The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 623 The end of the 628 map! 2 more

Chapter 623 The end of the 628 map! 2 more

"Damn! How could this be?"

In a place full of stone statues, there was a sudden sound of anger.

"What's the matter, Sect Leader?" It was the Great Elder of the Thousand Snake Sect who spoke. When he came to the Devil's Cave this time, the Thousand Snake Sect didn't say that the whole army was dispatched. All the most powerful people in the world have come here, which shows how much they attach importance to exploring the Devil's Cave.

The head of the Thousand Snake Sect, named Snake Qianhuang, is wearing a dark green long gown, with a pair of triangular eyes with a cold gleam in them.

"The second elder is dead!"

"What!" The first elder showed a look of shock. Not long ago, the third elder sent out died. Not long after that, the second elder also died one after another.

"How is it possible, the Second Elder is stronger than the Third Elder, how could he be killed." The First Elder was a little unwilling to believe it.

"It's all Xu Ji, and even the two elders died because of catching him. When I leave this devil's den, I will definitely kill this person." Snake Qianhuang said fiercely.

"Second Elder and Third Elder's vengeance is first counted on Xu Ji, so naturally we have to report it, but now that we have come here, we must find the treasure as soon as possible. Before long, those guys may also find here." Great Elder I glanced at the rear and found that no one was chasing here. I was relieved, but I still couldn't help being anxious.

"If we had known this, we shouldn't have told the second and third elders that we had written down the contents of that map. Although we only used the second and third elders to make this more convincing To attract the attention of other forces, but it hurt the second and third elders, I am sorry for them." Snake Qianhuang blamed himself very much.

The Great Elder was calmer and said seriously: "Master, now is not the time to think about these things. Time is precious. We are the first to arrive here, so we must hurry up."

Snake Qianhuang knows the importance of the matter. Once he finds the treasure in the Devil's Cave and gets a chance, his Thousand Snake Sect will step from a middle-level sect to a high-level sect, and become one of the most powerful forces in the southern wasteland. one.

As long as you get a treasure that can enter the Aperture Realm, no matter how much you pay, it will be worth it.

"Second Elder, Third Elder, I won't let you die in vain. I will definitely find the treasure that can be promoted to the Out-of-Aperture Realm." Snake Qianhuang put away his thoughts and focused on his surroundings.

According to the markings on the map in memory, this is the deepest place, but there is nothing in front of me except for these various statues that are crumbling here and there.

Here, it is more like a cave full of sundries, and it never looks like there is any treasure hidden.

It is said that there is a chance in the deepest part of the devil's den, so where is the chance?

"Seriously search, don't miss every corner, there must be some mechanism hidden here." The Great Elder said to the disciples of the Thousand Snake Sect.

More than 20 disciples of the Thousand Snake Sect kept checking around the various stone statues, not letting go of any of them.

Time passed by little by little, and the search has not yet yielded any gratifying results, and there are no clues.

Snake Qianhuang and Great Elder are calm on the outside, but anxious inside. Now is the best time. If you miss this time, even if you find a treasure, it will not be easy to get it into your hands.

At this moment, the most unwilling scene appeared.

"Yo, Snake Master, so you are here."

A voice suddenly sounded, and figures entered this empty space.


The flying boat continued to shuttle through the body of the ancient demon god, following the map route provided by Xu Ji, and continued to go deeper.

During the period, they heard screams not far away, and approached curiously.

This closeness doesn't matter, it's almost, and it will cause trouble for the upper body.

It turned out that those screams were because someone was attacked by special creatures in the devil's den.

It was a group of terrifying creatures, the size of ants, but the number was astonishing. They could be combined into human forms to kill monks.

This is the first time that everyone has seen the crisis in the Devil's Den.

"What were those things just now?" Fang Ji patted his chest and said with lingering fear.

For him, that scene will never be forgotten in his life. The faces of Fairy Baihua, Qin Lan, and Mo Qing are even more ugly. Although they are monks, they are also women, and they have a natural aversion to bugs. Insects can turn a person into a bone in an instant, it is simply terrifying.

"A special kind of insect should be produced by the flesh and blood of the ancient demon god." Ding Ning didn't know the name of the insect, but only knew that it was born from the flesh of the ancient demon god, just like normal people would produce bacteria after death , Those bugs are like bacteria.

"So that's how it is." Everyone understood, and they couldn't help but feel lucky. Fortunately, they had a map to avoid dangerous places. Otherwise, those bugs would entangle them, and even Ge Hong and Wu Langa didn't want to face them. To that overwhelming bug.

Not long after, they came to a location marked in red. Out of curiosity, the spaceship approached quietly, but the next second, the people on board panicked. Even Ding Ning's expression changed, and he hurriedly said: "Let's go."


When the flying ship turned around and galloped, there was a sound of vibrating the air, and in an instant, a group of wasp-like creatures appeared, flying out in groups, chasing the flying ship.

The number of these wasps is simply tingling, and the moment they fly out, it feels like the entire space is occupied by them.

The people on board didn't want to fight these things at all. Immediately, Fang Ji and Fairy Baihua couldn't help but use their strength to push the flying boat away from these terrible guys.

After a long while, the buzzing sound of the flying wings disappeared, and everyone on the boat breathed a sigh of relief.

Everyone looked at Ding Ning with resentment on their faces. If it wasn't for Ding Ning just now, they would not have fled in embarrassment if they had to go over and have a look.

Ding Ning smiled: "It's okay, it's a big deal, I'll just kill them all."

After fifty breaths, following the route on the map, they came to a dangerous place again. This time, Ding Ning wanted to see what the danger was, but everyone firmly disagreed.

Surprisingly, Ding Ning did not go against everyone's wishes to take another risk and witness what the danger zone is.

They followed the map honestly, and after a short while, they reached the end of the map.

"It seems that we have arrived." Ding Ning said lightly.

In front, there is a group of people exploring around.

The appearance of the flying ship immediately attracted everyone's attention, but these people only glanced at Ding Ning and the others, and then continued to flip through one stone sculpture after another.

There are so many stone statues.

After entering the innermost part of the map, everyone was stunned, shocked by the large and small sculptures.

(End of this chapter)

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