The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 603 608 Wants to kill someone! 3 more

Chapter 603 608 Wants to kill someone! 3 more

The strength shown by Ge Hong was seen by everyone. An existence who could defeat two Nascent Soul Realm peak powerhouses at the same time, now some people said that he was able to break his defense with one blow.

Naturally, Ge Hong didn't believe it. Although this scholar-like man gave him the feeling that he couldn't see through it, Ge Hong believed in his own strength, especially the strength of his physical body. Except for Ding Ning, he was not afraid of anyone.

The Youda Master's words have attracted the attention of the Baihuazong, Qin Family, Mo Family and other forces, because they know that the most terrifying existence of the ghost organization is the Youda Master.

Decades ago, the strength of the Youda Master had already reached the top level in the Northern Wilderness. Now that he dared to say such a thing, he might be even stronger.

"Don't you believe it?" Master Youda chuckled, and immediately, his voice slowed down, and he said lightly, "I'll let you see it with your own eyes."

As he said that, the head of Youda came without any haste.

However, in the eyes of outsiders, Master Youda just took a few steps forward slowly, but in Ge Hong's eyes, it was extremely fast. The front in his eyes was all under the rapid approach of Master Youda, and began to collapse .

Everyone on the ground saw that Master Youda walked towards Ge Hong step by step. The distance between the two was only more than [-] meters. In less than a moment, Master Youda came in front of Ge Hong. Then, Master Youda raised his arms , gently waved a punch.

This punch was really unpleasant, just like his footsteps, it looked ordinary.

"Is this the attack of the founder of the ghost organization? It seems a bit weak."

"Yeah, you want to hit people at this speed? You can't even hit a mosquito."

Many people couldn't understand the actions of Master Youda, it was fine if he walked slowly, and the attack was so slow, could such an attack get rid of Ge Hong?

But those who were present, the Nascent Soul Realm powerhouses who were paying attention to this scene, didn't feel this way. On the contrary, they felt that Youda Master's punch was very terrifying, and it was too fast. , a fist that can't be avoided.

"Quick!" said the head of the Hundred Flowers Sect.

"Too fast." Qin Lan's father said.Mo Qing's father said the same thing.

All the monks at the Nascent Soul Realm felt that the scene in front of them was extremely fast, and the punch of Master Youda was an unavoidable attack.

The people around were still discussing whether the Youda Master's attack was too much of a joke, who could be hit by such a slow attack, but soon, these people were all speechless.

In their eyes, Ge Hong couldn't dodge the extremely slow fist, and it really hit Ge Hong's body.

I saw that when Ge Hong who was in the air flew out with a whoosh, blood rushed out of his body.

At this time, those who thought that Master Youda's attack was too slow were all speechless.

"how can that be……"

"That kind of fist, can't you avoid it?"

"Are you kidding? He didn't hide on purpose."

Many people couldn't understand, until someone explained: "It's not that his speed is slow, if the speed is too fast, what we see is actually an illusion."


The man ignored the incomprehensible expressions of the people around him, and continued to say to himself: "Do you think this man doesn't want to hide? You are wrong, he wants to hide, but unfortunately, he can't hide, let alone he can't hide, the Great Northern Wilderness I am afraid that there will be no one on the ground who can escape this kind of attack."

"This old man, I don't know, don't talk nonsense, you are not talking nonsense here, are you?"

"You said I was talking nonsense? Are you insulting me?" The old man blew his beard and stared at him angrily, and the aura on his body was revealed along with the anger. Only then did people realize that the old man who explained to them, It's extraordinary, it turned out to be a strong monk in the Nascent Soul Realm.

"Senior, senior, we didn't intend to offend, please forgive me."

Hearing those who questioned apologize, the old man gradually lost his anger.

At this moment, the hearts of the Hundred Flowers Sect, the Qin family, and all the Nascent Soul-level powerhouses present were shocked, because they suddenly discovered that the strength of the head of the ghost organization might have entered a new level .

Even if he is not a real out-of-body-level expert, he is at least one who has stepped into the out-of-body level with one foot.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to punch Ge Hong so hard that he couldn't dodge, and he was punched through the body and sent Ge Hong flying.

Such strength is no longer something that a peak in the late Nascent Soul Realm can possess.

Wu Langjia squinted his eyes, never thinking about it. The head of the ghost organization is so terrifying that he has already surpassed the Nascent Soul Realm.

As an existence in the Nascent Soul Realm, one can clearly feel the horror of the Youda Master.

Ge Hong's body slid far away before stopping. After stabilizing his body, Ge Hong looked at his chest, and was punched a bloody hole by the opponent, piercing his whole body. Fall on the dantian, otherwise, he would be useless by now.

One blow almost crippled him. Is this person an out-of-body monk?

Ge Hong stared at Master Youda firmly.

Master Youda looked at Ge Hong from a distance, looked into Ge Hong's gaze, and said with a smile: "Look, I can break your physical body with one punch. Are you glad you got your life back?"

Ge Hong's eyes flickered, and a layer of cold sweat emerged from his back. He met a master. This person was too strong, and he was extremely dangerous.

His powerful physical body didn't have any advantage in front of this person, so he was easily broken.

"You are a peak cultivator in the late stage of Nascent Soul Realm. It would be a pity to kill him. Join my ghost organization. I can allow you to become the second leader." Youda leader blatantly invited Ge Hong. This sentence shocked everyone.

This Youda master is blocking everyone's face, is he trying to recruit people into his gang?

No one expected that Master Youda would make such a decision.

Both Liu Sidang and Cui Wudang were stunned and astonished at the actions of the eldest.

But no one in the Youda family paid any attention to it, just looked at Ge Hong and asked, "Do you agree or disagree?"

Ge Hong was stunned for a moment, then smiled. Facing the invitation from Master Youda, he began to laugh wantonly, which was very eye-catching.

"I'll ask you one last time, do you agree or..."

"I don't agree." Ge Hong didn't wait for Master Youda to finish speaking, and gave the answer directly, rejecting Master Youda's invitation.

Ha ha……

The head of Youda also laughed, but at the same time he laughed, the air became extremely cold, including everyone present, felt a chill coming over the surface.

"It seems that you are toasting and don't eat fine wine." In the gaze of Master Youda, two cold lights suddenly shot out, and the next moment he sent a death talisman: "It's useless to me, then you can die. "

Murderous intent enveloped Ge Hong instantly.

An existence whose strength faintly surpassed the Nascent Soul Realm, his murderous intent spread like a raging tide in an instant.

He is going to kill!

(End of this chapter)

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