The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 627 Chapter 632 Unbalanced 3 More

Chapter 627 Chapter 632 Unbalanced 3 More

A faint red flame was burning on the flame gun, which was inserted on the stone sculpture.

This scene made everyone present not understand.

Ding Ning walked towards the position of the flame gun, and in a blink of an eye, he came to the stone statue, and reached out to hold the barrel of the flame gun. Suddenly, the barrel shook, and the sound of cracks sounded.

Everyone looked for the reputation, and saw that the stone sculpture was covered with cracks, all cracked, and when Ding Ning retracted the flame gun, the cracked position began to fall off.


Many muddy and stone-like things fell to the ground, and the sculpture showed its original appearance.

This is……

It wasn't until this time that people discovered that the stone sculptures here turned out to have a lot of connotations. There is no real sculpture here, and real people live inside.

That's right, it is indeed a person that Ding Ning's face is showing, but it is already a dead person, but his body is not corrupt, and it is still the same as before death.

The flame gun was stuck on this person. Presumably, he was the previous owner of the flame gun.

Holding the flame gun in his hand, Ding Ning could feel the attraction of the person in front of him to the flame gun, and the tip of the gun was also shaking, as if he wanted to tell Ding Ning something and give Ding Ning guidance.

Ding Ning's eyes swept away, and he looked at this person's whole body. Finally, his eyes stopped on this person's left hand, which was a jade ring.

"That's it." Ding Ning's eyes flickered, and he was sure that the attraction came from this ring.

He immediately took the ring off the man's hand.

As soon as my mind moved, I poked inside in an instant.

as predicted!

Ding Ning immediately regained his mind, put the jade ring on his hand, and the flame gun returned to his dantian to continue to cultivate.

Touching the jade ring, Ding Ning was in a good mood. It was not in vain to enter the Devil's Den, not to mention a lot of rewards, but he also got what he wanted and an unexpected harvest.

The jade ring is not ordinary. It is a storage ring with a large storage space inside. Most of the contents inside have been turned into ashes. With the death of the owner, all of them are destroyed, but there is only one thing, a golden book. The book lying quietly inside, and this book is the root of attracting flame guns.

He didn't look carefully, just glanced at it, and knew that it was a method of marksmanship attack, and it must be used in conjunction with a flame gun.

Now that the things are in hand, he can go. As for the other sculptures here, he is not interested.

Ding Ning walked out of the sculpture group, and before he got close to the flying ship, he was blocked by a group of people.

These people are the various forces in the Southern Wilderness.

They just saw Ding Ning take a ring from the corpse with their own eyes. Although they didn't know what was in it, judging by Ding Ning's expression, it must be nothing ordinary. Besides, they also saw the flame gun with their own eyes. I see, it is definitely a precious magic weapon, they let Ding Ning leave like this for no reason.

"My lord, please stay a little longer. Your Excellency is lucky enough to get the treasure. Why don't you take it out and see it with us, how about you appreciate it?"

If it weren't for Ge Hong and Wu Langjia, two masters, they wouldn't have talked nonsense with Ding Ning, they would have rushed up and snatched it directly, so there is no need to say anything.

Of course, even though these two masters were present, it didn't mean that the Southern Wilderness cultivators would let Ding Ning leave smoothly.

Ding Ning got a mysterious ring, so there is no reason for them not to covet it, so even if Ge Hong and Wu Langjia protect Ding Ning, they will not let Ding Ning leave easily. As for the strong, they There are also quite a few strong people on this side. There are not only two masters in the late stage of Nascent Soul Realm, there are seven or eight in total. With such strength, it is possible that Ding Ning and his group will be left behind.


Ge Hong and Wu Langjia flew to the left and right sides of Ding Ning, like two guardians, guarding against the monks in the Southern Wilderness.

"My son's stuff, you can't just look at it if you want, get out of the way!" Wu Langa shouted.

"Those who block, die!" Ge Hong had only one sentence, but the deterrent effect was not small, causing some people to look jealous.

Having said that, these Southern Wilderness cultivators still didn't give way. The treasure fell into Ding Ning's hands. There was no reason for them to let him leave easily. Even if they left, they still had to check whether the treasure was worth their hands.

"I have no malice in waiting, we just hope that you will wait first." One of the old men said, with a smile on his face, as if he was trying to keep a guest: "Your Excellency got treasures from that sculpture, I think there are so many treasures here." There must be other treasures in the sculpture, so it would be a pity for you to leave now. The reason why we let you stay is that we just hope that with the help of your magic weapon, more sculptures will show their original appearance. "

"That's right, that's right, we just hope to use the magic weapon, there is no malice."

Speaking of which, they were also very depressed. They arrived here a long time earlier than Ding Ning, and the treasures were right in front of them, but they couldn't see them all and ignored them. If it wasn't for Ding Ning's actions just now, they would have no idea that the treasures of emotion are hidden among these sculptures. middle.

"My son's things are not loaned out." Ge Hong said simply and clearly.

"Hey, it doesn't matter if you don't borrow it. We just want you to stay and be a witness. Don't you want to see what's in these sculptures?"

Ge Hong and Wu Langa looked at Ding Ning, seeing that Ding Ning did not appear to leave immediately, they did not speak.

Seeing that Ding Ning didn't seem to be leaving, several experts from the southern wilderness smiled, and then ordered their respective sects to break the shell of the sculpture.

For a while, many people began to shell the sculpture, and they were all careful in order not to damage the body inside the sculpture.

"Young master, we..."

Ding Ning raised his hand, but Ge Hong didn't say anything more.

As the outer surface of each sculpture was smashed to reveal the inner body, people realized that these sculptures of emotion used to be fresh lives.

"Master, I didn't find it."

"Master, the corpses in these sculptures have long been turned into bones."

After reports and news spread to the ears of all the old people, all of them were shocked. With so many sculptures, where are the treasures on them?Has it all turned into powder over time?
Why, Ding Ning can get such a jade ring!

In this regard, the strong Nanhuang monks present became even more unbalanced. When all the sculptures revealed their bodies and reported the news one by one, it was a shocking discovery that there was not a single intact treasure.

Either it loses its spirituality and becomes scrap iron, or it breaks in half and becomes waste, no one can take it seriously.

It seems that only the jade ring that Ding Ning got is the best thing.

It seems that they made the right decision not to let Ding Ning and his group leave.

For a moment, the strong monks of the Southern Wilderness once again set their sights on Ding Ning, especially the faint green ring on Ding Ning's finger.

(End of this chapter)

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