The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 609 614 Ghost Organization Destroyed! 3 more

Chapter 609 614 Ghost Organization Destroyed! 3 more

The head of Youda, who was entangled in iron chains, was constantly being swallowed up, and his whole body became weaker and weaker.

Now he can only rely on the flame gun to persevere, but this persistence may not last long, because the consumption of his own strength makes him unable to exert the original power of the flame gun, which leads to his ability to resist the engulfment of the black iron chain Also getting weaker.

"Let me go, I can hand over all my ghost organization to you."

The head of Youda didn't want to die, even if he had to pay the entire ghost organization for it, he was willing to do so, and hoped that Ding Ning would let him go at this price.

Ding Ning remained indifferent, expressionless, and quickly compensated the purple Nascent Soul with the power from the iron chain.

As a result, the consumption of Nascent Soul is not that great.

Seeing that Ding Ning disagreed, Master Youda added another condition, "I can serve you and become your subordinate, just like your two previous subordinates, and I am stronger than them. Servant, for you, the advantages definitely outweigh the disadvantages, don't worry, I will definitely not betray you, let alone reveal your status as a magic monk, as long as you let me go, I will definitely fulfill my promise."

However, no matter what Master Youda said, Ding Ning just ignored it and acted as if he didn't hear it.

The head of Youda couldn't help becoming angry from embarrassment, he began to scold Ding Ning, "Da Dao even gives people a chance, if you kill me, you will regret it."

"I curse you, you will die badly, your relatives, your friends, everyone close to you will be beheaded and die because of you."

Ding Ning's eyes flickered, and he remained silent, ignoring Master Youda's curse, and he did not respond no matter how the other party abused him. However, this did not mean that Ding Ning was not angry. The speed of the baby's power was accelerating, which made the roar of the Nascent Soul who was headed by Youda weaker and weaker.

Finally, Master Youda completely lost his voice, the iron chains fell apart, and Nascent Soul of Master Youda disappeared, leaving only the flame gun, which returned to its original appearance.

Ding Ning held the flame gun in his hand, injected some power into it, and suddenly the flames flared up again. Ding Ning looked at it for a while and said, "Good gun!"

The flame gun vibrated, as if responding to Ding Ning, the new master.

When Ding Ning's Nascent Soul was staring at the flame gun, not far away, Master Youda's eyes rolled.

That's right, Master Youda is not dead yet. Although his Nascent Soul was absorbed by Ding Ning, his soul and body are still there. He is still alive, but has lost his strength.

At this moment, the head of Youda lost his previous aura and is now an ordinary person, looking at Ding Ning who is not far away, his eyes are full of resentment, hatred, and fear hidden in his eyes.

This young man made him lose his strength and become a useless person. He has long hated Ding Ning to the bone.

Before Ding Ning could react, deal with him, if he could leave alive, he might not have a chance to make a comeback.

So, Youda's master tiptoed and wanted to leave quietly.

However, before he turned around and walked a few steps away, Ding Ning's figure had blocked in front of him at some point.

The purple Nascent Soul returned to Ding Ning's body, and Ding Ning stood in front of Master Youda in a physical posture, still playing with the flame gun in his hand.

"Hey, a treasure gun matches a strong man, this flame gun is the most suitable for your Excellency." Master Youda squeezed out a smile and complimented him.

Ding Ning caressed the flame gun, and said calmly: "This gun follows you, it's a pearl covered in dust, but you are right, this gun is indeed suitable for me, as my temporary weapon, it is also qualified."

"In that case, can you let me go, I don't have any threat to you now." Master You Da still had an extravagant hope in his heart, hoping to leave alive.

Ding Ning smiled and said, "You cursed me like that just now, do you think I will let you go?"

Master Youda's words were all blocked in his throat, and he wanted to explain, but he couldn't.

Of course, the most important thing is that Ding Ning didn't give him a chance to explain. With a move of his hand, the flame gun vibrated, and a fire dragon swam out from above, with its mouth wide open, it swallowed Master Youda's mouthful.

At this point, the strongest leader of the ghost organization was instantly burned to nothing, not even a bone left.

"Death is more than a crime!" Ding Ning didn't have the slightest kindness in his eyes. He had explored the soul memory of the top ten leaders of the ghost organization, and he knew all kinds of evil deeds committed by the ghost organization, especially the top leader of the ghost organization, who was the most cruel and the biggest leader. How could Ding Ning let him go.

This kind of person, it's fine if you don't provoke him, Ding Ning, and he won't be the one who stands up for the heavens, but since he wants to kill him, he doesn't mind getting rid of some cancers.

With a movement of his hand, the flame gun entered Ding Ning's dantian and was stored together with the True Essence Sword.

Outside the battlefield, at this time, everyone is waiting anxiously.

Because Master Youda isolated the battlefield, and later Ding Ning also blocked it, people outside didn't know the situation of the battle at all, and they were all guessing who would win and who would lose when the two fought against each other.

"The barrier is gone!"

Suddenly, there was an exclamation, which lifted everyone's spirits, and they all looked at the hazy area in the sky with their eyes aligned.

Before, there was nothing to see there, but at this time, it was finally able to be seen clearly, and only a faint figure was seen, slowly walking out.

This figure must be the one standing at the end, who is he?Is it the head of Youda or Ding Ning?
Everyone held their breath, eager to know the answer immediately.

Finally, when Ding Ning's figure appeared in front of everyone, it was extremely quiet at first, and then the head of the Hundred Flowers Sect was the first to shout: "Students of the Hundred Flowers Sect, come with me to kill the remaining ghost organization!" member."

"Kill!" The head of the Hundred Flowers Sect rushed out first, and the disciples of the Hundred Flowers Sect followed immediately.

The Qin family and the Mo family were the second to react and figured out the key point. If Ding Ning won, then they would definitely not be able to take action against Ding Ning, and targeting the ghost organization would naturally become inevitable. Ding Ning said hello.

As a result, all the forces in the Northern Wilderness took action, even the members of the ghost organization were here, and they all took the initiative to kill them.

On the other hand, in the ghost organization, without the leader of the leader, there are only two seriously injured and strong men of the fourth leader Liu and the fifth leader Cui. Facing the situation of attacking in groups, they can only be beaten.

Immediately, a battle against the ghost organization was launched in the air, which was very intense.

Ding Ning didn't participate, and glanced at the several Nascent Soul Realm powerhouses, and saw through their actions at a glance. These clever guys are quite good at judging the situation.

(End of this chapter)

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