The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 612 617 What a Big Fish! 1 more

Chapter 612 617 What a Big Fish! 3 more

For several days, Fang Ji, Meng Lang, Baihua Fairy, Qin Lan, Mo Qing and others gathered around Ge Hong to ask for advice. They found that Ge Hong was much easier to get along with than they imagined, and Ge Hong was a strong Nascent Soul Realm. , One's own experience often brings insights to several people.

It has to be said that this is of great help to several people. After everyone has a little insight, they will immediately sit cross-legged, calm down, and enter the state of cultivation.

Ge Hong, once the strongest in the fairy world and the No. 1 of Tiandaozong, his own strength is naturally excellent, and his cultivation experience is very solid. It is more than enough to teach a few Jindan realms.

Moreover, after following Ding Ning, he also gained insights from Ding Ning. His strength has reached the peak level of the late Nascent Soul Realm, and he is only one step away from entering the Out-of-Aperture Realm. This kind of cultivation is enough to inspire Several people.

Ge Hong didn't hesitate to point out talented people like Fairy Baihua, Qin Lan, and Mo Qing. Even though Fang Ji, Meng Lang and others were slightly inferior, they were still much better than those geniuses in the fairy world.

Therefore, it is not difficult for Ge Hong to teach these geniuses. Some things are often explained at a glance, which is really good to teach.

Baihua Fairy, Mo Qing, and Qin Lan couldn't help itching their hands after comprehending it, and they began to challenge each other, discussing it, and confirming their own perceptions. Together, the progress of the few people will be faster.

Don't look at just a few days, but it is comparable to the practice accumulation of the girls for more than half a year.

Although Fang Ji, Meng Lang and others were not as good as the three girls, they had made considerable progress. They began to absorb the experience they had gained from Ge Hong and turned it into their own.

Several people gathered around Ge Hong for more than ten days. For these few people, these days passed quickly. They were either listening to Ge Hong's lectures on experience, or they were cultivating themselves, or entering into enlightenment.

These days, the big ship has not encountered any danger, and has been driving steadily on the water.

Ding Ning sat there all the time without moving a muscle. This level of cultivation convinced Baihua Fairy, Qin Lan, Mo Qing and others, feeling that Ding Ning spent all his time on cultivation.

In fact, Ding Ning was not practicing all the time as a few people thought. For a part of the time, Ding Ning was resting with his eyes closed.

The rest of the time is for cultivation.

In the past ten days, Ding Ning has sorted out all the methods of the Nascent Soul Realm of the Demon Dao, and some of the methods are still in his mind to avoid unfamiliarity.

Like the method of black iron chains that Ding Ning was good at in his previous life to deal with Master Youda before, he used those iron chains to kill people, absorbing and refining the power of others for his own use.

That method, plundering other people's power, belongs to the magic method, which is very domineering and cruel. Of course, the people Ding Ning killed with this method in his previous life were those who should be killed, and those who blindly wanted to kill him.

"The Demon Devouring Chain can be used as my ultimate move, but this kind of method is not suitable for use in an open and honest manner."

"It's a pity that I didn't collect many orthodox methods back then. As for the Nascent Soul Realm-level methods, there are even fewer. Otherwise, relying on the righteous methods is enough to deal with all opponents."

Ding Ning felt a little regretful. If he knew this earlier, he had to collect some top Nascent Soul-level methods for whatever he said at the beginning.

"If you use the magic method head-on, it will definitely attract the attention of most monks, unless there is no one around when you make a move, or if you don't make a move, you will kill everyone who has seen me make a move."

Ding Ning murmured in his heart that he didn't want to act like this. Although he was called a devil in his previous life, Ding Ning was not the kind of villain who did everything he could. He only killed his own people, not innocent people. innocent people.

In Ding Ning's heart, he has his own steelyard. He was indeed a monk in the previous life, but he would not do that kind of rape and robbery. killed.

Demon monks are not all bad guys, there are good guys too, similarly, righteous monks are not all good guys, some of them are sanctimonious, and what he dislikes the most are those hypocrites, seeing such people, he will not be merciful at all, There is only one word, kill!

His thoughts flashed, and he returned to the means to deal with the enemy. At this moment, what he lacks is the righteous way, and there is no powerful means that can be used.

When I met Youda Master before, this kind of out-of-body-level powerhouse, the other party didn't know that he was practicing the magic way, so he isolated the space first, even if he didn't isolate it, he Ding Ning could do it, making it impossible for others to notice.

But if he goes to the Southern Wilderness, where there is more than one out-of-body-level strongman, if he faces two out-of-body level people at the same time, it may be difficult for him to conceal the power of the magic way, but if he doesn't use the way of the magic way, if he wants to It is definitely not feasible to fight against more opponents at the same time.

The top priority is to solve this problem, especially now that he doesn't want to make a breakthrough and wants to immerse himself in the Nascent Soul Realm for a while.

If it really doesn't work, you can only fight for the purple Nascent Soul, which can be compared to the Out of Aperture Realm, but there is a time limit.

Ding Ning was thinking about the next scene where he might face a powerful enemy, thinking about how to deal with the opponent, but at this moment, a huge wave suddenly rolled over from a distance.

Wu Langjia made a move and broke the huge wave, so that the big boat was not covered, but the abruptly stopped river made quite a few ripples, making the big boat turbulent.

This turmoil interrupted all the people on the ship who were practicing.

Swish swish.

Fairy Baihua, Qin Lan, Fang Ji, Meng Lang and others opened their eyes one after another, got up and came to the bow of the boat, looking into the distance.

what happened?
Several people stared ahead, not knowing what was going on at this time.

After the huge wave collapsed, the river could be seen churning, as if something was stirring under the water.

Suddenly, Fairy Baihua and the others were stunned, their eyes were full of astonishment, and they stared wide open, looking at the big water monster in front of them.

"What is this?" Fang Ji's face was full of shock, because he had never seen such a creature.

"Spiritual beasts in the water." Baihua Fairy looked serious. After many days of driving steadily, they almost forgot that this Tongtian River is not safe, and this river is full of dangers.

wow wow wow...

Huge water splashes soared into the sky, spraying out from the many tentacles of the huge monster.

At the same time, everyone on the bow also had a more comprehensive understanding of this big water monster.

What a strange looking guy!

Seeing the monster with hundreds of tentacles, a mushroom-like head, and a pair of small eyes, Fairy Baihua, Fang Ji and others felt a sense of discomfort.

But at this moment, a figure came from the rear of the bow, and it was a surprise with a hint of surprise.

"Tsk tsk, what a big squid!"

(End of this chapter)

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