The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 651 656 Chasing down! 3 more

Chapter 651 656 Chasing down! 3 more

After leaving Qingzhou City, there is a vast grassland, wild birds fly in the sky from time to time, and there are a few chirping sounds.

Blue sky, clear water and green land, two carriages driving on an ancient road, constitute a beautiful picture.

The speed of the carriage is not fast, and it has been driving at a constant speed. Some caravans composed of ordinary people occasionally pass by, but it does not affect the two carriages.

In this way, the carriage traveled farther and farther, and without knowing it, it traveled thousands of miles.

When they were able to travel until noon, a caravan of horses and horses approached two carriages as they passed by, and warned them that there were horse thieves in front of them, so they could follow them to avoid being targeted by horse thieves.

In the past, Ge Hong was in charge of this matter, but since Xu Ji joined, this kind of dealing with people has all fallen on Xu Ji.

Xu Ji thanked him, asked Ding Ning for his opinion, and agreed to follow the caravan.

Although they are not afraid of horse thieves, it is always difficult to refuse the other party's kindness.

"Hehe, these people are kind-hearted. Don't you know that those horse thieves are fine if they don't attack us. If they dare to attack us, they will never return." Fang Ji laughed.

Just kidding, in their group, there are as many as two peak powerhouses in the late stage of the Guangyuan Infant Realm, plus a monstrous Ding Ning. When horse thieves meet them, they will only be robbed.

The three daughters of Baihua Fairy drove in front, Ge Hong and Wu Langa drove behind, Xu Ji, Fang Ji, and Meng Lang rode on horses and followed on both sides, and a group of people walked at the end of the caravan.

About two hours later, the caravan ahead suddenly stopped, and there was a noise, accompanied by the neighing of horses.

There is a situation.

Has a horse thief really appeared?
Fairy Baihua and others stopped, and Xu Ji, Fang Ji, and Meng Lang also reined in.

In the next second, the sound of weapons colliding came to the ears, and they started fighting.

The reason why the caravan stopped was indeed because the horse thief appeared and took the initiative to attack.

Of course, the caravan is not vegetarian, and some practitioners are hired to escort the goods.

The strength of these cultivators, in the eyes of ordinary people, is really powerful, but in the eyes of Fairy Baihua, Fang Ji and others, they are far behind.

The reason why the practitioners were hired was to deal with the appearance of the horse thieves, and now it came in handy, the hired practitioners fought with the horse thieves.

However, the situation seems to be that the horse thieves are stronger. The practitioners employed by the caravan began to get injured and retreated steadily, showing an unstoppable posture.

On the other hand, the horse thieves, like a pack of wild wolves, gnawed on and surrounded the caravan's cultivators.

"I followed them all the way. As a reward, let's help them kill all these horse thieves." Ding Ning's voice came from inside the carriage.

Fang Ji and the others agreed, they wanted to make a move without Ding Ning's telling.

Dare to run to block their way, whether you are a horse thief or not, you will die.

"Sir, kill them all," Fang Ji said loudly.

"Then kill them all," Meng Lang replied.

"Kill." Guo Cheng said.

In an instant, the three of them shot at the same time and killed the strong man in the horse thief.

The people in the caravan felt that it was about to end, that they were about to be captured by horse thieves, when they suddenly saw the picture of the horse thieves in front of them with different heads and heads flying, they were all stunned.

What happened?

Why all the horse thieves had their heads cut off suddenly.

After the caravan took a closer look, they realized that it was not the people from the two carriage teams that they kindly reminded that they shot.
"It's so strong." All the caravan people were shocked, and only then did they realize that there are so many experts in the group who want to help by doing good things on their own.

After a short while, all the horse thieves, without a single survivor, were all beheaded, including the horses of those horse thieves.

According to what Fang Ji and the others said, since Ding Ning said to kill them all, there would not be a living creature left.

Not even the horse under the horse thief.

Without the threat of horse thieves, the caravan doesn't have to worry and can continue on the road. In order to express gratitude, the leader of the caravan came to express his thanks in person. Fang Ji and Xu Ji told the leader of the caravan to thank their Young Master Ding if they wanted to.

The leader of the caravan bowed to Ding Ning who was in the carriage, and Ding Ning replied: "Whatever the cause is, what the result will be, no need to thank, let's go."

The leader of the caravan knew that Ding Ning was a master among cultivators, and he was an extraordinary person. After saying yes, he presided over the caravan and continued to move forward.

Fairy Baihua and others were about to follow, but they were stopped by Ding Ning.

Yep?Why don't you leave?
Fang Ji, Meng Lang, and Cheng Cheng were puzzled, but they didn't ask any further questions. Since Ding Ning refused to leave, there must be a reason for Ding Ning.

Several people looked at Ge Hong and Wu Langa, and saw a trace of strangeness on the faces of the two strong men.

Is there a situation?

The two carriages stopped at the same spot. The caravan that had walked some distance before saw that the carriages were not keeping up, so they stopped voluntarily and sent a person to inquire about the situation.

Xu Ji sent the other party away on the grounds that the other party would go first and they would deal with the corpse of the horse thief.

In fact, Xu Ji knew the reason why Ding Ning suddenly stopped the carriage.

Most likely, there was danger approaching them. Ding Ning didn't want to hurt that kind caravan, so he stopped where he was.

At this time, Fang Ji, Meng Lang and the others had their own guesses. It should be that they offended the head of the sect before, and the other party's revenge came.

Sure enough, it didn't take long before several figures came from behind at high speed.

That speed is definitely not something that ordinary monks can achieve, and the weakest ones are those in the late stage of the Golden Core Realm.

The visitor is not good.

Although Fairy Baihua and the others felt the horror of these figures, each of them was far superior to them, their faces were as usual, and they did not show any panicked expressions.

Because Ding Ning told them to stop just to wait for these people to come.

"It seems that they noticed us coming." The person standing in front said lightly.

There were eleven people who came, all dressed in black, with only one pair of eyes exposed from the whole body.

"You guys come from Qingzhou City, why bother to cover yourself up, since you are sure to attack us, why don't you show your true colors to others, don't you guys have to be so shameless?" A bland voice came from inside the carriage.

It was Ding Ning who spoke.

The men in black glanced at each other, and the man in black standing in front glanced at the others and said, "Since we've been seen through, then we won't pretend, anyway, you are destined to die here today."

As he spoke, he took the lead in removing the black scarf on his face, revealing his true face. He was the Lord Yun of Qingzhou City.

Several other people also showed their true faces, head Guan, head Qiu, and other sect masters who joined forces.

"It really is you." Fang Ji, Meng Lang and others shouted.

"Hmph, do you think you can continue to participate in the martial arts competition if you win the quota? Today you all have to stay here for me, and none of you can leave alive." The head of the gate sneered sinisterly, expressing his killing intent towards Ding Ning and others , is his heaviest and thickest.

(End of this chapter)

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