The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 634 639 Receive Xu Ji! 1 more

Chapter 634 639 Receive Xu Ji! 1 more

The dense army of flying insects almost completely occupied that space. Millions, tens of millions of wings were fluttering, and the buzzing sound could be clearly heard from a long distance away.

Fang Ji's words came true, not only did flying insects appear on the other side, but the number was the largest they had seen so far.

"Uh... I didn't mean it, I was just talking, I didn't expect..."

Fang Ji was terrified by the gazes of everyone on board, and quickly explained that after all, the number of flying insects is small, but once the number reaches a terrifying level, even experts like Ge Hong and Wu Langa are unwilling to face.

"That son... look..." Fang Ji forced a smile on his face, and then he suddenly found a target that could divert everyone's attention, and immediately pointed to the direction that the army of flying insects was chasing.

Xu Ji's figure appeared in everyone's field of vision.

At this time, they and Xu Ji both went straight to the same direction, but their positions were corresponding, and they were all on the other side.

The difference is that Xu Ji was chased by an army of flying insects, while Ding Ning and others were not in such a dangerous situation, and they were riding in a flying boat, driven by Wu Langjia, the speed of the flying boat was very fast, at least out of danger. Xu Ji doubled to tripled.

The target is the neck of the ancient demon god, leading to the entrance of the mouth. As the two sides move forward, they are also gradually moving closer.

Ding Ning and his group found Xu Ji, and Xu Ji naturally sensed the aura of Ding Ning and others, but at this moment he didn't dare to stay, and ran desperately.

But when the flying boat of Ding Ning and others left him behind, Xu Ji panicked, because at his speed, before reaching the exit, he would be overwhelmed by the army of flying insects.

These flying insects are not just chasing people to play, they also have their own means of attack, a series of tiny needles, shot out from the mouth of the flying insects, continuously shooting at Xu Ji, if Xu Ji hadn't resisted it with a magic weapon, this time At that time, his whole body had already been tied up like a hedgehog.

Running for his life while urging the magic weapon consumes a lot of energy for Xu Ji, which affects his speed, but he dare not put it away, otherwise, he will be injured, his speed will become slower and slower, and the situation will be very serious. worse.

Seeing the army of flying insects gradually approaching, Xu Ji began to seek help from Ding Ning and his group.


"please help me."

Xu Ji began to chase the flying boat, and called for help loudly, hoping that Ding Ning and others could give him a hand and help him get rid of the army of flying insects.

"My lord, I can't help this guy. He sneaked away before, but now he is in danger and wants us to help him. Why, we don't owe him anything anyway." Fang Ji didn't like Xu Ji very much, and he didn't suggest helping Xu Ji.

"My lord, do you need me to slow down?" Wu Langjia asked, which was equivalent to asking Ding Ning if he could help.

"This guy ran faster than anyone else when we were targeted by the Southern Wilderness cultivators. We can't help such a person. Let him be eaten by those bugs," Meng Lang said.

Xu Ji could hear Fang Ji and Meng Lang's words. Seeing what they said, he almost collapsed. Now the flying boat is his only life-saving straw. If he is not allowed to board the boat, he will really confess here.

Xu Ji knew that Ding Ning was the person in charge. If he wanted to be saved, he had to ask Ding Ning for help, and Ding Ning would only ask him to get on the boat.

"Young Master, help me. Although I have escaped, I have no malice towards you. As long as you help me, I, Xu Ji, will not frown even if you go up the mountain of swords and down the sea of ​​fire." Xu Ji said loudly .

Now, only Ding Ning can save him.

"You really want me to help you?" Ding Ning said lightly.

"Help me." Xu Ji was about to cry, his magic weapon was full of cracks, and he could hold on for another twenty breaths at most, after that, he would have no way to defend against flying insect attacks.

"Okay, if you agree with my soul contract, I'll let you aboard." Ding Ning said slowly.

A soul contract was struck out from Ding Ning's hand, turning into a golden light and entering Xu Ji's mind.

Soul contract?

Xu Ji was taken aback, anything involving the soul was not a trivial matter, and Ding Ning asked him to agree to the soul contract, which was equivalent to handing over his own life to Ding Ning himself, and let Ding Ning decide whether he would live or die in the future.


Xu Ji hesitated, after all, this means that there will be no freedom in his future life.

No one would easily agree to such a thing.


Suddenly, the precursors of the shattering of the magic weapon began to appear, and it was about to shatter. Xu Ji looked back at the army of flying insects, the number of which was frightening.

Gritting his teeth, Xu Ji made a decision.

At the same time, Ding Ning said calmly, "Slow down and pull him up."

Ge Hong immediately shot out a burst of energy, which turned into a big hand, grabbed Xu Ji, and put him on the flying boat.

"Thank you..." Xu Ji thanked Ge Hong, then looked at Ding Ning, saluted Ding Ning, and said respectfully, "I have met you, Young Master."

Ding Ning nodded and said something.

Facing the threat of life and death, Xu Ji had no choice but to die immediately or surrender to Ding Ning, so he could only agree.

Seeing that Xu Ji suddenly became Ding Ning's subordinate, Fang Ji, Meng Lang, Baihua Fairy, Qin Lan and others had their own ideas, because they had never heard of Ding Ning's soul contract, why didn't Ding Ning let them agree to the soul contract?
Several people were thinking.

Ding Ning agreed to help Xu Ji for his reasons. Although Xu Ji is mediocre, he is good at hiding and escaping. This is enough. Xu Ji will be needed in many cases in the future.

Xu Ji boarded the airship, and the army of flying insects naturally took the airship as a target, shooting out needles continuously, not enough for a strong man like Ge Hong, and an energy shield blocked all the needles, which was better than Xu Ji's. The magic weapon is much more powerful.

In this way, the airship kept approaching the exit of the Devil's Cave, followed by the army of flying insects. When the airship was about to enter the space around the neck of the ancient demon god, Ding Ning and others saw the figures of Feng Cangbei and other Nanhuang cultivators appearing up.

In this way, part of the army of flying insects immediately split up to attack Feng Cangbei and other monks. There is only one way out. If you want to get out alive, you must move forward. The Nascent Soul Realm expert stood at the forefront and began to meet the army of flying insects.

"Let's go." Ding Ning and the others glanced at the Nanhuang cultivator who was in a bad situation, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Not long after Ding Ning and the others disappeared, the space inside the ancient demon god's body collapsed even more violently.

At the entrance of the Devil's Cave, many people gathered. They stayed outside and did not go in.

The changes in the Devil's Cave were naturally noticed by people outside. The people present did not dare to stay at the entrance anymore, and all hid at a certain safe distance, guessing what happened inside.

Is a treasure born, or is there danger coming?
No one could be sure, all they could see were vortices in the river near the Devil's Cave, one after another circling continuously, as if there was a huge mouth below, continuously drinking the river water.

(End of this chapter)

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