Ding Ning was a A peerless genius, but now, he hesitated, because the old man next to Ding Ning was extraordinary.

With such physical strength, the entire Northern Wilderness might not be able to find a second place.

Those who can surpass this kind of physical body, I am afraid that only the strong ones in the out-of-the-body state, only those kind of existences are terrifying and surprising.

The people around did not expect the head of the Hundred Flowers Sect to have such a high opinion of Ge Hong. In the end, the head of the Hundred Flowers Sect even asserted that even if Ge Hong faced two masters of the same realm, the final victory would still belong to Ge Hong.

People who heard this sentence didn't really believe it. Is Ge Hong really so strong?
And not long after, the words of the head of Hundred Flowers Sect came true. Ge Hong single-handedly knocked Liu Sidang and Cui Wudang into the air, instantly shocking everyone watching the battle.

Even Wu Langjia, who had been left aside for a long time, was shocked for a while, and said in amazement: "I didn't expect that there is such a big gap between me and him. Before, I was still thinking of being a servant of the same son. I must Not weaker than him, it seems that I still underestimate the people of the world."

Liu Sidangjia and Cui Wudangjia flew upside down for a long distance, they were like cannonballs, they were hit by Ge Hong, and they didn't stop flying upside down until You Dadangjia's shot.

"Master Youda has let you down."

Liu Sidangjia and Cui Wudangjia saw the appearance of Youda Master, both lowered their heads, they were ashamed of Youda Master.

"I don't blame you." You Da's head said softly, his tone was gentle, without the slightest anger.

Even so, the two masters still didn't raise their heads.

"You attack, I can see in my eyes, this person's physical body exceeds the two of you, you are not his opponent, and it is normal, you don't have to worry, next, I will deal with him, you just need to recover well Can."

The head of Youda is like a warm man, he speaks softly, and he doesn't have a trace of banditry on him. On the contrary, as the number one figure in the ghost organization, he is not like a bandit leader, but more like a scholar.

If you didn't see it with your own eyes, it would be difficult to connect this person with the leader of the ghost organization, because the difference in temperament is too great.

After comforting the two masters, Youda turned around and looked at Ge Hong.

He said softly: "The powerful physical body you rely on, I can break it with one blow, do you believe it?"

Master Youda's voice echoed in the wilderness and reached everyone's ears. Once he opened his mouth, he was so domineering.

(End of this chapter)

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