The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 637 642 Arrived in the southern wasteland! 1 more

Chapter 637 642 Arrived in the southern wasteland! 1 more

For three days in a row, Ding Ning was practicing. Others saw Ding Ning's state and did not dare to disturb him.

Ding Ning just opened his eyes when he was still half a day away from the land of the Southern Wasteland. At the same time, a sea of ​​flames instantly dissipated in the depths of his eyes.

"I didn't expect this flame gun to have such power when paired with marksmanship. Even if I don't use magic power, the power of this marksmanship alone is enough to deal with any master." Ding Ning said in his heart, his mood is still very good, The flame gun coupled with marksmanship is full of power, beyond his expectations, and can help him fight to the next level.

The trip to the Devil's Cave was not in vain. Furthermore, he also got a storage ring.

"My lord, we will soon arrive at the Southern Wilderness." Ge Hong said, reminding Ding Ning.

Ding Ning looked into the distance. He hadn't walked out of the Tongtian River yet, and he still couldn't see the end of the river in the distance.

"En." Ding Ning gave a light 'en', and glanced at the others. Seeing that Fairy Baihua, Fang Ji and others were still practicing, he smiled lightly. He could see that what Xu Ji said to them before was true to the Beibei people. Huang's genius has had a considerable impact, and the level of hard work has greatly improved a lot.

On the second day, the sky gradually brightened, and when the sun rose from the horizon, I could finally see the edge of the Tongtian River, and a large piece of land appeared in the distance, faintly visible.


The people on the boat looked into the distance and saw the land of the southern wilderness.

"Is it finally here?" Fairy Baihua, Qin Lan, Mo Qing, Fang Ji and others had mixed feelings.

The land of the Southern Wilderness has been mentioned since childhood, but a few of them have never been to the Southern Wilderness in person. Now, they are about to set foot on the land of the Southern Wilderness. Regarding this land that is even more crouching than the Northern Wilderness, say To be honest, a few people were somewhat apprehensive.

Especially what Xu Ji said before, saying that there are as many as six or seven strong people in the Light Out of Aperture Realm of the Southern Wilderness, which put a lot of pressure on several people.

Along the way, several people held their breath, and did not waste any time, all of them were used in cultivation. Although they did not make a few people enter the Nascent Soul Realm and become masters of the Nascent Soul Realm, for several of them, there was A lot of gains.

In the Devil's Cave before, they fought against many Southern Wilderness children and accumulated a lot of experience. On the way, they all became a part of themselves, which deepened their background a little.

Among the crowd, Fairy Hundred Flowers has made the fastest progress, and her strength is also the strongest. Now her realm is faintly entering the late stage of the Golden Core Realm, and she is already at the peak of the middle stage of the Golden Core Realm.

As for Qin Lan, Mo Qing, Fang Ji and the others, they were all short, either at the early stage of Golden Core or at the middle stage of Golden Core.

However, with the speed of these people, it is not difficult to enter the late stage of Jindan Realm in a given period of time.

"My speed is far worse than that of the young master. I have to work harder." Fairy Baihua silently glanced at Ding Ning, with Ding Ning as her goal in her heart. Although she is about the same age as Ding Ning, the gap in strength is vast. difference.

Fairy Baihua knows the gap between herself and Ding Ning, so she will work harder.

Ding Ning's strength is naturally not comparable to that of young monks of the same generation. Ding Ning is now at the peak of the Nascent Soul Realm. Compared with the older monks, he is not inferior in the slightest. Can't be overemphasized.

Ding Ning's strength cannot be judged by common sense. After all, there is only one person like Ding Ning in the world today.

The flying boat docked, and everyone jumped off the boat and stepped on the land of the southern wasteland.

Everyone stared at the scene of the southern wilderness, and there was a midsummer scene everywhere.

Different from the land of the Northern Wilderness, the Northern Wilderness at this time is covered with snow, like winter, but the Southern Wilderness is another season. It belongs to the same living star, and there are two different seasons.

The Tongtian River not only divided the Southern Wilderness and the Northern Wilderness into two, but also divided the two days of land into two seasons.

One is the long midsummer and the other is the long cold winter.

The warmth is comfortable, and even the aura feels warm when you inhale hard.

"The weather in the Southern Wilderness is much better than that in the Northern Wilderness." Fang Ji said, as if he had never seen the world, and was curious about everything on the land of the Southern Wilderness.

"Wow, the trees are so tall, they are hundreds of meters long, and they are still a whole piece, tsk tsk..." Meng Lang was also amazed.

Fairy Baihua didn't show the appearance of a country bumpkin entering the city. The pride of the Northern Wilderness genius didn't allow her to do that.

carry it!

It is necessary to show the face of a monk in the Northern Wilderness, otherwise he will be looked down upon.

Fairy Baihua subconsciously looked at Xu Ji, thinking that Xu Ji would laugh at Fang Ji and Meng Lang's words, but to Fairy Baihua's surprise, Xu Ji's expression was normal, without any hint of ridicule.

This actually made Fairy Baihua change her mind towards Xu Ji a lot.

Fairy Bai Hua didn't know that the reason for this was entirely because of Ding Ning's warning to Xu Ji before, how dare Xu Ji refuse to follow.

After entering the land of the southern wilderness, Xu Ji continued to lead the way, and walked out of the huge forest towering into the clouds, which was a wilderness.

"Passing here, we can see a small number of people." Xu Ji said, this place belongs to the fringe area of ​​the Southern Wilderness, and it is sparsely populated, not to mention monks, even ordinary people can rarely see it.

When passing through the wilderness, everyone found that there were indeed no people in the area, but the scenery was still good, and the spiritual energy was strong, nearly twice as strong as that of the Northern Wilderness.

After crossing thousands of miles of wilderness, small villages began to appear. Above the villages, smoke rose from the kitchens, and those ordinary people were living and cooking.

Ding Ning and his party did not stop, but went to disturb the village. Ding Ning was not interested in the village at all.

His purpose is only one, to enter the southernmost tip of the Southern Wasteland.

Xu Ji continued to lead the way, and sometimes talked about the customs of the Southern Wilderness, so that the way forward would not be too boring.

After traveling another thousand miles, the group stopped in a small town.

Here, it can be seen that there are obviously many more people.

In addition to ordinary people, there are also many monks.

The main purpose of stopping in this small town was to find out the latest news on the Southern Wilderness, so as not to miss anything.

Ding Ning and others entered a restaurant, and Wu Langjia went to buy horses for the journey.

Ge Hong and others stayed by Ding Ning's side.

After sitting down, they ordered some food casually. Fang Ji and Meng Lang were not taboo. Although they were monks, they still enjoyed their appetites. They didn't eat anything good along the way. Now there are a lot of food in front of them, and they have a big appetite increase.

"My lord, I'm going to find out the news." Xu Ji said in a low voice, Ding Ning nodded, and Xu Ji just left.

Not long after Xu Ji left, another table came beside the table of Ding Ning and others.

Soon, their discussion attracted the attention of Ding Ning and others.

(End of this chapter)

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