The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 608 613 Reappearing the previous life method! 2 more

Chapter 608 613 Reappearing the previous life method! 2 more

When he saw Ding Ning's Nascent Soul appearing in front of him, Master Youda was startled for a moment.

Not for other reasons, because Ding Ning's Nascent Soul is very different from the Nascent Soul he has seen.

The purple Nascent Soul!
The Nascent Soul of the monks is divided into two colors. The Nascent Soul of the orthodox monks is white and translucent, and the Nascent Soul of the demonic monks is black. Where is the purple Nascent Soul?

If the color of the Nascent Soul is rare, it’s okay, but your Nascent Soul is so big, it’s a bit too much.

Why, the reason why Ding Ning's Nascent Soul can look down on Youda Master is naturally because Ding Ning's Nascent Soul is big enough, several times bigger than Youda Master's Nascent Soul.

Such a special Nascent Soul, not to mention that Master Youda would lose his mind when he saw it, any other strong man would be stunned when he saw this scene.

I have never heard of the large purple Nascent Soul, let alone seen it.

Ding Ning put the two Nascent Souls of Zheng and Demon into one, and formed this unique Nascent Soul. Ding Ning had an idea a long time ago, and he had demonstrated it countless times in his mind before. Opponents are also worth dispatching the purple Nascent Soul.

"Huh, pretending to be a ghost, even if your Nascent Soul is different from ordinary people, but if you face my Nascent Soul with your Nascent Soul Realm, you are looking for death!"

Nascent Soul, the head of Youda, immediately stabbed out the flame gun in his hand. This flame gun was a treasure obtained from the Devil's Cave. He also received enlightenment from this flame gun, and thus stepped into the Aperture Realm.

Fire for nine days!

As soon as the flame gun stabbed, a fire dragon formed a spiral along the tip of the gun, swept over, and instantly enlarged, burning the entire space.

Using the method of pressing the bottom of the box, the head of Youda naturally didn't want others to see it, so when he dispatched the Nascent Soul, he isolated the surrounding area and formed a separate space. As a battlefield, outsiders couldn't see it at all, let alone peep.

The flames burned the entire space, making it impossible for Ding Ning to escape.

Ding Ning didn't want to hide at all, because his purple Nascent Soul has a time limit for making a move. After all, it is not in the state of leaving the body, so it cannot stay outside the body for a long time.

Therefore, there is not much time left for Ding Ning to make a move.

Facing a Nascent Soul out of the Aperture Realm, plus a bunch of magical weapons, it is indeed a very powerful opponent.

But Ding Ning, who has gone through countless killings, would not stop here because of this difficulty.

I saw the purple Nascent Soul move his fists, bring up a purple torrent, and immediately rush towards the flame, the sound of sizzling, this purple torrent is very powerful, like ice water, when it encounters a flame, it will be thrown immediately Doused out.

And under the control of Ding Ning, the purple Nascent Soul took the initiative to attack, striding forward, and appeared in front of Master Youda. In response, Master Youda stabbed out the flame gun again. He caught the position of the gun head of the flame gun, and immediately pulled it.

When the huge force came, Master Youda was terrified in his heart, Ding Ning wanted to seize this weapon.

"Don't even think about it!"

Master Youda roared, this weapon was a treasure that he obtained from nearly ten masters dispatched by his ghost organization, if it was taken away, what face would his Master Youda have to live in this world.

Filled with anger, Master Youda held the flame gun tightly, and started a tug-of-war with Ding Ning, refusing to give in to each other.

The purple Yuanying tugged for a while, but when he found that he couldn't grab it, Ding Ning had a thought, and the Ziyuanying immediately took another step forward, and came to the head of Youda, the distance between the two was very close.

Master Youda immediately stretched out a hand and slammed over.

The purple Nascent Soul also punched and punched each other, but no one had the upper hand, Youda was about to turn around and attack Ding Ning with a flame gun again, but Ding Ning's Purple Nascent Soul rushed forward and hugged him , not giving Youda Master a chance to move.

The head of Youda was startled for a moment, and then felt an indescribable pain, spreading to every nerve.

Master Youda looked down at his shoulder and was stunned, a piece was bitten off by Ding Ning's purple Nascent Soul.

This lunatic!

Master Youda looked up, hugged his purple Nascent Soul, and was about to eat the flesh and blood of the Nascent Soul that had been bitten off.


Master Youda didn't expect Ding Ning to be so crazy, his Nascent Soul Realm's strength could be eaten up.

However, after Ding Ning took another bite, the head of Youda panicked, because every bite of Ding Ning took away the power of his Nascent Soul.

In other words, if Ding Ning keeps biting him, his Nascent Soul will become weaker and weaker.

"You are an orthodox monk, and you actually devour the power of other people's Nascent Soul, what kind of orthodox monk are you?" Master Youda yelled angrily.

At this time, the flame gun came from another attack. Ding Ning's purple Nascent Soul did not collide with the flame gun. He released Master Youda and took a few steps back, keeping a distance of about ten meters.

Facing Master Youda's scolding, Ding Ning smiled: "Who told you that I am a righteous cultivator?"

"You..." Master Youda realized that he really couldn't see through this young man. The Nascent Soul is different from others, and now he can still devour his Nascent Soul power. This is obviously a method that the monks of the magic way know. So will this young man.

Could it be that he is a hidden mage monk?
Master Youda's expression flickered, and he felt that his guess might be true, otherwise, how could Ding Ning's Nascent Soul be so strange, just like the strangeness of the monks, so the Nascent Soul he created is somewhat special, and it is very possible.

"Are you a monk of the magic way?" You Da asked.

Ding Ning didn't answer, and continued to slaughter. If he hadn't been afraid of the flame gun, he would have killed You Da's Nascent Soul long ago.

However, it is not impossible now, he has a lot of means, and it is enough to deal with a Youda master.

With the surrounding world isolated, Ding Ning used the Nascent Soul Realm to activate a powerful method from the previous life, and immediately the entire space began to be enveloped in black air.

This is magic power!

The head of Youda has finally confirmed that Ding Ning is really a monk of the magic way.

"I want everyone on the land of the Northern Wilderness to know your true face, you demon monk!" Master You Da said loudly, a demon monk is much worse than a bandit like him, and this is an existence that is not tolerated by the righteous way However, once Ding Ning's identity is exposed, the monks in the Northern Wilderness, even if they are not Ding Ning's opponent, will not tolerate Ding Ning.

Master Youda said that he wanted to restore the isolated world, but after removing that layer of isolation, he suddenly found that this space was still isolated.

Only Ding Ning's voice sounded behind Youda Master: "Do you think I'm just a display? Will you let me expose my identity?"

Master Youda turned around slowly, and saw the black air surrounding Ding Ning's purple Nascent Soul, with two long black iron chains on his hands, and then, Master Youda only heard Ding Ning Said lightly: "Entangling."

Immediately afterwards, the black iron chain came alive and quickly wrapped him around him, his eyes were instantly filled with the color of the black iron chain.

Even, it was dark.

(End of this chapter)

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