The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 630 635 Self-destruct! 3 more

Chapter 630 635 Self-destruct! 3 more

"do not come……"

"Come here again, we'll..."

In this picture, if the two heads are replaced by two women, it will definitely make people's imaginations run wild.

"How are you? Will you die for me?" Ding Ning didn't stop, he approached slowly, almost pushing the two of them to the end of the space.

"Even if we are killed by you, it won't make you feel better. Don't forget, we are also Nascent Soul Realm cultivators. If you provoke us, we will drag you to self-destruct." The head of the Cliff Sect said harshly.

Being forced to scare people with self-explosion, it is enough to see how much the remaining two heads are afraid of Ding Ning. Who would have imagined that Ding Ning, a young monk, would force two Nascent Soul Realm powerhouses into this level.

This scene made those Nanhuang cultivators who were still fighting with Ding Ning's group stop involuntarily.

Even the heads of the two Nascent Soul Realm were scared, what kind of fight did they have, these shrimp soldiers and crab generals, when Ding Ning turned around, all of them were not enough for Ding Ning to kill with one move.

Fairy Baihua, Fang Ji and the others breathed a sigh of relief. At this moment, the few people were holding on. Even though Fairy Baihua's strength had improved a lot, she was no match for four hands. There were too many opponents, and she was exhausted. In the end, some techniques were not dared to be used lightly, and they could only kill the enemy with skills. However, in this way, the speed dropped sharply, and instead they fell into constant fighting.

"how so……"

The two Nascent Soul cultivators who fought against Ge Hong were shocked when they saw the other two who were forced to retreat by Ding Ning. It was nothing more than two strong men being killed by Ge Hong on their side. The four strong men who besieged Ding Ning No matter what, two of them were killed, and now the remaining two look terrified again.

This change in occupation caught the Nanhuang cultivators present a little by surprise.

Wu Langjia also stopped fighting with the opponent, looking at the two masters opposite Ding Ning, Wu Langjia snorted and said, "It's not good to choose anyone, but we choose our son, let alone the four Nascent Soul masters, even eight One, ten, only to be killed by our young master."

Wu Langa felt sorry for the Nanhuang cultivator who was Ding Ning's opponent. Even if they chose Ge Hong, he, Wu Langa, would not be so frightened.

Self-inflicted can't live!
Wu Langjia smiled slightly, Ding Ning's opponent had lost all courage, so the next victory was only a matter of time.

From the very beginning, Wu Langjia didn't think that they would lose and be killed by these Southern Wilderness monks.

Even if both he and Ge Hong are not in Nascent Soul Realm, and only Ding Ning is alone, they are still invincible.

Just because Ding Ning is strong enough.

An existence that can kill the Exit Aperture Realm, is it a problem to deal with these people in front of you?

"Threat me with self-explosion?" Ding Ning smiled. He is really not afraid of this threat. With his physical strength, even if the opponent self-explodes the Nascent Soul, he will still not be harmed at all.


Ding Ning continued to move forward.

"Don't force us!" The two heads of the Cliff Sect and the Moon God Sect saw that Ding Ning still stepped forward without any scruples, their eyelids twitched.

"If you take another step forward, I'll blew myself up for you." The head of the Cliff Sect threatened.

Even though they now regret choosing Ding Ning as their opponent, it is useless. There is no medicine for regret in the world. If they want to survive now, they must stop Ding Ning from attacking them.

But now, Ding Ning doesn't seem to want to let them go.

"Oh? I really want to see how you blew yourself up." Ding Ning continued to step forward.

The hearts of the two masters trembled, and the aura on their bodies rose to a high level, ready to explode at any time.

Ding Ning turned a blind eye and stepped forward again, still with a chuckle on his face.

Every time I take a step forward, I will say in my mouth: "If you want to blow yourself up, hurry up, when I get to you, you will have no chance."

Ding Ning's words were like a heavy hammer, hitting the hearts of the two of them hard, forcing them to commit suicide.

Didn't you threaten to blow yourself up?He Ding Ning just wants to see if you dare.

Seeing that Ding Ning is getting closer and closer, the result of being close to Ding Ning has already been confirmed by the death of two strong men. Once Ding Ning gets close to him and sticks him, he will undoubtedly die.

"Let's blow ourselves up together and kill him!" The head of the Cliff Sect spoke to the head of the Moon God Sect.

The head of the Moon God Sect agreed, and the two agreed to blow themselves up together.

When Ding Ning was two meters away from the two masters, the two masters had already exuded the aura of self-explosion, which made the people around immediately retreat to the distance, because once they exploded, it would cause great power. If you get close, you will be killed directly.

Even the Nascent Soul Realm is dangerous, let alone the monks below the Nascent Soul.

Fairy Baihua, Fang Ji and others retreated to a safe distance. Ge Hong and Wu Langjia did not move. They were confident that even if the other party blew himself up, they would be able to leave in an instant.

"Come on, blow yourself up and show me." Ding Ning smiled.

The eyes of the head of the Cliff Sect and the head of the Moon God Sect all flashed a stern look. The moment Ding Ning stepped forward again, two huge rays of light bloomed at the same time, and then merged into one bigger The light instantly spread to the surroundings.

The two masters really blew themselves up.

How much energy will be generated by the self-detonation of a strong man at the peak in the late stage of Nascent Soul Realm. Even if there are many monks, very few have actually seen this scene.

But soon, they witnessed it with their own eyes, because the two masters blew themselves up.

The huge self-explosion sound was like putting thunder into a box, it was amplified many times, and it was deafening even though it was light.


Seeing the spread of the light and the shaking of this space, the people around all continued to retreat, and several Nascent Soul cultivators stretched their strength to protect the sect disciples behind them.

The positions where the two masters blew themselves up were exactly the positions of those sculptures. At this moment, all the corpses that lost their shells and recovered their real bodies were completely annihilated.


Fang Ji, Baihua Fairy and others called out, worried for Ding Ning's safety. This is the self-destruction of two Nascent Soul Realm powerhouses, and the power of self-destruction is too terrifying, much more terrifying than the strongest methods of the two masters .

This is the burst of the essence of life, and it is the most powerful and self-destructive method. A monk can only use it once in his life.

"The two masters killed the enemy by self-destructing. This time, this son will surely die."

"I've never seen anyone who can survive the explosion of a monk at the peak of the Nascent Soul Realm without any damage. He will definitely turn into ashes following the explosion."

The heads and elders of several sects all said yes.

But not long after they finished speaking, they were slapped in the face by Ding Ning.

Ding Ning's figure stepped out from the diffuse dust, so who is it if it's not Ding Ning?

Not only was Ding Ning not dead, but he was also unharmed.

Nanhuang cultivators, at this moment, all of them are on the spot, are they all dead?
(End of this chapter)

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