The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 626 The entire army of 631 was wiped out! 2 more

Chapter 626 The entire army of 631 was wiped out! 2 more

"Master, who is Wu Langa? Why have I never heard of such a number one person in the Northern Wilderness?"

Many young Nanhuang monks are very unfamiliar with the word Wu Langjia, so seeing the strong men in their hearts showing such serious expressions, they know that Wu Langjia is not a simple person. Learn more about Wulanga.

"He used to be the strongest genius monk in the Northern Wilderness."

"Of course, if he hadn't met that person, he might still be the youngest genius monk in the history of Southern Dipper."

"What? Is he that powerful?"

"Hehe, how could he be so weak that countless geniuses in the Southern Wilderness were overwhelmed back then."

"But according to what you said, he was so powerful back then, why is he still at the Nascent Soul level now?"

Mentioning this, the expressions of the several Nanhuang powerhouses present all changed, and in their eyes, they began to recall the scene back then, and described Wu Langa at that time.

"Things go back hundreds of years. That is, he, Wulanga, was still a young man who came from the northern wilderness. We geniuses in the southern wilderness didn't take this person seriously until he was one by one. He was challenged by others and defeated many famous geniuses. He became famous. At that time, none of the geniuses in the Southern Wilderness was his opponent..."

"And then, what happened to him?"

The old man who was narrating slowly mentioned a name. As soon as the name was mentioned, all the people present showed admiration.

Because, that is an existence at the level of leaving the body.

"Did Venerable Xu defeat him?"

The old man nodded, and said something that made everyone's eyes widen, "Verun Xu not only defeated him, but also almost destroyed his strength."

Those young Nanhuang monks only now understand why Wu Langjia is valued by so many seniors, because Wu Langjia is simply a legendary existence. His strength was almost abolished back then, and now he can cultivate to the Nascent Soul Realm. It's rare in ancient times.

"It's really scary. If his strength hadn't been abolished back then, wouldn't it be possible for him to enter the Leaving Aperture Realm now, and be at the same level as Venerable Xu."

The old men suddenly realized that there was one thing they didn't say, that is, Venerable Xu said that if Wu Langjia could restore his realm, he would definitely be his strongest enemy in the future.

Now that Wu Langjia appeared here, he might also go to the Southern Wilderness to fight with Venerable Xu again.

Just as everyone was immersed in Wu Langjia's deeds, another exclamation attracted everyone's attention.

The fight between Ge Hong and Snake Qianhuang had a result.

If it is tragic to say that the Great Elder of the Thousand Snake Sect was abolished, then the ending of the Thousand Snake Emperor is a collection of [-] tragic words.

Everyone saw that at this time, Snake Qianhuang's arms disappeared, and both arms were gone. Only the blood gushing out from his shoulders could be seen.

Furthermore, although Snake Qianhuang's legs still exist, they are no different from his arms, and they might as well disappear, at least they don't look so scary.

Because the flesh and blood on Snake Qianhuang's legs disappeared at this time, leaving only two white leg bones, which were clearly visible, just like a skeleton.

The legs are still connected to the upper body, sitting on the ground, this appearance, it is said to be a human pig, but there are two legs connected, it is no different from a human pig.

This scene made people feel chills in their hearts. Those who didn't know it thought there was such a big hatred, making a person like this.

If so, Snake Qianhuang is still alive, because his soul is still there.

Snake Qianhuang stared at Ge Hong with resentment. He, a peak powerhouse in the late stage of Nascent Soul Realm, was beaten like this by a monk of the same realm. Even Snake Qianhuang himself never thought of it.

He fought with Ge Hong physically, his fists exploded until he was completely torn off by Ge Hong. Afterwards, he used his legs to attack with both legs, but he did not expect to be able to hurt Ge Hong. Ge Hong's physical body was as strong as Magical weapon, he can at most leave scars on Ge Hong's body, but he can't seriously injure Ge Hong.

This also caused his legs to be punched twice by Ge Hong, and his flesh and blood were shaken off, leaving only bones.

The Nanhuang cultivators around him saw his appearance. She Qianhuang hated him for not being Ge Hong's opponent. If he could, he would have blew himself up and dragged Ge Hong to die just now, but he didn't expect Ge Hong , took the first step, and blasted his Nascent Soul with one punch, making him lose even the ability to fight back, and now only his soul is left.

The Great Elder became useless and could not help him. His Thousand Snake Sect disciples were all killed by Fairy Baihua, Qin Lan and others. The entire Thousand Snake Sect was almost wiped out.

"Do you need my help?" Wu Langa asked.

Ge Hong chuckled: "Do you think I need it? Even if you don't make a move, these two people will never meet the young master."

Wu Lan nodded heavily: "You are right, in terms of strength, I am not as good as you!"

Hearing Wu Langjia's words, the Nanhuang cultivators present were stunned. Wu Langjia admitted that he was not as good as Ge Hong, and how powerful Ge Hong was.

In fact, you don't need to think too much, just looking at the tragic situation of Snake Qianhuang, you should understand the general idea.

Ge Hong's strength is definitely at the peak of the Nascent Soul Realm, it should be regarded as the acme of the Nascent Soul Realm.

"Young master said, kill them all, now you can go to die." Ge Hong casually struck, and blasted on the head of Snake Qianhuang, with a bang, like a watermelon bursting, the head of Qiansnake Sect, so far Died in the devil's den.

"It seems that I spared that guy's life, negligence, negligence." Wu Langa felt that he had to go and make up for the great elder.


After waiting for the entire Thousand Snake Sect to die, Ge Hong and Wu Langa returned to the boat, stood on both sides of Ding Ning, and saluted.

"It's slower than I expected." Ding Ning said lightly.

Ge Hong and Wu Langa were stunned, and they both bowed their heads to admit their mistake. Their respectful attitude made all the surrounding Nanhuang cultivators dumbfounded.

With the strength of Ge Hong and Wu Langjia, their attitude towards Ding Ning is a little too humble. Even if they are protecting Ding Ning, they shouldn't be so humble.

However, this also has an advantage, making the Nanhuang cultivators present more curious about Ding Ning's identity.

Masters like Ge Hong and Wu Langa have such a low profile, what an amazing background Ding Ning has.

Ding Ning didn't care what the Southern Wilderness monks thought, since the Thousand Snake Sect's hostility was gone, he should get what belonged to him next.

Ding Ning got off the boat slowly, and the monks in the Southern Wilderness stared at Ding Ning without doing anything else.

In a few seconds, Ding Ning arrived in front of the pile of stone sculptures.

Ding Ning opened his mouth slightly, and a flame gun sprang out from his mouth. At this scene, the expressions of the Nanhuang cultivators flashed.

The flame gun floated in front of Ding Ning, and Ding Ning said, "Go."

The flame gun swished towards the group of stone sculptures, and swished into one of the stone sculptures.

(End of this chapter)

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