The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 652 657 Rout! 1 more

Chapter 652 657 Rout! 1 more


Starting with the word "kill", eleven masters from Qingzhou City shot at the same time.

In order to deal with Ding Ning and his party, they can be said to have made complete preparations, otherwise they would not have used so many multi-infant realm masters all at once.

Just to prevent accidents, make sure to keep Ding Ning and his party completely.

Ding Ning was young, and his strength was strong enough to beat Guan sect. This made City Lord Yun have to pay attention to it. Therefore, he gathered all the sect masters of half of the sects in Qingzhou City together.

The attack of 11 people blasted towards the carriage where Ding Ning was. As for the three daughters of Baihua Fairy and the three daughters, City Lord Yun and the others didn't care. of.


A large number of attacks struck instantly. Inside the carriage, Ding Ning remained motionless, while Ge Hong and Wu Langa who were sitting outside the carriage attacked.

The two disappeared from the carriage. The next moment, the sound of explosions was heard. Eleven people, including Lord Yun, all backed up, showing surprise expressions, and staring at Ge Hong and Wu Langa who had defeated them.

"Sure enough, they are masters." City Lord Yun stared at the two of them and said, before coming, he had guessed the strength of Ge Hong and Wu Langjia, and it was very likely that they were in Nascent Soul Realm. Looking at it now, his guess was very accurate.

"City Master Yun's guess is indeed correct, these two old guys are really in the Nascent Soul Realm." Guan Zhang said.

"Fortunately, we have also made sufficient preparations. Even if there are two more Nascent Soul Realm opponents, their ending will not change." Another leader said.

"Everyone should be careful, I feel that these two people are very dangerous." Head Qiu reminded.

"Master Qiu, aren't you afraid?" Master Guan said calmly.

"I'm afraid... I won't come here. I just don't want to be killed carelessly. If Sect Leader Guan wants to do this, I will never stop him." Sect Leader Qiu said.

The two were a little tit-for-tat again, and they began to be discordant.

"Both sect masters, now is not the time to quarrel. First, we will accomplish our goal. After that, no matter how much you two quarrel, I won't care about it." City Master Yun stopped the two from continuing to target, and only then made them quiet. down.

"Everyone be careful."

Suddenly, City Lord Yun shouted to remind everyone that Ge Hong and Wu Langa had already attacked on their own initiative.

Head Guan, Head Qiu and others sent out half of them to besiege one of Ge Hong and Wu Langa. They didn't believe that with so many people attacking together, they still couldn't take care of the two Nascent Soul Realms.

But soon, they don't think so.

Wu Langjia has a pair of iron fists, wide open and close, with the posture of destroying everything. When he was young, he lost his foundation and was forced to re-cultivate. Now, he has re-cultivated to the Nascent Soul Realm, and stands at the top of this realm. , Only one step, almost, he can stand at the same height as the former person.

Wu Langjia attacked ferociously, and the several Nascent Soul Realm besieging him received a lot of punches, even though they were many, they still didn't take advantage of Wu Langjia.

"Everyone, attack from left to right." Sect Leader Guan shouted without hesitation, hoping that the other Sect Leaders would cooperate.

In an instant, the six people attacked from both sides, and Wu Langjia was attacked from both sides. However, the advantage did not fall to the side of the head of the gate. On the contrary, Wu Langjia knocked one of them into the air and was seriously injured.

The remaining five showed serious expressions. They had the superiority in numbers and were injured by Wu Langa, which made them realize how powerful this person was.

"Everyone, don't keep your hands. Don't look around. They still have a Nascent Soul Realm who hasn't made a move yet." Head Guan reminded, if they can't even deal with Ge Hong and Wu Langa, how can they talk about killing Ding Ning.

One must know that Ding Ning's strength cannot be underestimated.


The five of them must be serious, one by one stopped hiding their secrets, and started to use all their strength to attack.

As the momentum changed, so did the attack. The six of them fought together, and they could see shadows of fists appearing among the crowd all the time.

The head of Guan's side put out all his strength, and the fight became fierce. The head of Yun City and the head of Qiu also fought very dangerously.

Ge Hong's strength is even more terrifying than Wu Langa's, especially his physical body. Except for Ding Ning, Ge Hong is confident that he has no opponent in the same realm as his physical body.

Relying on the strength of his physical body, Ge Hong entered the flock like a wolf. Under the siege of City Master Yun and Head Qiu, he was still raging like a wolf, and knocked all five Nascent Soul Realm masters into the air.

Puff puff……

City Lord Yun, Head Qiu and others all showed horrified expressions. Why is Ge Hong so strong? You must know that among them, there are also strong people standing at the peak of the late Nascent Soul Realm, but they still failed to block Ge Hong's attack.

The siege of the five was like a piece of paper, which was easily pierced by Ge Hong.

This person is a bit strong.

After a short rest, the five rushed up again. The result in exchange was that all five of them were knocked into the air again, and one by one spurted blood again.

Ge Hong landed on the ground, his feet were silent, he walked slowly, in the hearts of the five people, Ge Hong was like a devil, in other words, why would such a strong person listen to Ding Ning's orders.

City Lord Yun and Head Qiu looked at each other. With their strength, even if the five of them joined forces, they would not be able to defeat Ge Hong alone. Looking at the head of Guan, there was no way to take Wu Langa either.

If Ding Ning also joined in, wouldn't they be in danger of not being able to go back?

City Lord Yun and Head Qiu had the intention to retreat, knowing that they could not do it, that would be their own destruction.

There is really no need to put your life in it for the sake of getting a place in the primary election of the martial arts competition.

Considering that Ding Ning hadn't made a move yet, City Master Yun and Sect Master Qiu retreated back together in a tacit understanding, and then ran wildly, showing all their strength.

They were afraid that if they didn't leave, they would really have no chance to leave.

Originally, all five of them joined forces and were easily knocked away by Ge Hong, not to mention that there are two less people now, and the remaining three saw this scene, all cursed from the bottom of their hearts, and wanted to retreat, but they didn't know it.

The three of them also wanted to retreat, but Ge Hong would not give in. Immediately, he attacked with extreme speed, knocking the three of them to the ground one after another.


Ge Hong looked at City Master Yun and Sect Master Qiu who were about to disappear, his expression flickered, and he immediately chased after them.

In front of Wu Langjia, Guan Sect Master and others were unable to reap any benefits. When they saw City Master Yun and Sect Master retreating and the other three fell to the ground, their minds were shaken.

"Kill, as long as we work together, we will definitely kill him." Sect Leader Guan didn't want to leave just like that, he wanted the other four Sect Leaders to continue to join forces to kill Wu Langjia, and finally Ding Ning and the others beheaded.

But the other four were not stupid, even City Lord Yun had retreated, so why would they fight any more, anyway, they had no grievances with Ding Ning, at worst, they didn't want the first place in the martial arts contest.

Swish swish.

The four of them took advantage of the force of being sent flying by Wu Langa, turned around and left, and in the blink of an eye, there was only the head of the gate left on the battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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