The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 635 640 Collapses! 2 more

Chapter 635 640 Collapses! 2 more

bang bang...

There were bursts of terrifying sounds in the devil's cave, as if a devil was roaring.

The monks around retreated back again. At this time, the water in the Tongtian River not only vortexed, but also boiled.

All I could see was the surrounding Tongtian River water, bubbling and bubbling, as if it was boiling.

what is this?
The monks present were stunned. They had never seen such a situation before, and they had never heard of such an appearance near the Devil's Cave before. Was it because of the monks who went in?

"Why do I feel that this devil's den is not a dead thing?"

"No, even if there are some strange circumstances at this time, it is just a grotto after all."

"I have a feeling that something big will happen soon."

It didn't take long for this person to finish speaking, when suddenly, there was an exclamation from the other side.

"The Devil's Cave has stood up!"

Devil's Den has stood up?How is this possible?

All eyes were on the entrance of the Devil's Nest, but at this moment, people were shocked to find that this Devil's Nest was really different from before.

The entrance was too high, and the entrance of the entire Devil's Cave rose rapidly, and it really stood up.

A huge body rose from the water of the Tongtian River.

People's mouths are getting bigger and bigger, the body is still rising, the height has reached a hundred meters, and soon it will be a thousand meters, ten thousand meters, and finally, people can only see the thick legs, like stone pillars supporting the world .

"The devil's den has really come alive." People don't know what to say anymore.

If someone said before that the Devil's Cave is alive and a huge creature, no one would believe it, and would even beat the opponent violently, thinking it was nonsense.

But at this time, the facts happened before everyone's eyes, and there was no room for people's disbelief.

"This... what is this thing?" People panicked, such a huge monster, they are as big as ants in front of it, is this thing a god?

The people present did not know that this was the ancient demon god, and only Ding Ning knew some legends about the ancient demon god.

The ancient demon gods existed in the period when the universe opened up, and each of them grew very tall, standing upright from the ancient demon gods.

At this time, the impression that the ancient demon god gave to everyone was that it was so tall that everyone could only look up, and could not see the head of the ancient demon god at all.

Everyone was looking up at the Devil's Cave that had suddenly come alive, but one after another, in everyone's sight, the legs that seemed to support the heaven and the earth began to shatter.


As if the sky is collapsing and the ground is sinking, the water of the Tongtian River is directly rolled up to a height of [-] meters.

The legs of the ancient demon god quickly became torn apart, because the world in its body was already collapsing. The reason why it was able to stand up suddenly was only the instinctive reaction of the ancient demon god's body. As an existence in ancient times, even if he died for thousands of years, But at the moment of death, the ancient demon still stood up, it would only allow itself to die standing up, instead of living on its knees.

This is the dignity of the ancient demon god.

The indomitable existence is not in vain.

With the broken legs, the upper body fell rapidly and began to appear in people's sight. Of course, the upper body was also broken, falling continuously, and spreading upward rapidly.

The entire ancient demon god started from the legs, from the bottom up, and began to perish.


The monks backed away again, because the energy emitted by the destruction was not something that could be easily tolerated, and even the aftermath was enough to kill people.

People hid away again, and at the same time, the head of the ancient demon god began to come into people's sight, which was also the devil's den before.

The devil's cave is just the head of the ancient demon god.

Boom boom boom...

Half of the chest of the ancient demon god was shattered, and it was about to reach the neck.

Suddenly, the destruction of the ancient demon god no longer spread upwards, but shattered together, only to see a puff of dust spewing out from the devil's den, and then began to collapse.

A sound of tearing the sky resounded throughout the world, and this sound spread to every corner of the Southern Wilderness and Northern Wilderness.

For a while, many strong men were startled, and their eyes were cast here.

"The devil's den has disappeared..."

The people in the distance looked at the scene in front of them in astonishment. The huge figure disappeared. The place where the Devil's Cave was originally located, like an island, was erased from the Tongtian River. In front of them was a continuous flow of Tongtian River.

"What about the people who entered the devil's den?"

Someone suddenly reminded them like this, and everyone suddenly realized that, yes, all the monks from various forces who came from the Southern Wilderness had entered it, and many of them were at the peak of the late Nascent Soul Realm, but no one came out of it what.

Is it...

A flash of lightning flashed in everyone's mind, and they had already thought of a result.

I'm afraid that all the people who entered the Devil's Den will die in it as the Devil's Den collapses.

Thinking of this, people couldn't help feeling numb for a while, and their bodies became a little stiff.

There are so many strong men, the entire army was wiped out, and there was not one left. If this incident was reported to the Southern Wilderness, it would definitely cause a lot of shock.

Some forces have mobilized almost all the strong men, and now they disappear together with the Devil's Den, and their sects will inevitably decline.

Great incident!
Absolutely big event.

Originally, they came from the Southern Wilderness just to hunt for treasures, but unfortunately, all of them were buried inside, and no one came out alive.

Some people are rejoicing, some people are regretting.

"Is it true that no one escaped? How do I feel, I just saw a light coming out of it? Is it an illusion?" Someone underestimated in a low voice, and he found that among the people around, there seemed to be only He himself noticed the light.

In the sky a hundred miles away, there is a flying ship floating here. The people on it did not speak, but basically sat on the board of the ship. There is no other reason. It was too thrilling just now, including Ge Hong and Wu Lan. In addition, it feels like they are racing against death. If they are one step late, they will definitely die in it like those Southern Wilderness monks.

The people on the boat still have lingering fears. They really escaped from the tiger's mouth, and there is a lot of danger.

After a long while, Fang Ji, Baihua Fairy and others recovered and stood up again.

Ding Ning is the strongest among all the people, but he has been standing on the bow of the boat, staring at the Tongtian River in the distance.


Everyone on the boat came over one after another and said softly.

Seeing that Ding Ning was frowning, Fang Ji couldn't help but said, "Master, are you feeling guilty because of the death of those Southern Wilderness cultivators?"

When they were about to escape from the devil's lair, a group of southern wilderness monks headed by Feng Cangbei all begged Ding Ning for help, hoping to take them out, but Ding Ning turned a blind eye to them and turned around to leave without any thought of saving people.

Ding Ning shook his head: "I don't care about their life or death, it's just a pity that I couldn't see the whole body of this ancient demon god with my own eyes."

(End of this chapter)

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