The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 605 610 Ding Ning vs Youda Master! 2 more

Chapter 605 610 Ding Ning vs Youda Master! 2 more

Seeing Ge Hong and Wu Langjia kneeling on the ground, Ding Ning's sudden appearance brought the scene to an abrupt end.

Ding Ning's shot was not too surprising, including You Da's family, they also expected that Ding Ning would make a move to stop him.

"Can't you finally stop showing up?"

The head of Youda looked at Ding Ning, and at the same time Ding Ning was also watching the person of the head of Youda.

In the eyes of Master Youda, Ding Ning is too young. From the breath of life, it can be seen that he is a young and strong man, not an old monster who deliberately turns into a young appearance, but a real young man.

At such a young age, he has two monks who are at the peak of the late stage of the Nascent Soul Realm as his subordinates, and he can't find the second one in the entire Northern Wilderness.

Those who can do this must either be strong themselves or have a strong background.

As for Ding Ning, according to rumors that Youda is the master, Ding Ning himself is very strong.

This really aroused the interest of Master Youda, he wanted to know how strong Ding Ning was, so that he could take two Nascent Souls as his servants.

Ding Ning's reappearance was exposed to everyone's sight. Everyone's eyes fell on Ding Ning. On the ground, there were still many people who had never seen Ding Ning. Seeing Ding Ning's appearance at this time, they all felt Surprised, it's so young.

"I can't even see through this person?" The head of the Hundred Flowers Sect sized Ding Ning up for a moment before making an evaluation. He found that his previous guess about Ding Ning was a little underestimated, and he was able to make it impossible for her to see through. This is not something very human can do.

"This person is that Mr. Ding? Such a young guy." The heads of other sects also commented in a low voice.

"Heroes are born in youth, this statement is true." An old man sighed.

At this time, it can be said that all the forces in the Northern Wilderness have gathered here, and all the powerful people with status have come here to witness this battle and see Ding Ning, a rising star, with their own eyes.

Standing in the air, Ding Ning alone withstood all the oppression of Master Youda, but looking at Ding Ning's expression, his face was relaxed, his body was straight, and there was no trace of unbearable expression. Compared with Ge Hong and Wu Lan, he was much stronger.

"My servant can only kneel to me, and no one else has the qualifications."

This was the first sentence Ding Ning spoke after he suddenly appeared.

And this sentence clearly revealed Ding Ning's character.

"It's so domineering." On the ground, those women who came with their father spoke domineeringly to Ding Ning, full of affection, thinking that men should be like this.

"This Mr. Ding, although he is not handsome, but I think he is much better than those good-looking butchers. Those people are all fancy but not useful."

"I don't know if this Mr. Ding has a Taoist partner. If not, I have a chance."

These women in the Northern Wilderness have tough personalities, not too shy, but more daring to love and hate.

Hearing some women discuss such words made some young male monks feel very envious and jealous.

I wanted to retort that they are all good, and they can be as domineering as Ding Ning, but a woman directly said, "You are domineering, you dare to face the question of the head of the ghost organization alone", which immediately made all the male monks dumb. speechless.

To be an enemy of the head of Youda, isn't that courting death?
Don't talk about them, even the family or sect behind them wouldn't dare, okay?

Fang Ji, Meng Lang, Baihua Fairy, Qin Lan and others have also heard these arguments. As male monks, Fang Ji and Meng Lang are naturally envious. Baihua Fairy, Qin Lan, Mo Qing and others said shamelessly, This is to express my emotions, thinking that these women have lost the face of their female monks.

Ding Ning didn't know that the commotion caused by his words had captured the hearts of many girls, because when he said these words, he was very serious, not joking.

"Young people, some people can be arrogant for a lifetime, because they have the capital to be arrogant, and some people can only be arrogant for a while, do you know why?" You Da said slowly.

Ding Ning didn't speak, and You Da continued to say: "Because I don't allow him to be arrogant, then his arrogance will stop here."

In terms of domineering, Youda is not inferior to Ding Ning. Both of them have a scholarly temperament. At this time, it is a bit like bragging to each other 13.
It seems to say, you are 13 better than you, and I am 13 better than you.

Ding Ning didn't want to compete with others, so he said directly: "If you want to make a move, do it, don't delay my schedule, I don't have much time to waste on your ghost organization."

"You want to go to hell sooner, I have no objection, I can fulfill you right away." The head of Youda replied.

The two are tit for tat, each with their own attitude.

Ding Ning motioned for Ge Hong and Wu Langa to go back to the carriage, and handed it over to him. The two of them had no ink marks. Knowing that they could not help Ding Ning here, they all dodged and quickly returned to the carriage from the sky.

In the air, Ding Ning was left alone, facing Master Youda.

The two did not hesitate, and quickly started fighting.

As soon as Master Youda came up, he used his power out of the Aperture Realm, preparing to suppress Ding Ning in one fell swoop, so as to show his strength in front of many strong men in the Northern Wilderness.

An astonishing force, without any bright colors, came straight to Ding Ning.

The moment this blow appeared, all the masters present felt their hearts skip a beat, feeling the threat of Master Youda's blow, even if it wasn't aimed at them, they still felt the aura of danger.

Can Ding Ning block such an attack?

Everyone has guessed about the strength of Master Youda, but Ding Ning's strength has always been relatively mysterious. Furthermore, Ding Ning is so young, it should be impossible for Ding Ning to be able to match against an existence in the Out of Aperture Realm.

This point, in the minds of many monks in the Nascent Soul Realm, basically thinks so.

No matter how talented he is, he can't reverse the huge gap in realm.

Everyone didn't know what Ding Ning would do, so when they stared at Ding Ning, they couldn't take their eyes off them.

Soon, people discovered a new change in Ding Ning's aura, and a terrifying aura began to spread.

Ding Ning would not be careless in the face of a master like Youda, and immediately unfolded the demon body glazed body state. This was also the first time he showed this posture after both Zhengmo and Dao entered the Nascent Soul Realm.

As soon as the magic body glass body came out, Ding Ning's body immediately collapsed into the void, as if nothing could get close to Ding Ning. This was the manifestation of the physical strength reaching a certain level.

Two colors, one white and one black, wrapped around Ding Ning's body, forming a hurricane, connecting heaven and earth.

Then, people saw that Ding Ning shot out to the void in front of him and grabbed it.

The attack that came straight to Ding Ning was caught by the volley with a bang!

Master Youda's expression flashed, revealing a look of astonishment.

(End of this chapter)

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