The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 636 641 Understanding the Southern Wilderness! 3 more

Chapter 636 641 Understanding the Southern Wilderness! 3 more

The water of the Tongtian River is still surging, as if it will never end and never dry up.

The big boat shuttled on the river, causing a splash of water.

After passing through the Devil's Cave, half a month has passed, and Ding Ning and his group are still on the Tongtian River, and have not yet entered the Southern Wilderness.

The width of the Tongtian River is jaw-dropping and can be compared with the sea.

Xu Ji became a member of the ship and took the initiative to lead the way. Since he became Ding Ning's subordinate, he must have the awareness to be a subordinate. Even Ge Hong and Wu Langa didn't have leisure time, so Xu Ji naturally didn't have leisure time either. qualifications, he soon became a guide, and at the same time took the initiative to say something about Nanhuang.

The information about Nanhuang that Wu Langjia knew was hundreds of years ago, and it has changed a lot from now.

With Xu Ji, who is familiar with Nanhuang, it is also convenient for everyone to have a general grasp of Nanhuang in advance.

Even Fang Ji, Baihua Fairy and others don't know much about Nanhuang, they only hear about it from their elders.

From Xu Ji's mouth, everyone learned that among all the strengths that appeared in the Devil's Cave before, only Fenglei Pavilion is the most terrifying, because Fenglei Pavilion is a sect with the existence of the Aperture Realm. On the land, it belongs to the top forces, and has the qualifications to overlook the entire Southern Wilderness.

"So, once we arrive in the Southern Wilderness, we have to be careful of the forces of the Wind and Thunder Pavilion?" Fang Ji said.

Xu Ji nodded: "That's right, except for Fenglei Pavilion, the deaths of other sects will not cause too much trouble."

"The most powerful existences of the Thousand Snake Sect, the Cliff Sect, and the Moon God Sect are only at the peak of the late Nascent Soul Realm, and these strong people were all killed by Young Master, Senior Ge, and Senior Wu. Think about it, we should be careful about those top forces."

"Even if you have an out-of-body state, it's not like our son hasn't killed him before." Meng Lang wasn't too worried. After all, he had seen with his own eyes that Ding Ning beheaded an out-of-body state existence. Those who are in charge have the strength to leave the body, and they died in Ding Ning's hands in the end.

What Meng Lang said made Xu Ji's heart tremble. The shock in his eyes lasted for a moment, and he couldn't help looking at Ding Ning. It turned out that the young man he was following was so terrifying that he had killed the Leaving Aperture Realm. This news, It's amazing.

After stabilizing his mind, Xu Ji calmed down, "Young master is indeed the strongest young monk I have ever seen, but I think we should not underestimate those top powers who are out of the body. There are also high and low strengths for those who are strong in the aperture state."

"That's right, I want to know, what other powerful people in the Southern Wilderness can threaten the young master, this is what we should pay attention to." Fairy Baihua asked.

Xu Ji pondered for a moment, his face became three points serious, and said: "With forces at the level of leaving the aperture, in addition to Fenglei Pavilion, there are also five top forces in Wanshou Mountain, Xianrenju, Wuji Palace, Lingjue Temple, and Fangcun Mountain. The powers are also at the out-of-body level, and of course there are some forces with hidden strengths, and there may also be out-of-body monks, the exact number is unknown, but there should be no more than three."

Hearing that Xu Ji mentioned five or six forces in a row, and those who possess the power of leaving the body, the expressions of Fairy Baihua, Qin Lan, Mo Qing, Fang Ji, Meng Lang and others all changed.

They only now know that the power of the Northern Wilderness is so different from that of the Southern Wilderness, it can even be described as a disparity. There are at least six out-of-the-body monks on the surface, and they are still in the dark. Suppose there is another one There are no out-of-body-level experts who have shown their strength, that is to say, there are at least seven out-of-body level players in the southern wasteland.

On the other hand, what about the Northern Wilderness?
Except for the Youda head who died before, there seemed to be none.

It's really not an ordinary huge gap.

No wonder the monks of the Southern Wilderness didn't take the Northern Wilderness seriously. In terms of the number of strong men alone, the Southern Wilderness crushed the Northern Wilderness.

Fairy Baihua and the others clenched their fists, secretly ashamed of Beihuang's failure to live up to expectations. Although the Southern Wilderness and the Northern Wilderness are both on the Nandou star, they are divided into two by a Tongtian River, and the two lands are separated. People who have lived in two lands, whether they live in the land of the northern wilderness or the land of the southern wilderness, have a sense of belonging to the land they are in. The reason why the northern and southern wilderness are incompatible is because they do not see each other. How pleasing to the eye.

One looked down on the other, thinking it was too low-end and not capable.

A monk who feels that the other party is too arrogant and arrogant, and does not want to get along with him, which leads to the northern and southern deserts, rarely appears on the other party's land.

Moreover, appearing on the other side's land, more or less will suffer some hostile treatment.

After learning about the information on the Southern Wilderness, Fairy Baihua, Fang Ji and others worked hard to cultivate for the rise of the Northern Wilderness, and strive to enter the Out-of-Aperture Realm and shorten the gap with the Southern Wilderness.

The few people seized all the time to practice as if they had been beaten with chicken blood. Xu Ji smiled lightly, and there was a faint sense of pride in his heart. It was the sense of superiority in his bones as a Southern Wilderness cultivator.

"Are you proud?"

Ding Ning's figure suddenly entered Xu Ji's ear, Xu Ji turned his head in shock, and saw Ding Ning walking slowly.

He immediately got up, bowed his body, lowered his head and said, "Young master."

"From the moment you agree to my soul contract, you don't belong to Nanhuang."

"Your life belongs to me, and everything in Nanhuang has nothing to do with you. I hope you can recognize your own position."

"Although you can find a sense of superiority in front of them, don't forget, your current status, to me, you are no different from them, even, you are not as important as them."

"Do you know what to do next?"

"Understood." Xu Ji didn't raise his head: "The subordinates will definitely remember the teachings of the young master. From now on, the subordinates and the young master will prosper and lose together, and have nothing to do with Nanhuang. Please rest assured, I don't want to You’ll feel superior again.”

"It's good to know, well, let's continue to lead the way." Ding Ning said lightly, with a hint of laziness in his voice.

"Yes." Xu Ji then stood up and walked towards Wu Langjia.

Ding Ning looked into the distance, and remembered all the forces with the Aperture Realm level mentioned by Xu Ji just now. There are so many masters in the Aperture Realm in the Southern Wilderness. Come to think of it, he will not be lonely when he steps into the Southern Wilderness. up.

It's just that I don't know how those out-of-the-body realms compare with Youda Master's strength.

In Ding Ning's eyes, there was a fleeting flash of fighting intent.

By the way, the marksmanship of the flame gun in the jade ring has not been studied carefully yet.

"It seems that we must thoroughly master that set of marksmanship before entering the Southern Wilderness." Ding Ning whispered, inevitably more curious about the power of that set of marksmanship, "I hope I won't be disappointed. "

(End of this chapter)

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