The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 633 638 Crow Mouth! 3 more

Chapter 633 638 Crow Mouth! 3 more

The flying insects born from the ancient demon god's body are each about one inch in size, and the largest is only two inches, belonging to the insect king level.

Originally, these flying insects were distributed in various parts of the ancient demon god's body, but with the fight between Ding Ning and others and the Nanhuang cultivator, the power of the universe in this body was exhausted, which made the ancient demon god's body , began to collapse, and began to collapse from the inside of the body, causing these flying insects to also start to flee for their lives, and continued to fly randomly.

At this time, Xu Ji restrained the breath of his whole body, and the clothes on his body were disguised to be the same color as the stone wall. If he didn't check carefully, he would completely regard it as a part of the stone wall.

Based on this, Xu Ji avoided the area where many flying insects are located, but right now, there are too many flying insects in this area, so many flying insects are close to the stone wall, if he continues to move forward, it is very likely that he will be found.

Just when Xu Ji was hesitating whether to move forward, suddenly a flying insect landed beside Xu Ji, and showed interest in Xu Ji.

Found out?

Xu Ji almost got up and left immediately, but he still restrained that thought. Once he got up, he would definitely become the target of all the flying insects in this space area, especially when he saw that among the flying insects, there was an insect king level Existence, once he is targeted, even if he has extremely high concealment means, he will be easily caught up.

His strength is not too strong, as long as he is surrounded, he is in danger of falling.

Stand still.

Well, no matter whether the enemy moves or not, he will not move, he is now a part of the stone wall.

Xu Ji stopped his breathing and didn't make any movement. Apart from its two wings, this flying insect also had a bunch of sharp forelimbs. It used its front limbs to pull on Xu Ji's body, and found that there was no movement. , and are no longer interested.

"It's so dangerous..." Xu Ji didn't dare to vent his anger, but he felt relieved a lot. Fortunately, he was not discovered, otherwise, he would have become food for these flying insects.


Xu Ji heard a thin and sharp voice echoing in front of him. He turned his eyes and looked not far away. It was the voice of the two-inch insect king.

After the insect king made a sound, the flying insects in this space began to gather, and those flying insects lying on the stone wall also flew over. Xu Ji clearly saw the flying insects lying on his body, also flying over , and then opened the way for the insect king in groups.

Got to go!
Xu Ji was overjoyed, in this way, he could pass through here and enter the neck of the ancient demon god, and he would be closer to the exit.

The buzzing sound, at close range, made people's ears tingle, but Xu Ji remained motionless, waiting for the flying insects to leave, so that he could leave.

Not long after, the large army of these bugs had already flown away.

Xu Ji felt that the buzzing sound was about to disappear, so he dared to stand up and exercise his muscles and bones. It was not a small test for him to pretend for so long under the eyes of the flying insect army.

Fortunately, he escaped this disaster.

Sweeping his eyes to the distance, he was not far from the neck of the ancient demon god, and he could leave this ghostly place immediately.

Ding Ning had already obtained the opportunity in the Devil's Cave. It was impossible for him to snatch food from Ding Ning's mouth. Even the Southern Wilderness cultivators failed, let alone him. Therefore, he still chose to leave while he had the opportunity to escape.

Being alive is more important than anything else, treasures and the like, you can find them later, with his hiding and escaping skills, even some great sects' arsenals can steal some good treasures.

He didn't want to face that scary young man Ding Ning again.

In Xu Ji's heart, Ding Ning is more terrifying than any Southern Wilderness genius he has ever seen. Some Southern Wilderness geniuses are arrogant, some are arrogant, some are sinister and cunning, and some are cruel and cruel. But no matter what, he can't compare with Ding Ning. He can see that Ding Ning has all the advantages of these days, especially in the depths of Ding Ning's eyes. It is an elder monk.

"It's best not to meet that guy again in this life." Xu Ji murmured, even if he meets Ding Ning in the future, he has to take a detour and hide far away.

As long as you leave here, the world is so big, the probability of meeting Ding Ning should not be too high.

Xu Ji was packing up his mood, preparing to speed up and leave the devil's cave, but when he turned around inadvertently, his body froze suddenly.

He saw a flying insect, watching him.


Xu Ji was stunned, didn't those flying insects fly away just now?Why is there another one.

It seemed to be the flying insect that was very interested in him just now, Xu Ji recognized those two forelimbs.

Xu Ji didn't panic, because he felt that he could still deal with a flying insect.

"Then I'll kill you bug first, and then leave." Xu Ji was going to kill the flying insect first, lest the flying insect go back to report the news and attract more flying insects to deal with him.

Xu Ji raised the corner of his mouth, ready to strike.

"Little thing, I have endured you for a long time just now."

Xu Ji rolled up his sleeves, looking like he was sharpening his knife at the pig and sheep. The flying insect was not afraid when he saw Xu Ji was going to fight, and even showed a trace of humanity.

"Do you really think that I can't even kill a bug of yours?" Xu Ji felt that he was being despised by a bug, so he couldn't help speeding up his pace immediately, wanting to trample the bug to death immediately.

The moment Xu Ji rushed towards the insect, that thin and high-pitched voice suddenly came from the flying insect.

Xu Ji stopped suddenly.

With this voice, my heart trembled.

Immediately afterwards, the scene he was most unwilling to see happened. After the chirp, he saw a flying insect not far away, two, three, five, ten, more and more, almost In an instant, it felt like those flying insects had all turned back again.


Xu Ji cursed secretly, said several times of bad luck, turned around and ran away, joking, if he didn't leave, he would be swallowed by the army of flying insects.

When Xu Ji was running wildly, the army of flying insects all chased after him, only to see behind Xu Ji was a group of densely packed flying insects, the number was terrifying, and it made people get goosebumps all over.

call out……

The flying boat jumped forward, throwing Feng Cangbei and other Nanhuang cultivators far away. Fang Ji and Meng Lang couldn't help being proud, and said, "Hmph, I still want to catch up with Senior Wu's boat. In my next life."

"It's a pity that not enough flying insects appeared, otherwise, they would all be attracted here and left to those Southern Wilderness monks."

Just as Fang Ji finished speaking, Meng Lang said in a daze, "If I'm not mistaken, those things seem to be flying insects."

Following the direction meng lang pointed, everyone saw densely packed flying insects lying across the distant space.


The crow's mouth has come true!

(End of this chapter)

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