The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 611 616 Tong Tianhe! 2 more

Chapter 611 616 Tong Tianhe! 2 more

Passing through the plains of Yimapingchuan, the next journey is a bit rough, because it has to pass through many hilly areas, and the journey is very bumpy.

Fang Ji, Meng Lang and the others had already resigned to their fate. Their father told them to follow Ding Ning. Even if they sneaked back, it would be useless. Their father had decided that following Ding Ning was better than staying in the family.

The two of them hadn't turned this corner at the beginning, and they couldn't help complaining to their father in their hearts. However, after thinking about it carefully during this boring journey, the two finally figured it out. Since their father asked them to follow Ding Ning, there must be their considerations. Besides, following a strong man like Ding Ning is indeed an opportunity. Thinking about it this way, I feel much better.

Fairy Baihua, Qin Lan, and Mo Qing figured it out earlier than Fang Ji and Meng Lang. Although they still looked cold, it could be seen that they did not reject Ding Ning's side.

"My lord, if you go any further, you will reach the Tongtian River. If you want to enter the land of the Southern Desolation, you must pass through the Tongtian River." Wu Langa said. There are quite a few of them. When they were young, they had entered the Southern Wilderness, so they were not unfamiliar with the Tongtian River.

"Understood." Ding Ning responded. Another reason why he kept Wu Langjia was Wu Langjia's experience as a local monk. There are some things that he doesn't need to worry about. He is more experienced than Baihua Fairy, Fang Ji and others.

The carriage continued to move forward. In fact, the road under the feet no longer belonged to the category of the Northern Wilderness, but the category of the Tongtian River.

An hour later, the sound of the river rushing and flowing could be heard from a distance.

Ding Ning opened the curtain and looked ahead. In front, there are countless rivers passing by from east to west, dividing the land.

These rivers are not wide, but very long and intricate, a bit like a stream flowing into the sea.

However, if you look further away, you will be shocked, because these small rivers are just rivers on the edge, and the front is a rushing river. The river is so wide that you can't see the edge at a glance.

It's not so much a river, it's more like a sea, because the surface of this river is surprisingly large, even the Yangtze River on earth can't compare with it.

The horses slowed down because the soil on the ground was soft and not firm enough to step on, and it was easy to sink into it. If it weren't for the presence of two strong men, Ge Hong and Wu Langjia, ordinary carriages would never have thought of crossing it.

After crossing a few narrow rivers, the carriage stopped. For the rest of the journey, we could not rely on the carriage, at least not the horse in front of us. It is not a spirit beast after all, and it is impossible to cross such a wide river.

Ding Ning got off the carriage, patted the horse's buttocks, and the horses pulled the empty carriage away.

Standing in front of the Tongtian River, the moist breath entered the tip of the nose, and the sound of the river rushing was heard in the ears.

At a glance, you can't see the side of the river.

I have to say that the Tongtian River is not so big. It was not real in the distance before, but now standing on the bank of the river, the feeling at close range is another feeling.

Fairy Baihua, Qin Lan, and Mo Qing came to Tongtian River for the first time. There was surprise and curiosity in their eyes, as well as a trace of excitement. Obviously, they were also affected by this big river.

"The Tongtian River really lives up to its reputation. Like the Tianhe River, it divides the lands of the Northern Wilderness and Southern Wilderness into two." Fang Ji said.

"I've heard about the Tongtian River a long time ago, and it's the first time I've come to the edge today. The river is really big, but I just can't figure it out. Where does so much river water come from? According to me As far as we know, this river has existed for a long time and has never dried up, where is its source, does it really flow down from the sky?"

The existence of Tongtian River was more or less heard of by people who lived on the Southern Dipper, so when Fang Ji, Meng Lang and others saw Tongtian River, they couldn't help but feel emotional in their hearts. Doubts over the years.

After feeling the majesty of the Tongtian River for a while, they continued on their way.

Wu Langjia took out a magic weapon, put it in the river, and quickly enlarged it, turning it into a big boat with a length of 30 meters. Several people jumped and all came to the boat.

The big ship crossed the Tongtian River and quickly disappeared in front of it.

The big boat was propelled by Wu Langjia alone. Although the river below was turbulent and flowing, which looked scary, the hull of the boat was very stable and no shaking could be felt.

Fang Ji, Meng Lang and the others stood beside the boat, looking at the river below, feeling a little excited. They had lived in the Northern Wilderness for many years and rarely entered places with water. Now that they were on the Tongtian River, it was inevitable that they would not be a little excited.

Of course, this little excitement didn't last long, and after watching it for a while, I felt nothing.

When several people saw Ding Ning sitting cross-legged on one side, practicing with his eyes closed, they couldn't help but feel emotional. No wonder Ding Ning's strength is so strong, because Ding Ning has been practicing all the time.

In the eyes of Fang Ji, Meng Lang, Baihua Fairy, Qin Lan and others, most of Ding Ning is in a state of cultivation. In this regard, they are all ashamed of themselves. Their strength is inferior to others, and there is indeed a reason why they are inferior to others.

The family and sect behind them insisted on letting them stay with Ding Ning. They naturally hoped that they could learn something and gain experience from Ding Ning. Naturally, they couldn't let the family and sect down.

Fang Ji was the first to bravely run up to Ge Hong and carefully ask for his cultivation experience.

"Senior, I..." Fang Ji's face was covered with cold sweat, and he didn't know if Ge Hong would agree to give him advice.

While Fang Ji was waiting, Ge Hong spoke and asked, "What do you want to ask?"

Hearing this, Fang Ji was overjoyed, and immediately asked for advice on the cultivation of the Golden Core Realm.

Ge Hong also had nothing to do. Besides, since Ding Ning asked these people to follow, he must also have Ding Ning's plan. It's okay for him to impart some cultivation experience. If Ding Ning knew about it, he would definitely think that he would do things.

Fang Ji asked for advice, and Meng Lang, Baihua Fairy, Qin Lan, Mo Qing and others all surrounded them and listened quietly. They are all at the Golden Core level, and there must be something special for a strong Nascent Soul level to teach them. A little help, and they all know that Ge Hong is not an ordinary Nascent Soul Realm expert, and even the family sect experts behind them are not Ge Hong's opponents. An incredible opportunity.

Ge Hong, a few geniuses in the Northern Wilderness, sat in a circle, like Baihua Fairy with better talent, and raised questions several times, which made Ge Hong a little impressed.

There was harmony on the boat, Ding Ning closed his eyes and meditated, Ge Hong preached, and Wu Langjia sailed.

The boat sailed on the Tongtian River, getting farther and farther away from the land of the Northern Wilderness, and continued to travel south.

(End of this chapter)

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