The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 638 Aftermath Impact! 643 more

Chapter 638 Aftermath Impact! 643 more

"Have you heard? The Thousand Snake Sect, the Moon God Sect, the Cliff Sect and other sects that went to the Devil's Nest, after their strong men died in the Devil's Nest, the remaining forces were all wiped out overnight."

As soon as this person opened his mouth, the people around all gasped and said in surprise: "Who is so cruel? In this way, these sects have completely disappeared and no longer exist?"

The person who brought up this topic seriously said: "It's not clear who made the move. There are many enemies in these sects. It's normal to be targeted without strong men in charge. It's just that I didn't expect it. It is a sect that is qualified to become a top power, and it just disappears like this, it is really unpredictable."

"Yeah, the world is impermanent. People with mediocre strength like us don't take risks and do their duty. They don't necessarily live shorter than those strong people. I'm afraid that some people, with weak strength, still want to make big gains with their small ones." , Fighting back and forth, losing one's life, that is the real sorrow."

Several people sighed, and then got back to the topic: "Brother, I heard that your brother has also gone to the Devil's Den. What happened there, can you tell me about it with your brothers?"

Known as the old brother, he smiled and said, "It's easy to say, it's easy to say, fill me with the wine first, and then I'll tell you slowly, my brother is the one who witnessed the great changes in the Devil's Den."

"Come on. Brother, drink."

This 'brother' took a sip, which was a bit spicy, and then said seriously: "I'm not afraid to tell you, according to my brother, not long after those sect experts entered the Devil's Den, guess what happened? "

"What happened?" Everyone asked in cooperation.

"The Devil's Cave has stood up!"

The elder brother said seriously and in a low voice, and the people around the table all pricked up their ears to listen, but when they heard this sentence, they all snorted, expressing their disbelief.

"Brother, it's too meaningless to fool us with this. How can the Devil's Cave stand up? It's not a living thing, it's just a grotto. Don't lie to us."

"Yeah, brother, if you say that, it's boring."

Being questioned, 'brother' was very angry, slapped the table, and said: "I didn't lie to you, if I lied a word, I would be hit by thunder."


Seeing that the man made such a poisonous oath, the questioner was stunned, and couldn't help asking: "Brother, is it really like you said, has the Devil's Den stood up?"

"Of course, after the Devil's Cave stood up, it began to collapse from the legs up. I think the various sects that entered it were wiped out because of this."

The people around the table were all silent when they heard the words. After a long while, someone couldn't help asking: "Brother, didn't someone come out of it alive?"

The person known as the elder brother nodded affirmatively: "That kind of collapse is very terrifying. My brother said that the horror of that kind of collapse, let alone the Nascent Soul Realm, even the Out-of-Aperture Realm is impossible to get out of it." Come out alive."

The people around opened their mouths wide in surprise, "It turned out to be so terrifying, no wonder they all died in the devil's den."

Ding Ning and the others heard the conversation of this group of people clearly, Fang Ji couldn't help but chuckled in a low voice: "What do you mean none of us came out alive, so many of us came out intact? , are we ghosts? Ignorance is ridiculous."

"It's normal that they don't know. At that time, Senior Wu pushed the flying boat at an astonishingly fast speed. No one should have seen it." Meng Lang said.

The two murmured a few words in a low voice, and did not stand up to refute each other. That way, it would be more eye-catching.

Once it is known that they came out of the devil's den alive, they will definitely attract the attention of the monks in the Southern Wilderness.

The people at the next table talked about the reaction after the collapse of the Devil's Cave. Ding Ning and the others probably understood a lot after listening to it.

Not long after, Xu Ji came back.

"My lord, I've inquired about everything that happened in the Southern Wilderness recently." Xu Ji whispered, and then began to report to Ding Ning.

"Many Nanhuang monks died behind the Devil's Cave, and some sects were wiped out by mysterious people overnight."

Ding Ning and the others already knew about this news, so it was nothing new.

"Although this incident has passed, there is a force that is still investigating and wants to find out who came out of the devil's den alive."

This surprised Ding Ning, and asked, "Which faction?"

"Fenglei Pavilion." Xu Ji said solemnly: "Feng Cangbei's death in the Devil's Cave is a huge loss to Fenglei Pavilion. Fenglei Pavilion does not think that Feng Cangbei's death is due to the Devil's Cave. It is believed that Feng Cangbei was killed by someone."

"This matter is not the intention of the strong man in the Leaving Aperture Realm in Fenglei Pavilion, but the intention of the other three elders. They and Feng Cangbei are like brothers. They will not follow others and follow others' opinions. If we act, we need Be careful to avoid being recognized." Xu Ji reminded.

Before they entered the devil's den, they were noticed by many people. Many people saw them enter the devil's den. Now, they came out alive. People will definitely recognize them.

At that time, Fenglei Pavilion will inevitably not come to the door.

The previous Thousand Snake Sect kept fighting with them. Once they were recognized, the Fenglei Pavilion whose strength was several levels higher than the Thousand Snake Sect would definitely not let them go. They would definitely find them and ask for more details. He even regarded them as the murderers of Feng Cangbei and others' death.

And in fact, Ding Ning's group really couldn't escape the responsibility for the death of Feng Cangbei and others.

"My lord, we have to keep a low profile. It's better for you not to show up easily." Xu Ji suggested.

Even Ge Hong and Wu Langa believed that it is possible to keep a low profile and try not to be high profile.

Otherwise, it would be even worse if not only the strength of Fenglei Pavilion was attracted, but also other forces would also target them, especially those forces with the powerhouse of the out-of-body state.

"My goal is to reach the southernmost point. For other things, if others don't provoke me, I will naturally not provoke others." Ding Ning said.

"My lord, let's leave here first. After all, there are so many people, I'm afraid..." Xu Ji is now more worried that someone will recognize them.

Ding Ning didn't refuse, and said something to wait until Wu Langjia came back and set out on the road.

Fortunately, Wu Langjia didn't make people wait for a long time, and the carriages and horses were fixed in a short time, and the group left the restaurant and continued to move south.

Staying far away from the small town, no one noticed their existence, Xu Ji and others were relieved.

If this is really recognized, it will definitely become the focus of the Southern Wilderness.

After all, they were the only ones who came out of the devil's den alive, and everyone else died in the devil's den.

(End of this chapter)

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