The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 629 634 battle into a regiment! 1 more

Chapter 629 634 fight together! 2 more

The strength of Ge Hong and Wu Langa was seen by the Nanhuang cultivators.

As for Ding Ning's strength, the four who made the move believed that no matter how powerful Ding Ning was, he couldn't be their opponent at the same time.

The reason why four people were dispatched at once was to prevent Ding Ning from having a life-saving treasure on him. To be on the safe side, only four people took action to form a deadly situation.

Four murderous intentions enveloped him, but Ding Ning did not take any action. When the attack of the four was about to approach, he made a sudden move.

At the moment Ding Ning shot, the hearts of the four couldn't help but jump, feeling a sense of crisis, but without giving them any reaction, Ding Ning's counterattack came.

dong dong dong...

Ding Ning waved his fists, and instantly extinguished the attacks of the four. At the same time, he punched each of the four with simple double fists.

All I saw was that all four of them were blown out.

Those who were making a move were distracted by this scene and were astonished, especially the masters who faced Ge Hong and Wu Langa. They were extremely surprised how could the four strong men deal with Ding Ning alone, how could they be knocked into the air? Ding Ning just A young man.

This gave Ge Hong and Wu Langa an opportunity. Taking advantage of this gap, the two changed from defense to offense, turning passive into active, and prepared to kill one first.

Ge Hong came in a surprise attack. Although the opponent reacted, he succeeded halfway. Using his body as a weapon, he slammed into one of the opponents, causing the opponent to be seriously injured instantly.


The expressions of the remaining three changed, and the person they were most afraid of was Ge Hong, otherwise it would be impossible for the four masters to deal with Ge Hong alone. Now one of them is seriously injured, and his fighting power has dropped sharply.

"Everyone, don't clone yourself. You can't take advantage of him anymore. You can concentrate on dealing with him. Even if you can't kill him, you have to let him consume a lot." Qing Yungu's head said in a low voice, and the elders of several other sects around him nodded one after another. agree with this approach.

In the next second, several people fought together again.

Here, Wu Langjia did not seriously injure the opponent, but he discovered a shortcoming of the opponent, that is, the coordination is not rigorous enough, which can become an important factor for him to defeat the opponent.

The Nascent Soul Realm masters present were all struggling to make moves.

For the Southern Wilderness cultivators, having so many of them has a great advantage against Ding Ning and his group. After all, there are quite a few of them.

But as the fight continued, the Nanhuang cultivators found that their advantage in numbers was gradually being reduced.

First of all, the fight under Yuanying, the battle between Baihua Fairy, Qin Lan, Mo Qing, Fang Ji and others and the children of various sects.

Fairy Baihua is the strongest and has the most people besieged. Even though she is a woman, she is as sharp as a blade, knocking many Southern Desolate Sect disciples into the air, and her bravery is in a mess.

The insights gained from Ge Hong have made Fairy Baihua improve a lot. Now, in the face of many enemies, she has turned her insights into strength, making her in the Golden Core Realm more solid.

Qin Lan and Mo Qing are relatively weaker, but they can still withstand it.

Fang Ji, Meng Lang, Guo Cheng and others originally wanted to help the three women, but only after fighting each other did they realize that it is not easy to do this. His strength does not allow it. It is good to be able to keep themselves. There are too many opponents, and they are under pressure. Very big.

The entire space became a battlefield, and the only person who did not join the battle was Xu Ji.

At this time, Xu Ji sneaked off the flying boat, his eyes were treacherous, and he kept looking around, for fear of being discovered.

"It's too dangerous to stay here for long." Xu Ji said to himself.

It was not his intention to be forced to stay on the boat before. At that time, with Ge Hong, Wu Langa, and Ding Ning around, he wanted to escape, but he couldn't, and he didn't have the courage.

But now it's different, Ding Ning and others are all entangled, this is the best time to escape, if you don't leave now, it will be very difficult to escape.

Xu Ji jumped off the flying boat on tiptoe, not daring to make the slightest movement, for fear of attracting the attention of others, just like that, relying on his quiet skills, he quickly slipped away, ready to follow the way he came in, and return the same way.

He doesn't want to stay in this place anymore. He also heard the discussion between Ding Ning and Ge Hong and others before. This devil's cave is the body of an ancient demon god, a powerful existence that has been dead for many years. It is estimated that it will be shattered soon. Those sculptures are the biggest opportunity, and it is useless for him to stay, even if there is a chance, it will not be his turn, which is inevitable, he still has Xu Ji.

"Leaving alive is the right thing to do. Fortunately, young master, I have memorized all the routes on the map. Even without the map, I can still avoid the threat zone and get out alive."

A smile appeared in Xu Ji's eyes, he took a last look at the figures fighting behind him, and left immediately.

When it comes to escaping, Xu Ji is a professional. He has a map in his mind. The world is so big that he can immediately let him walk without being restrained by others.

Ding Ning and his group didn't notice Xu Ji's departure. Even the monks in Nanhuang ignored this point and focused on Ding Ning and others.

The battlefield is changing all the time.

Ge Hong's opponents have changed from four peak powerhouses in the late Nascent Soul Realm to two, and the other two were killed by Ge Hong. This is a lot of pressure for the remaining two. At the same time, they had a clear understanding of Ge Hong's physical body.

This body, which is like a magic weapon, is the most terrifying thing about Ge Hong.

The two of them didn't hesitate any longer, and threw out magic weapons one after another. They wanted to use magic weapons to fight against the enemy, but Ge Hong still used his body to fight.

Wu Langa's record is slightly inferior. He only killed one opponent, and there are still two opponents against him. These two opponents are not usually difficult. They collided with him many years ago, and they are old acquaintances Yes, I have a better understanding of his methods.

The two heads of the Cliff Sect and the Moon God Sect kept retreating, their eyes flashed with horror.

There is no other reason. Ding Ning in front of them has exceeded their expectations. Ding Ning's strength is not a young monk, even an old monk may not be able to compare with Ding Ning.

Nascent Soul Realm is fine, the most incredible thing is that Ding Ning's Nascent Soul Realm can sweep the strength of the same realm.

And look at Ding Ning's understatement after killing the other two Nascent Soul Realm powerhouses, the remaining two could no longer calm down.

Because, they are very likely to be killed by Ding Ning in an instant.

Only then did the picture of the two retreat.

"Don't come here..."

The two heads of Cliff Sect and Moon God Sect are very vigilant.

Ding Ning smiled lightly: "Don't you guys want to kill me? I will take the initiative to kill you now."

Seeing that the two were still retreating, Ding Ning discussed, "Otherwise, how about I let you have a hand?"

"It really doesn't work, let you have a pair of legs and only one hand to fight with you."

However, no matter what Ding Ning said, the two heads were unmoved.

They wouldn't easily believe Ding Ning's words. Ever since Ding Ning killed the first person, he had told them so. As a result, the person who believed became the second person to be killed.

Ding Ning scratched his head, these two people are too cowardly, don't they even trust each other?
He really can only move one hand, why are you retreating, has the dignity of a master been eaten by dogs?

(End of this chapter)

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