The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 624 Hostility and attack! 629 more

Chapter 624 Hostility and attack! 629 more

There are so many stone statues in front of me that it is impossible to count them. There are all kinds of stone statues, big and small, not to mention tens of thousands, but they are almost the same.

Speaking of which, how could there be so many stone statues in the body of the ancient demon god?

Everyone on the flying boat knew from Ding Ning that the devil's cave was actually the body of an ancient demon god, so they were even more surprised by the statue in front of them. Could it be that the ancient demon god still likes to eat statues?Haven't you digested it completely before you die?


Bai Hua Fairy, Fang Ji and the others were staring at the front in a daze, suddenly felt two cold eyes directed at them, full of murderous intent and hostility.

This murderous intent was heart-pounding, and several people looked at Ding Ning at the same time, subconsciously looking for the safest backer in their hearts.

Naturally, Ding Ning also noticed the masters of these two hostile eyes. The other party was watching him, and he was also watching the other party.

Snake pattern!

Ding Ning's expression flashed, it was the Thousand Snake School again, and the Thousand Snake School really had a fight with him.

"My lord, it's them..." Fairy Baihua and the others reminded.

At this time, the reason why Snake Qianhuang and the Great Elder showed hostile gazes was firstly that the appearance of Ding Ning and his group made them inexplicably uncomfortable, as if they were born enemies; secondly, they saw someone they wanted The person looking for, although that person quickly hid, but they can be sure that that person is hiding on the flying ship.

As for the one who caused the enmity between the Thousand Snake Emperor and the Great Elder, it was naturally Xu Ji. Because of Xu Ji's relationship, the Thousand Snake Sect lost two elders one after another. A strong man of strength.

Since Xu Ji appeared on the boat, Snake Qianhuang and the Great Elder would naturally have no good intentions towards Ding Ning and the others. In their view, Xu Ji might be in the same group as Ding Ning and the others.

"How dare you take the initiative to appear in front of us? Do you really think my Thousand Snake Sect is so weak?" Snake Qianhuang only thought that Ding Ning and the others were here to humiliate them, so he immediately showed hostility.

The forces on both sides of the Thousand Snake Sect were busy looking for clues, looking around in various stone statues, but did not notice that the Thousand Snake Sect and Ding Ning's group were in the calm before the storm.

The Thousand Snake Emperor and the Great Elder walked towards the flying boat, and the disciples of the Thousand Snake Sect also stopped searching and followed behind the head.

"Xu Ji, you are so courageous. You have already escaped, but you still have the courage to come back. Is it because of these people that you have the courage?" Snake Qianhuang said coldly.

Xu Ji had already got into the cabin and was not standing on the bow. Those who didn't know thought that Qianhuang Snake was talking to the air, but Ding Ning and others knew that Qianhuang Snake had discovered Xu Ji.

"Since you have returned to this devil's lair, stand up, your map is useless, and we should settle the score between us." Snake Qianhuang continued.

Xu Ji naturally didn't have the guts to go out. With his strength, facing the Snake Qianhuang, the only ending is death.

Although Snake Qianhuang didn't show any anger, but this kind of calm is what Xu Ji fears the most.

And Xu Ji knew that the two elders of the Thousand Snake Sect were both dead, so he would definitely have to settle the blame on him, otherwise the Snake Qianhuang would not say such things as settling the score.

After Snake Qianhuang finished speaking, Xu Ji did not appear, and Snake Qianhuang did not directly strike, but looked at Ding Ning and the others: "With Xu Ji's strength, in addition to his ability to hide and escape, he will definitely kill you with his strength. Don't kill our second elder, third elder, and the death of the two elders, you did it."

"Hehe, we did it, and we won't admit it. Anyway, he has no evidence." Fang Ji whispered.

"That's right, who can admit this kind of thing, we're not stupid." Meng Lang continued.

The person who killed the Thousand Snake Sect for the first time, Ge Hong dealt with it very cleanly, and Ding Ning dealt with the person who killed the Thousand Snake Sect for the second time, also without the slightest trace, so the people on board did not feel that Qian Snake Sect Zong people will attack them, as long as they don't admit it, the other party will not move.

Neither Baihua Fairy nor Wu Langa nor Ge Hong spoke, waiting for Ding Ning to deny it.

"We did it."

Ding Ning replied very simply.

Fang Ji: "..."

Baihua Fairy: "..."

Ge Hong and Wu Langa: "..."

Everyone was stunned. Ding Ning was too honest. He admitted it directly, even if you lied, it's too straightforward.

"It really is you guys!" Ding Ning's admission made Snake Qianhuang and the Great Elder all look surprised, but it was replaced by anger in an instant.

They were just probing before, and they were not sure, but Ding Ning admitted, so there is no need to say more, when enemies meet, what else can they be except jealousy.

rub rub...

Several breaths shot up into the sky, and the murderous intent immediately enveloped the flying ship. The sudden huge movement naturally attracted the surrounding forces who were still busy looking for clues, and they all stopped their movements and focused their eyes on Ding Ning. Partner and Thousand Snake Sect.

"Does the Thousand Snake Sect have any enmity with these people?"

"A face I have never seen before, I don't know which force it is."

"I haven't seen it before, it's very familiar."

"Interesting, we have so many forces, but we have never seen these people. In this way, these people can't be from the Northern Wilderness."


"Since you are a monk from the Northern Wilderness, you don't have to worry too much about it."

"It's right, it's right, we might as well take a break and watch the show."

In the eyes of the monks of the Southern Wilderness, the strength of the Northern Wilderness cultivators is inferior, because there is no one in the entire Northern Wilderness. It can be said that if the forces of the Southern Wilderness want to occupy the Northern Wilderness, it is a breeze.

It is based on this foundation that the monks of the Southern Wilderness will have a natural sense of superiority when facing the monks of the Northern Wilderness.

Our Southern Wilderness is better than your Northern Wilderness.

We have out-of-body-level experts, but you don't, so you, the Northern Wilderness, are inferior.

"Children of the Thousand Snake Sect obey orders." Snake Qianhuang said loudly.

"The disciple is here."

"The disciple is here."

One after another voices came from the mouths of the disciples of the Thousand Snake Sect, showing the momentum of the Thousand Snake Sect.

"Second Elder and Third Elder died at the hands of these people, and now the enemy is in front of us, what should we do?" Qianhuang Snake said loudly again.

"Revenge for the elder!"


The disciples of the Thousand Snake Sect, who share the same hatred, all showed murderous intentions, and looked at Ding Ning and others with red eyes.

"Okay." Snake Qianhuang responded, and continued: "Avenge the elder, don't show mercy, kill me!"

After the words of the Snake Thousand Emperor, he and the Great Elder took the lead in killing the flying ship, followed by a group of children.

Standing at the forefront of the airship, Ding Ning's expression remained unchanged.

"Kill them all."

In the next second, a voice came from Ding Ning's mouth, Ge Hong and Wu Langa shot at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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