The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 625 630 Former Northern Wilderness Genius! 1 more

Chapter 625 630 Former Northern Wilderness Genius! 1 more

The relationship with Qian Snake Sect cannot be repaired, even if it can be repaired, Ding Ning is not willing to trouble.

Since these strongmen of the Thousand Snake Sect are here, they should be uprooted, and there will be no more troubles from the Thousand Snake Sect in the future.

As soon as the killing order came out, Ge Hong and Wu Langjia, two top Nascent Soul Realm peak powerhouses in the late stage of the Nascent Soul, made a move.

Ge Hong collided with Snake Qianhuang, and Wu Langjia fought against the Great Elder.

However, there were still quite a few disciples of the Thousand Snake Sect rushing towards the flying boat.

Fairy Baihua shouted, "Kill!"

Although Ding Ning didn't say anything, but as Ding Ning's maid, he should have realized that these children, how can they let Ding Ning take action, their strength is enough to deal with it.


Qin Lan and Mo Qing rushed forward.

Even the lady made a move, Fang Ji and Meng Liang naturally couldn't hide behind and watch, and they all took the initiative to kill those Qian Snake Sect disciples.

Ge Hong and Snake Qianhuang were the first to collide, and the strength of the two immediately produced a huge shock wave, which swayed around.

The two also took a few steps back.

Snake Qianhuang's expression was serious, even the fleeting fight just now was enough to make him feel the strength of Ge Hong.

He could feel that Ge Hong's strength was no weaker than him, and he was a formidable enemy.

However, he is not particularly afraid. No matter how powerful Ge Hong is, he is also at the peak level of Nascent Soul Realm like him. It is not easy to kill anyone.

The two looked at each other, their expressions flashed, and they shot again.

Then, there is close hand-to-hand combat.

bang bang bang...

In the surrounding air, explosions of air were constantly being produced, and wherever the two of them passed, it was full of power explosions, making everyone nearby had to retreat far away immediately to avoid disaster.

On this side, Ge Hong and Snake Qianhuang were fighting fiercely.

On the other side, Wu Langjia and the Great Elder of the Thousand Snake Sect were also engaged in a scorching fight.

At such a scene, many forces in the surrounding Southern Wilderness showed their expressions of emotion.

They are relatively familiar with the strength of the Thousand Snake Sect. They know that the head of the Thousand Snake Sect, She Qianhuang and the Great Elder, are the strongest in the sect, and both of them are at the late stage of the Nascent Soul Realm.

Such two strong men attack at the same time. Generally speaking, they can solve all opponents. After all, monks of this level are already very strong, and they are definitely the masters of the sect. The monks from the northern wilderness are so strong, and there are also two top monks in the Nascent Soul Realm.

This is definitely something that the various forces in the Southern Wilderness did not expect.

"When did such a strong man appear in the Northern Wilderness? Two top masters suddenly appeared."

"It's really surprising. As far as I know, the number of top masters in the Northern Wilderness is not too many. At the Nascent Soul level, it is less than one-fifth of ours. Now that two top masters appear, then What is the identity of this young man?"

It was because of Ding Ning's order that Ge Hong and Wu Langjia acted. No one ignored this detail, so they also paid part of their attention to Ding Ning and guessed Ding Ning's background.

"I'm also very curious. The identity of this young man is one of the few who can be guarded by two Nascent Soul Realm powerhouses in the Northern Wilderness."

"Look, those people are not weak."

Someone reminded, and immediately, everyone's eyes turned, and they fell on Baihua Fairy, Qin Lan, Fang Ji and others. They are young monks, and all the forces in the Southern Wilderness can feel it.

At this time, seeing the power displayed by Fairy Baihua and others, many people couldn't help but look at it with admiration. Is this the Northern Wilderness a younger generation of monks?This kind of strength is probably not much different from their young geniuses in the Southern Wilderness.

Especially Fairy Baihua attracted the most attention, because she could fight against several masters of the same realm at the same time, which was not something that ordinary Golden Core cultivators could do.

The reason why Baihua Fairy has such strength has a lot to do with asking Ge Hong for advice along the way. In addition, Baihua Fairy is talented and has good understanding, so her strength is naturally rising steadily.

Of all people, she has improved the most.

Although Qin Lan, Mo Qing, Fang Ji and others are not considered weak, they are still far behind Baihua Fairy.

"For a powerful young female monk like her, in our southern wasteland, I'm afraid only the saintesses in the Holy Maiden Peak can match her." Someone sighed.

The people around couldn't help showing surprise, they didn't expect the evaluation to be so high.

You must know that although Shengnvfeng is a purely female sect, it is not weak in terms of strength. It is one of the top forces in the southern wasteland. What a shock there was in the hearts of these Southern Wilderness cultivators.

Just when everyone was amazed that a female cultivator like Fairy Baihua was so strong, suddenly, a loud noise attracted everyone's attention.

All I saw was that the Great Elder of the Thousand Snake Sect was embedded into the stone wall, and a big hole appeared at the position of his dantian, and his dantian was blown away.


The people who saw this scene couldn't help but gasp. This is the abolition of the Great Elder, the dantian was destroyed, and his strength was completely lost. It was comparable to killing people.

"So strong!"

"The battle is over so quickly. This guy is only a little bit away from breaking the Nascent Soul."

People stared at the robed man standing opposite the Great Elder, that is, Wu Langa.

In order to kill the Great Elder, Wu Langa was also damaged. However, it was not his body, but his clothes and the hat that originally covered his head were torn off, so that his appearance was completely exposed to the air middle.

"Why does this person give me a sense of familiarity?"

"Huh? Do you feel the same way? I do too, but I don't remember where I saw him."

After seeing Wu Langjia's appearance, several strong Nanhuang monks present couldn't help frowning. They only felt that Wu Langjia was familiar, but they couldn't remember it.

"I must have seen this person before." Someone said affirmatively, "It should have been a long, long time ago, cultivator of the Northern Wilderness... who is he?"

At this moment, someone suddenly slapped his thigh and said in surprise: "I remembered, I know who he is."

Immediately, the eyes of the people present collectively looked over again, only to hear the old man staring at Wu Langjia's figure, and said: "He is a monk from the Northern Wilderness, Wu Langa!"

It's him!

As soon as the words Wu Langjia came out, the expressions of those familiar people suddenly flashed, and the scene of Wu Langjia appearing in front of them many years ago appeared in their minds. Not so old.

Of course, they were still very young then.

"It turned out to be him, no wonder the Great Elder of the Thousand Snake Sect is not his opponent..." Someone murmured, as if taking this result for granted, this man is already so strong.

(End of this chapter)

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