The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 650 Conspiracy! 655 more

Chapter 650 Conspiracy! 655 more

The continuous slaps, one after another, made everyone around me dumbfounded.

The head of the gate was completely stunned. With his strength, he couldn't dodge, and he was powerless to fight back against Ding Ning.

The head of Guan was furious, and his strength in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul Realm completely exploded, and his momentum was like a rainbow. However, in front of Ding Ning, he was handsome for only three seconds, and Ding Ning turned off the head of Guan with a single move.


The head of the gate was blasted into the wall again, with his head drooping, and he had already passed out.

After clapping his hands to wipe off the dust on his hands, Ding Ning looked at City Lord Yun and said calmly, "Let's go, do you have any objections?"

City Lord Yun suddenly smiled and said: "Hehe, I'm serious. I didn't mean to stop you, I just wanted to keep you. If you want to leave, I will never force you to stay."

Ding Ning chuckled, it seems that the city lord Yun is also sensible, otherwise he would not mind teaching the city lord how to behave.

Turning to look at Fairy Baihua and the others, he said, "Let's go."

The crowd in front of them automatically gave way, and the servants of the city lord's mansion did not dare to stop them. Everyone watched Ding Ning and his party leave slowly.

After the group of people disappeared, many people breathed a sigh of relief.

None of the people present were weak, but Ding Ning was here, especially after he easily slammed the head off, everyone became jealous of Ding Ning.

The disciples of the Tianhe Sect ran to help the sect master Guan up, and also left the city lord's mansion. Today, the Tianhe sect was ashamed, and the sect master was beaten.

It was originally a practical banquet for twenty young monks who won the victory, but such an incident happened halfway, the light of the twenty young monks was completely covered up, only Ding Ning was the most eye-catching.

The banquet ended early, and within less than an hour of the end, what happened just now spread throughout Qingzhou City.

All the monks in Qingzhou City knew that there was such a fierce man as Ding Ning, who could beat a Nascent Soul Realm strong like General Guan.

As a young monk, why is Ding Ning so strong?
With such great strength, why didn't Ding Ning take part in the general election?

For a while, people began to speculate about Ding Ning's existence.

Moreover, Baihua Fairy, Qin Lan, Fang Ji and other people who won the quota seem to be mainly Ding Ning, which makes people even more curious about Ding Ning's identity.

Could it be that Ding Ning also came from the Northern Wilderness?

But why have I never heard of such a fierce man in the Northern Wilderness before.

If there is a Southern Wilderness cultivator who has just returned from the Northern Wilderness, people will know the weight of the word Ding Ning.

A person who has beaten the entire Northern Wilderness and has no temper, it is nothing to hang and beat the head of the Guan sect.

Because of the barrier of the Tongtian River and the disdain of the Southern Wilderness towards the Northern Wilderness, the transmission of information between the two places was very slow. When the news about Ding Ning came from the Northern Wilderness, Ding Ning's name had already been heard all over the Southern Wilderness.

A banquet made the Nanhuang monks in Qingzhou City know a more terrifying young man.

Not only did he not give Guan Guan any face, but Lianyun City Lord's face also didn't care, just like that in front of everyone, he came and left as soon as he said.

This night is destined to be a sleepless night.

That night, after Sect Leader Guan woke up, he didn't stay in the sect for too long, he went to several sects in a row, and finally reached an agreement with several Sect Leaders, and came to the City Lord's Mansion together.

City Lord Yun talked with several heads including Guan Sect for nearly an hour, before it ended, everyone left.

After Ding Ning and his party returned to their residence, Fang Ji and Meng Lang were still enjoying themselves, wishing that they were Ding Ning and slapped the head of the door.

Fairy Baihua, Qin Lan, and Mo Qing were not overly excited, but Ding Ning's domineering behavior at that time really caused a lot of ripples in the hearts of the three girls.

At this time, everyone no longer had any grudges against Ding Ning. On the contrary, they still felt that it was good luck to follow Ding Ning.

Even if you let them leave, they don't want to leave.

"My lord, if you do that, you will definitely offend Tianhezong to death, and they probably won't let it go." Fairy Baihua was more thoughtful and immediately thought of this, so she spoke out to remind Ding Ning.

Xu Ji took over the words and said: "Fairy Baihua is right. Young Master has shamed the head of the Guan so much. Based on my understanding of Tianhe Sect, they should not just let it go. Young Master, we have to be more careful."

"The soldiers will block the water and cover them with soil, so there is no need to worry too much." Ding Ning said.

Seeing Ding Ning's calm look, the few people were relieved, Fang Ji said: "Even if he Tianhezong wants to take revenge, so what, we have young master, senior Ge, senior Wu, three masters here, let's kill him!" One, come two to kill one pair."

"That is, as long as you are there, gods will block and kill gods, and Buddhas will block and kill Buddhas." Meng Lang continued.

The few people are quite confident in the powerhouses on their side. After all, they have seen Ge Hong and Wu Langjia take action with their own eyes. Although Nanhuang has many masters, they really don't have to be too cautious.

The weak live like walking on thin ice, and the strong have less fear.

When the enemy comes, just kill it.

A group of people set out on the road and left Qingzhou City. They had been lingering here for several days. Anyway, they had won the quota. It was just a waste of time to stay, and there was no reason to be nostalgic.

When the carriage drove out of Qingzhou City, several figures stared at the carriage, some of them followed, and some of them went back to report the news.

Inside the City Lord's Mansion.

In the lobby, there are many people sitting, all of whom are the heads of a sect in Qingzhou City.

Most of these people were lobbied by Sect Leader Guan, and a few came here on their own initiative. Many Sect Leaders gathered together and all came for one purpose.

"My lord, according to your instructions, the little ones have been keeping an eye on the target. Now, the target has already left Qingzhou City."

"Leaving so early? Are you afraid?" Someone asked.

"In this way, we can start early."

"City Lord, when shall we do it?"

Among the heads, City Master Yun is the main one. After all, among all the people present, City Master Yun is the most powerful.

The head of the gate is the one who is most eager to make a move, saying: "My lord, let's make a move now."

City Lord Yun shook his head: "It's not suitable to take action now. They haven't gone far. Once we take action and are discovered, we will be tongue-tied. In the future, it will inevitably attract hostility from the monks of the Northern Wilderness. Although we are not afraid of them , but it can save a little trouble, it is better to reduce a little trouble."

"Furthermore, I think there are still a few of us, and we need more helpers."


Everyone was stunned, City Master Yun slapped his hands, head Qiu appeared in everyone's sight, head Guan stood up abruptly: "City Master, what's going on? Why is he here too?"

City Master Yun appeased and said: "Master Guan, I hope you put aside your prejudices for the time being. I invited Master Qiu to come here. I know there is a gap between you, but now, it's not the time for you to argue. You should put aside your prejudices temporarily for the sake of the common goal. All prejudices are common enemies, aren't they?"

Sect Leader Guan looked at Sect Leader Qiu, then at City Master Yun, and finally said: "Okay, I'll listen to City Master, as long as I can kill that kid, I'm willing to do anything."

City Lord Yun smiled slightly: "Okay, only when everyone is united can things be accomplished. Don't worry, we have so many experts dispatched, none of them will leave alive. After the matter is completed, the five places will be divided among you."

(End of this chapter)

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