The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 606 611 Leaping over steps is commonplace! 3 more

Chapter 606 611 Leaping over steps is commonplace! 3 more

In the form of a demon body and a glazed body, with a single grasp from the air, it broke the attack of a strong man in the early stage of leaving the body.

Such a scene shocked everyone around, because the aura exuding from Ding Ning's body was the aura of the Nascent Soul Realm, not the Out of Aperture Realm.

"How is it possible..." The head of the Hundred Flowers Sect showed surprise, and changed his previous appearance, as if he had seen something unbelievable.

Qin Lan's father, Mo Qing's father, and other Nascent Soul Realm monks and strongmen in the Northern Wilderness basically had similar expressions. They were all shocked by Ding Ning's attack against Youda Master.

If it were for them to deal with such a blow, it would be impossible to reach the level of Ding Ning.

Fighting across borders, this Mr. Ding, is so against the sky!
Didn't he know that for Ding Ning, fighting by leapfrogging was already a routine.

Witnessing the blow just now, everyone was shocked by Ding Ning's talent. Of course, they would also think in their hearts, maybe, that blow by Master Youda had a superficial appearance, but in fact it was not very powerful. Even if Ding Ning blocked it, it couldn't explain anything , it was just the beginning of the fight, if the fight continued, Ding Ning would soon be defeated.

The people around, although shocked, remained calm and wanted to see the next battle.

Master Youda raised his eyebrows, and Ding Ning broke his attack, which surprised him, because he knew that his attack just now, even if he didn't use his full strength, was enough to kill a Nascent Soul cultivator, like Ge Nascent Soul Realm peak monks like Hong and Wu Langjia can be killed with that move.

However, such a blow did not kill Ding Ning, but was defeated instead.

Ding Ning was immediately taken seriously in the heart of Master Youda. He had never seen such a tyrannical monk in the Nascent Soul Realm, but he could fight him across borders.

"It's good that you can break the attack formed by my two layers of strength, but..." Master Youda paused for a moment, and the people around him realized that the attack of Master Youda just now contained only two layers of strength.

"But don't be so naive as to think that you can really be my opponent. My strength is beyond your imagination." You Da continued the previous words.

Ding Ning chuckled: "You can use all your strength. Strength is not only expressed by words, but displayed."

"Hehe, you are really in a hurry to die, are you forcing me to satisfy you quickly?" Master Youda's tone became colder.

"Let the horse come here." Ding Ning flicked his sleeves, and then hooked his fingers at the head of You provocatively.

"court death!"

Master Youda burst into rage, and his figure instantly turned into a terrifying wave of air, which came crashing down.

Ding Ning half-closed his eyes, and his divine sense mobilized the power from the two Nascent Souls in his body.

At this time, in the dantian, there are two Nascent Souls suspended, representing the righteous and evil ways respectively. These two Nascent Souls, one black and one white, the black one is the Demonic Nascent Soul, the white one is the Righteous Nascent Soul, and the two Nascent Souls The infants each occupy half of the dantian, and there is an invisible barrier in the middle, so that the two nascent infants, the righteous and the devil, can co-exist and exist together in the same dantian.

And this invisible barrier is the Black and White Mysterious Art. Ever since Ding Ning set foot on the road of cultivation again, the Black and White Mysterious Art has been running, never stopping for a moment. Maintain the balance of the two forces of positive and evil in the body.

The two forces came in an instant, and began to fuse in the body, turning into a new force.

Youda Master's speed is very fast, the attack immediately appears in front of you, and you are not given a chance to react at all. If it is an ordinary Nascent Soul Realm, at this time, you will only be beaten passively, and you will be completely abused by Youda Master.

But Ding Ning is not an ordinary Nascent Soul Realm monk, he is a special existence of fellow practitioners of the two realms, plus Ding Ning's experience in his previous life, combined with the two, Ding Ning can calmly face even a monk who is a big realm higher than himself response.

go to hell!
After Master Youda approached, his figure became solid, and one hand suddenly reached out to Ding Ning's neck, which was the rhythm of twisting Ding Ning's neck.

Ge Hong, Wu Langa and the others were watching the sky all the time, and they couldn't help frowning when they saw this scene.


Both of them called out softly.

"I caught it!" Youda suddenly showed a smile on his face, and he firmly grasped Ding Ning's neck with one hand. As long as he exerted force, Ding Ning's neck would be broken. It is easier to deal with Ding Ning who is abolished and only Nascent Soul is left.


Master Youda didn't hesitate, and immediately squeezed hard, intending to crush Ding Ning's neck, but at this moment, Master Youda saw Ding Ning's face, without any expression of fear, and even smiled at him meaning.

Suddenly, I felt that something was wrong, but I didn't see anything wrong.

No matter how much!

Master Youda no longer thinks too much about it, first destroying Ding Ning's physical body, the Nascent Soul without the protection of the body, can only be ravaged, and at that time, it will be even more impossible for Ding Ning to turn over the waves.

The Nascent Soul Realm is different from the Out-of-Aperture Realm. A monk in the Out-of-Aperture Realm, even without a physical body, is still powerful, because at this time, the most powerful method for a monk in the Out-of-Aperture Realm is the Nascent Soul, but the Nascent Soul Realm is not the case. After the baptism, once the Nascent Soul in the Nascent Soul Realm loses the protection of the physical body, it will dissipate in the sky and the earth in a short time, and it cannot be maintained for a long time at all, which is completely different from the Nascent Soul in the Out of Aperture Realm.

This is like, one is the difference between a juvenile bird and an adult bird, one has no feathers and cannot fly at all, and the other has full wings and can fly as much as it wants.

A powerful force was used on the palm of the hand, and it was squeezed fiercely.

However, just as this force went down and crushed the neck in his hand, Youda's arm was suddenly grabbed by the other hand, which blocked the force, making it impossible for him to continue pinching.

The head of Youda suddenly found out that it was Ding Ning who grabbed his arm, and immediately shouted: "You want to stop me?"

He snorted disdainfully, and was about to break free. After all, with his strength in the Out of Aperture Realm, it was not difficult to break free from the palm of a monk in the Nascent Soul Realm.

However, the head of Youda soon discovered that he was wrong.

And, it's so wrong.

He wanted to break free, but he didn't break free. Instead, Ding Ning grabbed his arm and swung him up.

In the next second, Ding Ning swung the head of Youda into the air.

While waiting for another move of Ding Ning, who is in charge of Youda, Ding Ning's other hand has been waiting for a long time.

That fist, which is not too big and not too small, is lingering with purple light, as if little dragons are constantly entangled.

At the very next moment, this fist full of purple awns slammed on the body of Master Youda.

Immediately afterwards, a painful voice came from a strong man in the Leaving Aperture Realm, resounding for thousands of miles around.

(End of this chapter)

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