The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 628 Fox Tail! 633 more

Chapter 628 Fox Tail! 633 more

There were no useful treasures left on the rest of the sculptures. This result, Ding Ning vaguely guessed.

According to his guess, there is only one reason why there are so many sculptures in the Ancient Demon God, and that is that these people were all eaten into the mouth of the Ancient Demon God at that time, but they had not had time to digest them in the future. Death, causing the person inside it to turn into stone.

It can be said that these sculptures are the food of the ancient demon gods.

The only thing that can maintain the previous appearance in the body of the ancient demon god is a flame gun, because its quality is high enough, and it has not been corroded and turned into dust.

But this kind of treasure, it is impossible for everyone to have one. Among all the sculptures, there is only one. Therefore, it is normal for only him Ding Ning to gain something from the belly of this ancient demon god.

It's just that he thinks it's normal and has a lot to gain, but other people don't think so. Why do you gain something, but they mobilize people to come and get nothing.

"It seems that our luck is not as good as Your Excellency, which is really bad news." The elder of Qingyun Valley said.

"Your Excellency's luck is really enviable." The elder of Fenglei Pavilion also said after him.

In addition to the elders of Qingyun Valley and Fenglei Pavilion, there were also the heads or elders of the Moon God Sect, the Wucai Sect, the Cliff Sect and other forces present. Although these people did not show murderous eyes, they looked at Ding Ning. At that time, in the depths of his eyes, there was an urge to take it for himself, and he was very interested in Ding Ning's flame gun and jade ring.

At the beginning, several people were talking indifferently, and then some people revealed their purpose, wanting to see the jade ring that Ding Ning got.

"In my opinion, the ring you got just now is likely to be a space ring. I wonder if you can let us see it?"

This topic was brought up again.

"Yeah, let's see, in terms of luck, we are not as good as you, but we don't want to come here in vain, little brother, let us have a good time."

These strong men from the forces on the southern wasteland spoke one after another, expressing an attitude that they wanted to see what was inside the jade ring.

There are so many people saying that, and there is a sense of persecution by everyone. Next, it depends on whether Ding Ning knows each other or not.

"Want to see what's inside my ring?" Prophet Ding Ning said to himself, with a questioning tone, and then suddenly said: "Okay, no problem."

"My lord..." Ge Hong and Wu Langa didn't expect Ding Ning to agree. They were still waiting for Ding Ning's order, and they could act at any time. It stands to reason that Ding Ning is not the kind of person who is afraid of getting into trouble.

Just when the two were confused, Ding Ning's next words made the expressions on the faces of the two suddenly complicated. It was really Ding Ning's words that were a bit cruel!
"If you want to see what's in my ring, that's fine. As long as you show me the underwear of your Taoist partner, I'll let you see it. How about it?"


Ding Ning's words echoed around, and everyone present was stunned.

This sentence is really a bit shameless.

No, it's too shameless!

How could he make such a shameless request in front of so many people?

The people from various factions in the Southern Wilderness present were deadly quiet at first, and then several strong men all turned black and purple, all showing anger: "Your Excellency, you have gone too far, so are we joking? Do you know Are you humiliating us all?"

Ding Ning didn't change his face, and said slowly: "Since you think my request is too rude, why don't you think about your own request, maybe it's too funny to allow you to look at my things and not allow me to look at yours. .”

"Bah, you shameless person, you are obviously humiliating us. Don't say that we don't have a Taoist companion, even if we have a Taoist companion, we wouldn't do that. You are humiliating us."

"So what if I humiliate you? Why should I show you my things? Just because you returned empty-handed, I have to show you what I got? It's ridiculous." Ding Ning replied with a sneer.

"We are just a friendly request, but you are insulting, it is your fault first."

"Hehe, it's really a crime of wanting to add it. There's nothing wrong with it. You want to take things from me. Even if you do it, why do you have to find a high-sounding reason like you are here now." Ding Ning smiled.

"You are shameless and want something from our young master." Fang Ji said loudly, helping Ding Ning to speak.

"You say our son is shameless. I think you are the ones who are really shameless." Fairy Baihua also stood up and spoke for Ding Ning.

Although Ding Ning's words just now made Fairy Baihua feel shameless, but she is now Ding Ning's maid, and she can tell that these Southern Wilderness cultivators had the idea of ​​using the jade ring that Ding Ning got, otherwise they wouldn't have done it just now. Blocking the exit, now it is nothing more than completely exposing the fox's tail after no harvest.

The ugly face has been fully exposed.

There is no need to say anything nicer.

"Hmph, all the young juniors are so sharp-tongued, how about my Southern Wilderness cultivator, not you monks from the barbaric land of the Northern Wilderness, can judge."

"All the monks in the Southern Wilderness, how about we keep this group of people? They humiliated us like that just now, not to say that they should be killed, but they can't just let it go. We must let them know how powerful our Southern Wilderness monks are. .”

Following the old man's incitement, all the Southern Wilderness cultivators who were present immediately showed a look of hatred. These people could clearly hear Ding Ning's words just now, and they were naturally very angry when he was brought up again at this time.

"Kill him, insult me ​​Southern Wilderness cultivator, he should be killed."

"Hmph, these barbarians from the Northern Wilderness came here to snatch things that belong to us. We must let them see how powerful our Southern Wilderness cultivators are."

"Give them some color and see."

The various forces in the Southern Wilderness present spoke out one after another, expressing their intention to take action.

Finally, with an order, the Southern Wilderness cultivators took the lead in attacking. They were so numerous that they enveloped Ding Ning and the others in an instant, and launched a siege.

In the abdomen of the ancient demon god, a great battle unfolded. Wu Langjia and Ge Hong confronted two monks in the late stage of Nascent Soul Realm.

Fairy Baihua, Fang Ji, Meng Lang and others also fought several young disciples alone.

Ding Ning's group is small in number, and they are in a situation of few to many.

However, because everyone is very strong, they can persist for a while.


There were several powerful auras coming straight towards Ding Ning from both sides. They were four Nascent Soul Realm experts. They had already discussed in secret that the four of them would deal with Ding Ning. Let Ding Ning and his group have no leader first. If you kill Ding Ning, Wu Langjia and Ge Hong will be self-defeating and will not fight them desperately, so killing Ding Ning first is the top priority.

Sensing the four powerful energies, Ding Ning narrowed his eyes and whispered, "I want to kill me..."

(End of this chapter)

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