The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 607 612 Ziying is out! 1 more

Chapter 607 612 Ziying is out! 1 more

boom! boom! boom!
Three times in a row, Ding Ning's fist hit the body of Master You Da, each punch pierced the body of Master You Da, and brought out a lot of flesh and blood at the same time.

Such a scene is a bit tragic.

Ding Ning's attack penetrated deep into the bone marrow. After the two forces of righteousness and demons were fused into one, the power brought by it made the out-of-the-body cultivator, who was headed by Youda, feel unbearable pain.

After the last punch fell, Ding Ning let go of the left hand that held Master Youda, and Master Youda himself was blown away by the punch.

The audience was silent, and they all stared at the picture in front of them dumbfounded.

A monk in the Nascent Soul Realm hanged and beat a strong person in the Out of Aperture Realm?

When this kind of thing sounds, it is impossible to exist.

But no one at the scene didn't believe it, because the facts happened right before their eyes. The scene of Youda being captured by Ding Ning and then punched and bombarded by Ding Ning was engraved in everyone's hearts.

This scene made many people understand that the Nascent Soul Realm can be so powerful.

Even if it is the peak of the late Nascent Soul Realm and the peak of the late Nascent Soul Realm, there is still a gap.

The head of Youda has already stopped his backward body, he looked at the scars on his body, his eyes were cold and frightening, he didn't have that irritable or angry emotion, only amazing calm.

"For many years, no one can hurt me except for entering the devil's den and seriously injuring me."

"The second master, the sixth master, the seventh master, the eighth master, and the ninth master all died because they made me perfect. It can be said that I was able to step into the Aperture Realm because several masters fought desperately for me. Now I step into the It's ridiculous to be wounded by a Nascent Soul cultivator after leaving the Aperture Realm."

Master Youda's words were very soft, but they spread far and wide. Everyone heard it, the head of the Hundred Flowers Sect, the Qin family, the Mo family, and the masters of the Nascent Soul Realm among the many forces in the Northern Wilderness. Only then did they understand that it turned out that The Youda Master was able to enter the Out-of-Aperture Realm because he entered the Devil's Den, but in order to gain the opportunity in the Devil's Den, he lost the five Masters.

"How can I be worthy of those brothers who died for me."

The head of Youda was blaming himself, and continued: "I can't let them down, let alone live up to their expectations. I promised them that I would lead the ghost organization to become the strongest organization on the southern star."

"So..." Suddenly, Master Youda suddenly pointed at Ding Ning, "So, I must kill you!"

"You dare to hurt me, I will make your life worse than death!"

In the blink of an eye, Master Youda's aura suddenly changed, and it was suddenly different from before.

If it was said that before, Master Youda gave off a scholarly aura, but now, it has nothing to do with scholars at all, with a tyrannical, cruel, cold, and murderous aura on his body.

This is the true side of Master Youda. How can Youda Master be a scholar who can create a team like the ghost organization? That's just his hypocritical side.

Cruel, cruel, just now is the real him.

The change in aura made Youda Master look even more terrifying. Moreover, at this time, he was no longer a restrained out-of-body monk, but an out-of-body-level existence with full firepower, raising his aura to the peak.


Centering on the head of Youda, an astonishing wave of air diffused in all directions, which made some monks jump in their hearts. Immediately, some people ran wildly, shouting in their mouths, run away!

And some people who didn't know why were still hesitating and confused. Then, these people understood why they ran away, because the aura released by Master Youda alone was not something they could bear.

puff puff puff...

This momentum is an indiscriminate attack, and all the monks affected will spurt out a mouthful of blood.

Even the Nascent Soul Realm cultivator can resist, but his face is not good-looking.

In order to prevent their own people from being harmed, the monks in the Nascent Soul Realm set up a layer of energy shields and built a wall in front to block the momentum.

As more and more Nascent Soul Realm powerhouses took action, they completely blocked the attack of this momentum, and those who were running wildly also stopped, one by one, staring at the sky with lingering fear.

Is this the true power of a cultivator in the Out of Aperture Realm?

He is terrible!

Master You Da unfolded his strongest state, and with a flash of his body, he stood in front of Ding Ning again.

Facing the imposing manner of You Da, Ding Ning remained as still as a mountain, letting the imposing manner pass by him.

"Next, I will let you witness my true strength, and return all the damage you caused me just now." You Da's master said coldly.

Ding Ning didn't speak, and continued to hook his fingers at Youda.

To irritate an opponent, you don't need too many words, silent contempt, and a provocative action are enough!
Sure enough, Master Youda shot angrily.

Ding Ning snorted softly, and the two powers of righteousness and demons that had been fused in his body for a long time rushed out following Ding Ning's movements.

At this time, the members of the ghost organization in the rear began to shout their slogans to boost the momentum of the master.

With one sound, the brave and invincible words of the head of the family spread throughout the earth.

That is called a great momentum.

With the strength of the head of Youda, he is indeed worthy of the title of supernatural power, after all, he is the first one to leave the Aperture Realm in the Northern Wilderness.

However, the face of Master Youda is Ding Ning, who is like a monster.

A genius who crossed borders and defeated countless strong men.

When Master Youda used all his strength to quickly suppress Ding Ning, he suddenly discovered that Ding Ning's strength was not inferior to him at all.

It's not at the level of out-of-body level at all, but it can counter his power.

Master Youda couldn't understand it, and only believed that Ding Ning was a special method. For this reason, Master Youda used the strongest means, Nascent Soul came out of his body!

When a small Nascent Soul dressed in fiery red flames appeared in front of Ding Ning, the head of Youda, the surrounding world suddenly turned into a world of two people.

Ding Ning narrowed his eyes, and said softly, "Is it cut off from heaven and earth?"

This seems to be more beneficial to him.

"go to hell!"

You Da's Nascent Soul held a long spear and came to kill him in an instant. That terrifying flame gun can destroy everything, making Ding Ning's demon body and glazed body feel the danger. Once stabbed, it will definitely hurt him a lot .

However, Ding Ning will not give You Da the chance to hurt himself, he has always had an idea in his mind about the state of giving, and now it seems that he can take it out and give it a try!

Ding Ning stood in the void, raised the corner of his mouth, and said calmly: "Come out, my strongest Nascent Soul!"

call out!call out!
After Ding Ning finished speaking, suddenly, a purple light jumped out from Ding Ning's dantian.

All he saw was a Nascent Soul that was exactly the same as Ding Ning's in the air, looking down at You Da's Nascent Soul.

(End of this chapter)

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