The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 639 644 Martial arts competition election! 3 more

Chapter 639 644 Martial arts competition election! 3 more

With chariots and horses, although the speed is slower, it is much more low-key than driving the flying boat, and it is not easy to attract the attention of others.

Far away from the small town, Ding Ning and his party continued to travel southward, and after half a day's journey, they came to a bigger city.

This is no longer enough to describe it as a small town, and it is more appropriate to describe it as a city.

Qingzhou City.

One of the more famous big cities in the southern wasteland, many ordinary people and monks gathered in the city, and some sect forces were also distributed around Qingzhou City.

"The Qingzhou City used to be very brilliant, and there was a strong person at the Aperture Realm level, but since that strong person fell, the status of Qingzhou City has suddenly changed from the top to the bottom."

"But judging from its scale, it is enough to see how prosperous it was in its glory. Even though it has declined now, there are still many junior monks who come to look for the life trajectory of the strong man who has left the body." Xu Ji The explanation said that the history of Qingzhou City was introduced clearly in a few words.

I didn't expect them to walk into a big city casually, and they all have such a glorious history, and there have been strong people who have emerged from the Aperture Realm.

Looking at the city of Qingzhou City, it is tall and solid, like a huge monster, and one can foresee the status and strength of the strong man in the Aperture Realm at that time.

Fairy Baihua, Qin Lan, Fang Ji and the others were silent, and had to admit that compared with them, Beihuang was too different.

In the land of the Northern Wilderness, there are only a handful of places where one can trace back to the strong ones in the Out-of-Aperture Realm.

On the land of the Southern Wilderness, not to mention the dead out-of-body-level powerhouses, there are quite a few alive ones.

A group of people entered Qingzhou City, surrounded by antique buildings, giving people a feeling of being in ancient times.

The city is very lively and prosperous, which is obviously different from the previous small town.

Ordinary people were interspersed with peddling in the streets, and many of them saw some cultivators. Ordinary people and monks got along quite well, and there were no scenes of monks being unreasonable and attacking ordinary people.

Fairy Baihua, Fang Ji and the others were a little surprised when they saw this scene, because in the Northern Wilderness, monks and ordinary people were incompatible, and basically there would not be much intersection, but in the Southern Wilderness, it was the exact opposite.

After walking in the city for a while, the speed of the carriage slowed down, because a lot of people gathered in front of it, forcing them to slow down when they wanted to cross the street.

Ding Ning didn't get out of the car, Fang Ji and the others acted like servants and opened the way ahead, but after walking for a while, they couldn't move forward because there were too many people blocking the way.

Ding Ning pulled a corner of the curtain and said, "Why don't you leave?"

"My lord, the road ahead is blocked. I'll go and have a look." Fang Ji explained, and then squeezed into the crowd. After a while, he reappeared in front of Ding Ning, Ge Hong, Wu Langjia, Bai Hua All of a sudden, Qin Lan and others are waiting for him.

"My lord, the reason why so many people gather here is because someone is fighting in front of you. It is said that it is some kind of martial arts competition."

"Wu Bi?" Ding Ning's voice came from inside the carriage.

Hearing this, Xu Ji's expression flickered, and he hurriedly said: "My lord, I know, it should be the early stage of the Wubi election, and this Qingzhou city should be a selection place."

Seeing Baihua Fairy and others looking at him, Xu Ji guessed that these people might not know the meaning of the Wubi General Election, so he explained in detail: "The Wubi General Election is held every five years, and the strongest one will be determined every time. The strongest person has the opportunity to worship under the most powerful person in the world, so every five years, there will be countless monks fighting for the title of No. 1, because in that way, they will become The disciples of those who are strong in the Leaving Aperture Realm will have a great improvement in terms of status and status, and no one dares to ignore it."

"Then are there any restrictions on this martial arts general election?"

"As long as you are under thirty, you are eligible to participate in the primary election."

"Then can monks from the Northern Wilderness participate?" Fang Ji asked.

"As long as the age requirements are met, both monks from the Southern Wilderness and the Northern Wilderness have this qualification. However, in the general election of the martial arts competition, young monks from the Southern Wilderness basically participate. There are very few monks from the Northern Wilderness, even young monks from the Northern Wilderness Participating in the martial arts competition will basically be eliminated, and it is very difficult for anyone to fight to the end."

These words made Baihua Fairy and the others feel a little harsh. Is the Northern Wilderness cultivator really so unworthy of mentioning?

"Could it be that one of my Northern Wilderness monks has never entered the final decisive battle?" Meng Lang said angrily.

Xu Ji was about to say no, but before he could say anything, he suddenly saw Wu Langjia looking at him, and he suddenly remembered the only time when a monk from the Northern Wilderness broke into the final battle of the Wubi election.

"Yes, and only once, the monks of the Northern Wilderness fought to the end." Xu Ji changed his words, and when he said this, his eyes basically fell on Wu Langjia.

"I just said that it is impossible for me to be unmanned in the Northern Wilderness. I don't know who was the strong man who made it to the final battle?" Fang Ji asked curiously.It wasn't just him, Meng Lang, Fairy Baihua, Qin Lan, and Mo Qing were also curious.

"He...he is..." Xu Ji didn't say who he was, because a voice said it for him.

"That person is me."


Everyone's eyes suddenly shifted from Xu Ji to Wu Langa.

Is it Senior Wu Langjia?

I only heard Wu Langjia say: "The one who got to the decisive battle back then was me."

Fairy Baihua and the others were all stunned, they never thought that that person would be Wu Langa.

"I was defeated in that battle back then, and I couldn't overwhelm everyone's limelight as a monk in the Northern Wilderness." Although Wu Langjia's tone was flat, it could be heard that the failure of that battle back then had a great impact on him. Said, is also a regret.

"Senior Wu is so strong, who can defeat you?" Fang Ji said.

Xu Ji didn't speak, he knew who that person was?But Wu Langjia didn't speak, he didn't dare to say more.

Wu Langjia smiled lightly: "That person is now standing on the top of the southern wasteland, and he has already become a strong person in the out-of-body state."

Out-of-body strong?
Could it be that Venerable Xu?

Everyone thought of what those Nanhuang monks said at the entrance of the Devil's Cave after seeing through Wu Langjia's identity. It was mentioned in it that Wu Langjia was defeated by a person. What Venerable Xu.

"Xu Qingfeng, he was the one who defeated me back then. He originally planned to return to the Southern Wilderness after I entered the Leaving Aperture Realm, and defeat him in front of the southern wilderness monks. It's a pity..."

Speaking of this, Wu Langjia sighed, everyone can guess what he didn't say next, understand Wu Langjia's mood, if the Venerable Xu sees the current Wu Langa, Wu Langjia will be even more It's embarrassing.

For a while, Fairy Baihua, Qin Lan, Fang Ji and others all had a strong desire to fulfill Wu Langjia's wish.

"My lord, I want to ask my lord to promise me something."

"Young master, I have something to do, please agree."

Fairy Baihua, Fang Ji and others suddenly bowed to Ding Ning, wanting Ding Ning to agree with their next move.

"Do you want to participate in this general election?" Ding Ning's voice came from inside the carriage.

"I also hope that the young master will be successful."

Bai Hua and the others said in unison.

(End of this chapter)

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